Tomb Raider 4: THE LAST REVELATION Complete Game Walk Through - part 5 Author unknown Continued from issue 75 LEVEL 34 THE SPHINX COMPLEX The ominous desert sky doesn't bode well for us. Let's not waste any time and get moving. Pull out a weapon and head straight down the muddy path. These two thugs up ahead are packing heat. Say a silent prayer then send them to Allah. It seems the guard by the small steel door on the right was holding a silver key. Use it and head on through. In this next area you'll encounter a few baddies and a small pathway lined by two sandstone walls. Kill the baddies and hop up on either wall. These walls surround two deep pits that lead to instant death if you happen to fall in. Across from each is a lever. Carefully do a running jump from the edge and throw each of them. The result of the levers being thrown is a door that opens just beyond the walls. Let's get moving. There's another thug to handle before we head through. Make sure you grab the shotgun normal ammo from the opposite alcove where he came from. We're now at the sphinx. Unfortunately, there's no time for sight seeing. Let's tackle the large, gaping hole to the right first. Slide down the small slope at the bottom-right hand corner of the hole to safety of this small platform. From here, it's best to do a diagonal running jump to the next ... then a diagonal running jump and a grab to this small, ramped ledge here. It's not so steep that Lara can't pull herself up. The gated, garage door is locked from the inside and we can't get up on the sphinx's hind leg, so our only choice is to cross the next gap. Walk to the edge toward the left corner and do a standing hop down to the flat platform below. That music playing means there are some enemies nearby, pull out a weapon and take aim. Make sure you grab the large Medi-pack before moving on and then do another diagonal running jump to the platform across the way. Lift Lara out of the gap and kick in that door. It looks like we're in a storage room of sorts. These crates can be shot and busted. One reveals some Uzi Ammo. Besides the empty shelving lining the left side of the walls, there's a rather large shelf against the right. Push/pull it out of the way to reveal a small grate in the wall. Shoot the grate and then crawl on in. When you reach the grate at the other side, stop, pull out your pistols, shoot and exit. Hey, that's your blood! Did we give the thug in the corner permission to start shooting at you? We don't think so. Give him some return fire. He drops some normal shotgun ammo. It turns out he was guarding a switch. Throw it and the doorway opens, letting two more thugs inside. Stay where you are and pick them off one-by-one. When all is clear, shoot three crates scattered about the room. One of the two in the back reveals a metal blade. Hmm, wonder what this is for? Our job in this room is not quite finished yet. It looks like there might be something underneath the large shelf to the right at the back of the wall. We're going to need to move the left shelf first. Pull it as far as you can then push it against the wall (and the open grate) from the other side. Now for the right shelf. One pull should be enough to reveal a secret shotgun. Ok, let's head back outside. We're back by the sphinx's hind leg. A little backtracking is in order. To once again cross the gap on the left, you need to walk down the small slope to the edge, then do a diagonal running jump to the platform across the way. A few more hops and you're out. Now it's time to adventure around to the front of the sphinx. The next gap is fairly easy. Hop/slide down to the ledge in the left Corner ... then it's two running jumps to the next consecutive platforms to make it safely to the other side. Jump up and out and keep moving. After a short cinema, leave the tombstone and head around to the right leg-yet another gap to cross. Do a standing hop down to the ledge at the right corner, then a running jump to the next straight across. Two baddies will confront you on the other side. Deliver swift justice, climb out and destroy the two crates sitting in the left hand corner against the wall. If you look closely, you should see a wooden handle resting on the ground where one of the crates was. Pick it up, then combine it with the metal blade in your inventory screen to create a shovel - handy! Now, where could we use a shovel? We know! How about at the foot of the sphinx in front of the marker! Use this conveniently placed platform to jump up to the sphinx's leg. Before hopping down to the other side, grab the widespread shotgun shells resting at the end of the leg. This soft, muddy patch in front of the marker looks like the perfect place to start digging. Hit the action button and Lara will use the shovel. Is there no end to her talents? Drop down into the freshly dug hole and you'll find we've uncovered a secret entrance leading underneath the sphinx. Light a flare to allay the darkness and head on down. LEVEL 35 UNDERNEATH THE SPHINX There's quite a bit of puzzle solving to do underneath the sphinx, so let's not waste any time. Pull out your pistols and