Tomb Raider 4: THE LAST REVELATION Complete Game Walk Through - part 4 Author unknown Continued from issue 74 LEVEL 30 STREET BAZAAR Drop down off of the ladder and down to the street below. Walk up to the man on the ground and watch the cut scene that plays. When you regain control, grab the mine detonator that the man drops then head to the table next to the West wall and pick-up the handle. Then, walk behind the car and pick-up the car-jack body. Walk to the South wall and push the red button. This will open the next door to it. Now, head through the corridor and climb the ladder. (You might want to climb into the crawl space next to it before you do - it contains a large medi-pack.) When you reach the top, go to the edge and jump to grab the ceiling. Grapple to the right and drop at the end. Turn to the South wall and jump and grab the crawl space above and head on in. After dropping into this next room, climb to the top level of the South wall and go to your inventory. Combine the car-jack body with the handle to create the car-jack. Use the car jack in this spot to open up the ceiling gate. Climb out to the roof above. Obviously, you can't miss the bolt of lightning that is striking what looks to be some sort of car lift (you probably can't miss the locust that attacks you either). You need to go behind the lightning (preferably when it is not striking the lift) and push and pull the box that is behind it out of the way. Then, pull and push the machine with the wood basket on top of it (next to the box you just moved) on top of the lightning lift. A cut scene will play showing the lightning striking a bridge that is just around the corner, to the left. Cross the bridge, doing a running jump and a grab to the ladder across from the end of the bridge. Shimmy all the way around a couple of corners, to the left, until you can safely drop on the roof ledge. Now, climb into the hole next to the ladder and drop down a series of ramps to the bottom. Head East down the corridor, into the next room. Turn right at the first intersection and head down a ramped wood floor to a room with a number of crates in it. Find the headless solider down the ramp on the West side in this area and obtain the mine position data. Now, go to your inventory and combine the mine position data with the mine detonator body to create the mine detonator. Head back up the ramp and some ominous music will cue. That is because there is an Egyptian bull on the loose. Head to the Southeast corner of the room and lure the bull into knocking the crates around in this area to reveal a secret passageway. Go through this exposed corridor to the next area above. Here, turn left, kill the bad guy and head down the path. Take the next left (underneath the beams of light) to leave the street bazaar area. LEVEL 31 BACK TO TRENCHES 2 Head West through the corridor, then turn right and head up the first set of stairs you come to. From here, follow the street to the left, right and right again. You will arrive at a second set of stairs (they are an orange colour). Take the stairs up, then, at the end of the next area, head East, up and over a step that features a huge pile of sand. Climb the short block that is half-buried in sand at the East wall. From here, angle Lara and jump and grab the upper ledge of the East wall behind the block. Climb the ladder in front of you and you will return to the street bazaar area. Drop down to the area with the car and the red button. This time around, head through the East door. At the end of the corridor, you will find a door. Open it, enter the next area and take care of the bad guy that attacks. Head North to the end of this area. At the end, turn to the left to find a red sign with skulls and crossbones on it. Head toward the sign and you will leave this area. You will find yourself standing in front of a number of red skull and crossbones signs. They are protecting a mine field. Use the mine detonator to clear out this field ... then run to the other side and push the red button. This will open a door to your right, on the South wall in this area. Head through the door and you will find your bike. Hop on the bike and drive it through the door that you just opened. Take a left after you go through the door, mow down the bad guy and charge up the ramp to return to citadel gate. LEVEL 32 BACK TO CITADEL GATE Drive forward and use nitrous to clear the mine field. Drive around to the left, making sure you hit the nitrous as you explode past the beast. Eventually, you will reach sergeant Azziz. Watch the story unfold with the cut scene and prepare yourself for the citadel. LEVEL 33 CITADEL Move forward and a cut scene will play in which Lara saves Jean-Pierre and Von Coy finds the ancient ceremonial tablet buried under the citadel. When you regain control of Lara, heads South into the next room. Continue South, then up the stairs in the Southeast corner. You will find a lever at the end of the corridor. Push it to open the big doors downstairs (there is some ammo behind it). Then, in a cove on the West side of this same room is a torch. Pick it up and light it with the lit torch on the wall nearby. Now, return