Sites and Downloads for this issue By Sue Dr Who - This site, part of the Dr Who Time Ring, is well worth visiting. It has a quiz file and a quote quiz as well as Davros sounds to use to replace your PC system sounds. All of the WAV files are recorded in 8-bit mono, at a sampling rate of 11025 Hz and the list is as follows: System Startup Sounds: "We will begin!" (16K) "Welcome back!" (21K) Prompt for Input Sounds: "You will answer my questions. You will answer them carefully and precisely." (43K) "You will tell me!" (61K) "Are You Sure?" Prompts: "We must move carefully." (17K) Interrupt an Operation: "You dare to interfere? You have the audacity to interrupt one of my experiments??" (66K) General Error Message Sounds: "Impossible!" (11K) "You will be punished for insubordination!" (30K) "You will be punished for this!!" (22K) "No. I will not accept that." (18K) "Don't touch that switch." (18K) System Shutdown Sounds: "This meeting is ended." (11k) "This seems an opportune moment to end this session." (29K) "Switch it off!" (13K) To finish the site the author includes a good list of related sites such as The TARDIS Databanks and the BBC's Official Dr Who Site. * Defrags Realms - The Forgotten Realms is said to be the most popular and extensive campaign world in the AD&D empire and accounts for 75% of TSR's sales. If you want to know anything about it, this is the place to come as it covers every aspect of the world including PCs and NPCs, custom creations in spells, items and people, and even includes a large selection of adventures to download. Each has a good description and recommended levels. There are also numerous zip files including character sheets, campaign record sheets and hit tables. There's even a calendar to help you calculate your heroes' birthdays. * Driver Guide - If you're in need of a driver, this is the place to come. You have to register to be able to use it but there's no charge. The range of drivers covered is excellent. I've found it invaluable when I've mislaid a driver or needed to update one. * Multimap - If you need to check where a postcode is and/or get a map of the relevant area, this is a brilliant site. - o -