Editorial Last issue I gave away the entries in the Dragon mini- competition, except for one, Dragon Resource Stories, which I couldn't get working. It took a while but I finally got it going by using HTML TADS. Every other version that I tried gave an error message. So I've enclosed the game with this issue but not HTML TADS which is rather large. Like PicSaver, a screensaver program which was reviewed as part of an enquiry this issue, it is available to download from several sites on the net including the SynTax2000 website (www.syntax2000.co.uk) which should have a working downloads section by the time you get this issue. I've also done a quick review of DRS in this issue - it's not a long game but it's worth a look. Thanks, once again, to everyone who took time to send in contributions for this issue. There's still a great shortage of reviews, so from this issue I've decided to fill any gaps in the Reviews section with PR pieces and blurb for particular games which haven't already been reviewed and which I will obtain from the net. Where possible, these will link with a hint file or solution in the magazine. I thought it was better to do this than to have gaps and it will enhance the magazine by telling you about games which wouldn't otherwise get a mention. These files certainly won't replace proper reviews which will be used whenever possible. The two months between each pair of issues go quicker each time. The fact that I'm busy with other work certainly helps speed it along. As well as ComputerActive, I'm now also writing regularly for PC Home and am in the middle of writing four tutorials for Windows Made Easy. Another magazine, PC Advisor, is talking about me doing a piece for them next year (March 2002) so it's all go! You probably find the same but when you're busy with work and other commitments, it isn't always easy to justify spending time on ourselves. I've been as guilty as anyone and my game playing has been sadly neglected recently. It's a bit late in the year, but I've started a resolution to take an hour a day to play a game. I'd love to spend more time and maybe some days I will, such as at weekends. But Monday to Friday, if I can find an hour, I'll be content. Fortunately, an hour is the time the people at impressions reckon it takes to finish an episode of Zeus, so this has been an ideal game for me to play. Sometimes an hour is an overestimate, for the early games in a section, and later on, it may take a bit longer, but it averages out very nicely. I hope Poseidon, the follow-up does the same. I've picked up a few new games recently including a graphic adventure called Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria. I hadn't seen it reviewed anywhere but it was under œ20 at a computer fair and the storyline and graphics looked good. I'll try to do a review for next issue. Last but not least, I am planning to go to the LAST Adventure Convention which is being held in October in Coventry. It would be great to finally meet any others of you who are going, so check out the details in this issue and maybe I'll see you there? Until next issue or the convention, happy gaming. Sue - o -