The Quest Walk-thru for Kingdom O' Magic - part 2 @~Continued from Issue 73 2) The Magnificent 7-11 Quest The objective is to recruit a bunch o' hard lads & defend Flake Town against an invasion. The characters to recruit are: 1) Super Gingerbread Hero 2) Balrog 3) Elvis Golem 4) Small Caged Beastie 5) Conrad The Barbarian 6) Goliath 7) Tree Bloke We start this portentous & prophetic quest in Flake Town; Shah- Ron in Flake Town Square 1, Thidney in Flake Town Square 2 Move to the Toilet in the Flake Town Tavern. In the toilet is Conrad the Barbarian. He has just been caught short & has no toilet paper. Talk to Conrad and tell him you will get some toilet paper for him. Go and speak to Granny. Persuade Granny to leave, then steal the child-in-a-cage. Go to the Ally behind the Disco and pick up the Sack. Go to the Inn in Flake Town and place the sack over the parrot and take it. Move to the Ferry in Flake Town and give the parrot to the ferryman, he turns into a Pirate. He will now take you across to Baker's Isle. On the Baker Side of the Jetty there is a Water Elemental. Talk to the Water Elemental and get him to turn the Water Wheel - This powers the Baker's Ovens. Enter the Baker's House. You are then attacked by the Gingerbread Men. Release the Child-in-a-Cage, he will consume all the Gingerbread Men and then leap into a chest. Go into the Baker's Central room, this is where the Mad Baker is. How you get the Donut depends on which character you are: Shah-Ron: If you are Shah-Ron the Baker will engage you in friendly but inane conversation and then give you the Donuts for free. Thidney: If you are Thidney then the Baker will run screaming and hide under the stairs. The donuts will be conveniently left behind on a crate or in a cupboard. Take the Rope from the wall. In the cupboard there are plans for a Super Gingerbread Man. (This is a clue, meant to inspire you to thinking - 'Hmmm, some plans for how to create a SUPER Gingerbread Man, I bet he would be really hard. I wouldn't mind him on my side... Hey, why don't I try and make one!!) Talk to the ferryman and return to Flake Town. Go to the 70's Policeman on the Structurally Insecure Pier. Talk to the Policeman and give him the donuts. He will greedily consume them, whilst gaining incredible amounts of weight. The Pier will break underneath his excessive weight and he will fall to a grisly rip-tide death. When he does drop to his death his sunglasses will fall onto the Pier. Pick up the Sunglasses. You now have the Trendai Glasses (mirrored). Move to the 70's Costume Hire Shop. You must the choose the correct costume for the character you have assumed. Now you are correctly attired move to the 70's Disco. The correct costume allows you past the Bouncer and into the Disco. In the Disco is a dancing competition. You must win this competition to gain the Golden Platform Shoes. To win the Competition you will need help. The ideal help here is the Talisman O' Dancing, currently in the possession of the Disco King. To gain the Talisman O' Dancing you must pummel the Disco King's head in. This violent act must take place outside, beyond the watchful gaze of the Bouncer. Each character has its own subtle, nay wily, process of relieving the Disco King of his prized possession: Shah-Ron: Shah-Ron talks to the Disco King, suggesting that they nip outside for a quickie. The Disco King follows her out, where she beats him to death and takes the talisman. Thidney: This is where Thidney's grotesque appearance is a definite plus. Thidney slides his slimy way over to the Disco King. Before Thidney can even sit down and engage the Disco King in a friendly conversation about how he would like to the borrow the Talisman for a princely wad O' cash the Disco King runs screaming and gibbering out of the Disco, dropping the Talisman in his hurry to escape the putrid figure that approaches him. Now you have the magical Talisman O' Dancing. On the dance floor, use the Talisman and all goes blank. You let go and sink into a spiralling hole in your mind. You eventually gain consciousness, you have won the dancing competition and have the Golden Platform shoes. Tales of your dancing prowess becomes stuff of bards' tales and legends. The Golden Platform Shoes are for recruiting Goliath. Now move from Flake Town to the Gorgon's Valley. At the start of the Valley