take care of pesky bats flying around your head. When you pass the first gate, it will slam shut behind you. That's ok, we'll find another way out. Ahead in this huge, cavernous room are what look to be two breathing bull statues and three stone tablets set in the wall behind them. To the right and left of Lara are open gates with switches on the walls outside. We're going to be using these in just a few seconds. Ok, here's what we're going to do; run straight ahead and over to the right bull. As you approach it will start to execute a roll turn and hightail it back the way you came. The bull will give chase, so hit the sprint button and take aim for either gate. Run inside and then execute another roll turn so you can see the bull following you inside (use the look button to get a good angle). As soon as you see the bull come into the gateway, jump over it and head back outside. These suckers are serious and deadly, and all it takes is one charge square in the middle to end your life. As soon as you're out of the gate make a left or right (depending on which room you choose)and quickly activate the switch against the wall. If you are quick enough, the bull will be caught inside. If you're not, lure it back in and try again. When you have successfully trapped the first, head back over and repeat the process with the next and the other room. Now that we have a little breathing room, let's first take a left into the West hall of the room and check out what this dead adventurer has left behind. Besides a set of very useful flares, there is a scrap of paper underneath the torch right next to him. Grab it. Take a moment to examine the scrap of paper in your inventory screen and you'll notice a set of hieroglyphics translated into the alphabet. Bet this will come in handy. Now that we've got the goods, let's check out those inscribed stone tablets imbedded in the North wall. It turns out that they actually are pushable buttons. Allow us to translate the hieroglyphics; "I","Q","A", (left, middle, right). There is only one right sequence which will open the gate room. Any other combination will open a gate to the trap room. Trust me, we don't want to go in there. The correct sequence is "A","I","Q", (right, left, middle). This opens the middle (west) gate in the West hall. Head on through. Be very careful when you enter into any of these gated rooms. Each one has fatal, hard-to-see pits set in the floor. To traverse this one, walk to the right edge then execute a standing jump across to the safety of the other side. Don't move too far when you get to the other side - there's another pit partially hidden by the slope of the path. First take out the nocturnals nipping at your face, then walk as far forward as you can against the left wall. A standing jump from the edge will get you across. This room has a set of four niches set into the West and East walls. Above each niche are glowing, colored holes. If you're wondering what's set inside those holes, so are we. Select the binoculars from your inventory and use the L2 button along with the action button for the light function to reveal some hieroglyphs. Each of the four sets has a different set. They are as follows; The red hole reads, "A", "Q"," T". The green hole reads, "Q" ,"I" ,"A". The blue hole reads, "I", "Q", "A". And the violet hole reads, "Q"," A"," I". Each of these combinations will open up one of four rooms back out in the main hall. These rooms contain the corresponding keys which open the exit to this level. Head back out over the pits and we'll see you at the stone tablets. We might as well start with the red combination. Enter " A", "Q", "I", (right, middle, left), and the right (North) gate opens up in the West hall. Take care of the bats inside, then execute a standing jump to get Lara up onto the raised ledge against the right wall. From here, walk straight to the edge and then do a running jump to the platform across the way. Hop out of the pit, take care of the bats and get ready to venture for our first key, This dead end has three crawlspaces located in the South, East and North walls. Let's tackle the one on the right (South)first. It's pretty dark inside these cramped passages and there are many collapsing platforms with deadly spikes waiting below. It's best to use your flares here if you have them. Take your first and immediate left (East)once inside. Now take your immediate right (South) and head up the ramp. At the top, take a left (East)and follow the pathway into a small room with a switch. Throwing the switch will open up the gate at the back of the entrance of this room. Head back the way you came and then across the room and into the Northern crawlspace. At the first junction, take a left (West). Continue forward, ignoring the path to the right, and make your next left (South). This path is a dead end, but pays of with the red "stone of Matt" key in return. Grab it and head back out the way you came. The last and middle (East) crawlspace holds a secret. Duck in and take your first right (South). This path leads to a collapsing tile, but there are no spikes to impale you below. Instead, you're