TADS Programming - Time/Day Display Author J Menichelli Here are the changes I made to STD.T to display the time and day of the week on the status line instead of "score/moves". Feel free to use these this code in your games or modify it as you see fit. Enjoy! Add the following to the "init" function: init: function { scoreStatus(global.hours, global.minutes); setdaemon( timeDaemon, nil ); // start the clock daemon } Add the following to the "global" object: global: object hours = 9 // set the time to Saturday at 9:00 PM minutes = 0 PMtime = true // true if PM, nil if AM DayNum = 7 // 1 = Sunday, 2= Monday, etc. DayofWeek = ' / Saturday' // set the initial day of the week ; Add the following code: timeDaemon : function ( parm ) { global.minutes := global.minutes + 1; if (global.minutes > 59) { global.minutes := 0; global.hours := global.hours + 1; } if (global.hours > 12) global.hours := 1; if (global.hours = 12 and global.minutes = 0) global.PMtime := not global.PMtime; if (global.hours = 12 and global.minutes = 0 and global.PMtime = nil) { global.DayNum := global.DayNum + 1; if (global.DayNum > 7) global.DayNum := 1; switch(global.DayNum) { case 1: global.DayofWeek := ' / Sunday'; break; case 2: global.DayofWeek := ' / Monday'; break; case 3: global.DayofWeek := ' / Tuesday'; break; case 4: global.DayofWeek := ' / Wednesday'; break; case 5: global.DayofWeek := ' / Thurday'; break; case 6: global.DayofWeek := ' / Friday'; break; case 7: global.DayofWeek := ' / Saturday'; break; } } } ; replace scoreStatus: function(hours, minutes) { if (minutes < 10) setscore('Score: ' + cvtstr(global.score) + ' Time: ' + cvtstr(hours) + ':0' + cvtstr(minutes) + (global.PMtime ? ' PM' : ' AM') + global.DayofWeek); else setscore('Score: ' + cvtstr(global.score) + ' Time: ' + cvtstr(hours) + ':' + cvtstr(minutes) + (global.PMtime ? ' PM' : ' AM') + global.DayofWeek); } ; replace turncount: function( parm ) { scoreStatus(global.hours, global.minutes); } ; timeVerb: sysverb verb = 'time' action( actor ) = { displayTime(global.hours, global.minutes); } ; displayTime : function (hours, minutes) { "It is "; if (minutes < 10) { say(cvtstr(hours) + ':0' + cvtstr(minutes) + (global.PMtime ? ' PM' : ' AM')); } else { say(cvtstr(hours) + ':' + cvtstr(minutes) + (global.PMtime ? ' PM' : ' AM')); } say(global.DayofWeek); } ; replace undoVerb: sysverb verb = 'undo' action(actor) = { /* do TWO undos - one for this 'undo', one for previous command */ if (undo() and undo()) { "(Undoing one command)\b"; Me.location.lookAround(true); scoreStatus(global.hours, global.minutes); } else "No more undo information is available. "; abort; } ; replace restoreVerb: sysverb verb = 'restore' sdesc = "restore" doAction = 'Restore' action( actor ) = { local savefile; savefile := askfile( 'File to restore game from' ); if ( savefile = nil or savefile = '' ) "Failed. "; else if (restore( savefile )) "Restore failed. "; else { scoreStatus(global.hours, global.minutes); "Restored.\b"; Me.location.lookAround(true); } abort; } ; - o -