is a statue of a Guy looking through a pair of binoculars at the Gorgon's Cave. If you are Thidney, then next to him is the Big Book O' Spells; take this. At the entrance to the Cave there are various statues of previous heroes attempting to enter the Gorgon's Cave. If you are playing Shah-Ron, on the ground next to one is the Dirty Great Axe, take this. There is the sword o' normalness here. Take it! Enter the Gorgon's Cave. You will automatically wear the Trendai Glasses. The Gorgon will stare at you with intent of turning you into stone. Your trusty Trendai Glasses will reflect the Gorgon's stare straight back at her and she will turn to stone. You now have full access to the Gorgon's Cave. In the cave is a Cooker. Look at the cooker to find a High Steward Action Figure! You take the Action Figure. Also in the cave is a bed with a statue of a man lying down with a cigarette in his hand. Next to him, on the floor is a paper bag. Pick up the paper bag. Wander now to Backwoods, where you will find a mobile phone hanging from a tree. Take this. Nearby you will find a pair of spats (which you should look at to obtain a security card) and a list of instructions (which you can take). Now to Recruit Balrog! Move through Backwoods and then De Lorean and then to the back entrance of Moronica. Find the cave with the big chasm. Tie the rope to the rock. When Balrog arrives, use the rope'n'rock, thus tying the rope to Balrog's tooth. The boulder will then plummet to the bottom of the Chasm and take Balrog's bad tooth out with it. He is now a grateful fellow and available for recruitment. Move to Minar Tragedy, enter the Inn and play the Maze of Frustration game - play to win. When you have won the Maze game you get a little yellow fellow as a prize. Go to the House of the Rising Bun in Minar Tragedy. Place the sword o' normalness in the Vat O' Dough. Wait a little and then take the weapon shaped French stick. Go in to the Throne room, surrendering all obvious weapons, then use the bread-sheathed weapon to kill the tiny High Steward. (The reason for killing the Steward is that it will clear the reception of the Palantire). Clean up the remains of the steward with the paper bag from the Gorgon's cave. Place the Kingdom O' Magic Action Figure of the Steward on to the Throne, then leave. You now have to find Terrence. He starts off in the Kalibre Pass - but he can wander everywhere - so he could be anywhere now! Once you find Terrence give him the Yellow Fellow. He will then give you the Magic Microphone (which you need for recruiting Elfis). From Minar Tragedy move back to De Lorean. From De Lorean move to the east side of Kalibre Pass. Go through Kalibre Pass - HA! lost some Health. Move to the Trolls' Cave and during the day watch out for Trolls (Use the spell O' Incontinence or spell O' Left The Gas On to turn the evil Trolls aside). Get the Wedding List / Invitation. Go to the abandoned car and take the crank handle. Go on to the Ferry and use the Crank Handle to move the Ferry across the River. Move to the Entrance of the Barrow Downs. Speak to Timmy the Dog. He will not let you through. Head on back to the ferry. The next day, you will see a poster by the ferry telling of a robbery at the Barrow Downs. Return to there and take the drugged beef from Timmy's bowl. Move to the Entrance of Edam. Throw the Drugged Beef over the outer wall of Edam. This puts the guards to sleep and allows you to enter the Town of Edam. Move to the Inn in Edam. Take a room out for the night, remembering to sign and take the register. The overnight stay will replenish your health. Once in the Inn, locate the Airing Cupboard. In the Airing Cupboard is a Big Orange Cat - It is 'ard as nails. Defeat the Cat (all 9 lives) and take the White Sheet and the Duvet. Go to the Bedroom and look at the bed to find the Hand Mirror. Move down to the Wine cellar and take the Large Cork. Exit Edam and wear the White Sheet. This disguises you as a Barrow Wight. Move to the Bearing Downs. Enter the burial chamber. The Barrow Wight who owns the burial chamber will give you the wedding gift. Once you have this item move to the Entrance of Rivendull. At the Entrance of Rivendull present the Invitation and Wedding Gift to the Guard - this allows you in. Go and see Don Elrondo. He thanks you for the Wedding Gift for his Daughter