downstairs to the room where the stairs originate from and jump up and set the rope that extends over this room on fire. Go back to the room with the big wooden doors that you opened when you pushed the lever. You will find that a section of the floor has collapsed next to the doors. Drop down and walk into the chamber below. Walk through this area for a short time and you will be given a cut scene of a bad guy running around. Now, onto the ledge to your left, then to the one above the stairs to the left. Hop off of the backside of the ledge and grab it. Then, shimmy to the left, then drop and grab the next ledge below. (If you miss, you will land in the water below and can swim back to the previous room. Climb back up to this ledge and try again). Shimmy to the right and around this ledge, until you can't anymore. Then, drop and grab the next ledge below. Now, shimmy to the right, around two corners, until you can crawl up into the alcove. Drop down the other side of the crawl space, into the water. Walk through the water to the Northeast corner of this tight area and jump up and crawl into the next crawl space. Now for some fun; when you lower yourself from this crawl space, you will drop onto an angled platform. Immediately form a reverse jump, followed by a standing jump and ending in you grabbing the ledge on the north wall of this area. (Again, if you miss ... it's through the water and back to that first ledge!). Shimmy to the left, until you reach a spot where you can stand (there is a small medi-pack here). Now, turn around and do a running jump and a grab to the south ledge - there will be stairs to your left when you land. Head up the stairs, taking care of the bad guy along the way. Then, head up the ramp that follows. There is a bad guy at the top and a lever. Push the lever and take care of the bad guy that appears once you do. Now, grab then drop from the hole next to the lever. Head North. You will need to go down two flights of stairs before getting a cut scene showing a large, cathedral-like room. You will find four ornate tables in the center area of this room. If you look closely at their tops, you will find that they each have a one-letter abbreviation for the cardinal direction that they need to be pushed/pulled to in this room (North, South, East and West). With the aid of your compass, push/pull each one to its appropriate spot on the floor. Once you successively solve this puzzle, the doors on the West side of the room will open. Head through them. Go through the corridor, climb the step and drop down the hole into the water below. Head through the under water opening in the South wall. Swim down and around this under water corridor until you come to a switch on the ceiling of the room that the corridor dead-ends in. This switch closes a hatch some where else. Return to the water area that you first dropped into and head through the opening in the North wall. (To get some air, make sure you pop into the hole where you dropped into this main underwater room before you head through the North opening). Now, swim through this underwater corridor and you will come to a room where you can climb out of the water - do so and head through the opening in the south wall. Head up the ramp and you will find yourself back in the room where you solved the table/compass puzzle. Find the opening in the East wall and head through it. You will go down some ramps and end up in a room with a lever and two bad guys that open fire. Take them out, then push the lever. The lever opens up a hatch in a pipe back in the main underwater area. Head North from the compass puzzle room and back into the water. Back in the main water area; Climb up to the corridor opening in the West wall. Head down the corridor and there will be another lever to push. This one opens a hatch next to the pipe on the floor of the main underwater room. Mow, return to that room and swim through the opening in the North wall. Some of the water will have been drained in this area (caused by the hatches you opened). You can now run down the corridor and pull the rope at the end it opens a door in this room). After pulling the rope, climb out, take care of any bad guy you might run into, then head through the now open door in the East wall. At the end of this short corridor, jump up, grab and crawl through the opening high on the East wall. When you hang and drop back over the other side of this crawlspace, you will be attacked by two crusader skeletons. You can't kill then and you actually need their help. Run up the wood planks in this area until your path is blocked by wood. Wait for the skeletons to get near you (stand facing the wood), then reverse jump away at the last second and they will cut through the wood. Escape from the crusaders by climbing up to the next area that the wood was keeping you from. Head North in this next area, right down the middle between the two rows of lit torches. A cut scene will play in which Lara encounters Von Croy, then snags the Amulet, trapping him behind a door. Congratulations, you have just completed area V! It's on to the sphinx complex. @~To be continued next issue - o -