and, after a little conversation, gives you the Hamster. Leave Rivendull. Go back through Kalibre Pass - HA! lost more health. On this return trip remember to pick up the Ice. Return to De Lorean. Go to the Throne room hut. In De Lorean blackmail the Queen with the register and the mirror. She will give you a weapon / spell / bottle of lavatory cleaner. If you happen to have messed up the conversation previously with the Queen the bleach will have relocated (that's magic for you) to the shop in Minar Tragedy. This is true for all the items that can be lost due stupid conversational option choosing. Mind you this is only true for items of questing importance. If the item is not essential to the completion of the quest, then tough luck buckaroo you can never get it. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Now talk to the King O' De Lorean and discover his hot beverage problem. Give him the Ice. The King will be most pleased and present you with the Big Wrench. Before leaving De Lorean, find the gnomes and stomp on them to get the Tubberware. Move to the Backwoods and then to the Big Dark Tower O' Backwoods. Use the Hamster to clear the Junk Mail from the Door. Go upstairs and retrieve the Palantire. Place the Palantire in the Empty Box left over from the donuts. Outside, check the number on the For-Sale Sign. Phone this number for some clues regarding the plumbing of Rhitegard. Leave the Tower. Move to Rhitegard. Enter Rhitegard and stand on the Stone Tile. - this makes a stairway open up to the upper floors. Stand by the Valve Control and use the Palantire. Through the Palantire you can see Marshghast. When he moves to the toilet use the Big Wrench on the Valve Control. This will project Marshghast into the Upper Reaches of the Atmosphere and as such kill him - removing him from the game. Move up the stairs to the First Floor. Take the sabre o' light. Take the jar o' lightning. Move up to the Helipad on top of Rhitegard. On the Helipad is the Small Caged Beastie. Open the Cage through conversation with the Beastie and recruit the Beastie. Move back down the Tower and head for the Top O' the Falls. There will be a Barrel at the Top O' the Falls. Line the barrel with the Duvet. Seal it with the Big Cork, then get in. Go over the falls in the Barrel. Half way down the falls you will drop into a secret cave and you clamber out of the barrel. In the cave is the Potassium Grail. Encase the Grail with the Tupperware and take it. Get back in the Barrel and drop to the Bottom O' the Falls. Move back up to Flake Town. Find Elfis and give the microphone to him. He will rediscover his voice and you can then recruit him. Go to King Afro's Pad and give him the Potassium Grail. He then gives you the Carte Blanche. Move back into the Inn and then to the Toilet. Give the Carte Blanche to Conrad and then Recruit him. If you make a mistake in the conversation (dur) Conrad will rush off to Moronica Caves where you can have another go at recruiting him (you can't fail twice). Talk to the ferryman and return to Baker's Island. On the baker's jetty, use the Jar O' Lightning - and watch with delight as the Lightning arcs upwards and hits the lightning rod. This charges the Capacitor. The Baker will show you the plans for the Super Gingerbread Hero and then leaves the rest for you to do. Use the Rolling Pin on the dough to create a flat bit of dough. Use the cutter on the flat dough to create an uncooked gingerbread man. Use the uncooked gingerbread man with the oven to create the cooked gingerbread man. Now, you will be ready to do the following: Pull the switch and electricity floods from the Capacitor and makes the gingerbread Man grow and come alive. We now have the Super Gingerbread Man. Recruit him. Again if you make ANOTHER mistake and select the wrong conversation option The Ginger Hero will run off to the bakers in Minar Tragedy where he is once again recruitable. He will then wander off in the direction of the Flake Town Inn. There are 2 other characters to recruit: Tree Bloke and Goliath These two are Mobile Characters, so if you see them before now and have satisfied the appropriate conditions then recruit them. The conditions for each character are: Tree Bloke - There are none just talk to him Goliath - must give him the Platform Shoes End of Quest 2 @~To be concluded next issue - o -