rewarded with a small room which is home to a grenade gun. Now that we've exploited this room, head back over the pit and return to the stone tablets. Next enter in "Q","I","A" (middle, left, right) which opens up the left (South)gate in the West room. A couple more bats and another pit awaits. You know what to do. When you get to the other side, equip a stronger weapon, such as your grenade gun. There are four alligators lounging in the pool around the corner. After making a complete set of matching luggage, head into the watery room and we'll figure out this relatively simple puzzle. Here's the deal: the green key is set underground in the middle of the room and is protected by a locked grate. The room is lined with four wall switches - two on the South wall and two on the North. You can activate them in any order and the result will be opening of the grate. Go to it. Collect your reward, the green "stone of khepri" key .... then pull the switch against the west wall. This opens the gate back at the entrance to this room. Race you back to the stone tablets! The pit on the way back can be traversed by doing a running jump and a grab from the edge along the right wall. Back at the tablets, enter "I","A","A" (left, middle, right). This opens the middle (East) door in the East room. Head up the path and over the pit and you'll find yourself in a small room with three sets of three wall switches adorning the North, East and South walls. If you're not careful and pull the wrong switch, you'll set loose a horde of flesh-eating scarab beetles. That would be bad. Just follow our directions and you'll be safe. Start with the third switch on the right against the North wall. This opens the gate to the entrance. Repeat the process with the third switch on the right against the East wall and you'll be rewarded with the blue "stone of Re" key. The last set of switches produce nothing but beetles and, unless you like having your feet gnawed on by slimy bugs, we suggest you pass them up. Head back over the pit and out to the stone tablets instead. Ok, we saved the hardest for last. Enter "Q","A","I" (middle, right, left). This opens the right (South) door in the East room. To traverse the pit, execute a standing jump along the right wall from right about where the torch is. From here, drop down backwards and grab the ledge. Now just shimmy across and around until you reach the safety of the next flat platform. This next room has a hole filled with water inside it. Hop in, light a flare and take a deep breath, because we have some serious swimming to do. First dive down to the first junction of paths. You have three choices, East, North or South. Head South. Follow the path downward until you reach the next junction and take the East path. At the next junction, you can either go up or South. We need to go South. Ignore the next choice/junction to the right and continue going South. Follow this passage down, around and up (past the hieroglyph) and you'll find yourself in the first of many switch rooms. Hop out of the water, pull the switch and get back in. We are going to head back to the entrance to get our bearings. Follow the path and continue swimming North at the first junction/path. Head West at the second ... up at the third ... and up at the fourth. This puts us back at the entrance. Grab a gulp of air and prepare to head back down for the second switch. Take the South path at the first junction. Follow this path down and then take the West path at the next. Head up at the first junction and you'll find yourself in the second switch room. Throw the switch, jump in and get ready to do it all again. Head East at the first junction/choice. Go up at the next...and up again at the third junction. Are you beginning to recognize this area? You should be floating and breathing fresh air at the entrance. Now for the third switch. Head East at the first junction...and South at the second. Follow this path around and down for a while. Head South again when you reach the next junction...and then West at the next. Head up at the last junction (next to the hieroglyph) and Lara will be in the third switch room. Take care of business and, once again, jump back in the drink. It's back to the entrance we go. Go East at the first junction...North at the second...up at the third...West at the fourth...and up at the fifth. Phew! Believe it or not, there's two more to go. Get some air and head back down. Go North at the first junction. And then East at the next. This passage leads past a hieroglyph and into the forth switch room. Jump out and pull that sucker! Almost there. Back in the water and head down at the first junction...then up at the next and back to the entrance. This is the last time, we promise. Head down and take the East path at the first junction. Head up at the next and follow this passage up and past the hieroglyph into the final switch room. Pull the switch to open the gate to the entrance of this room, then grab the violet, "Stone of Atum" key. Yay! Jump back into the pool and head West at the first junction...up at the second...and up and out to the entrance at the third. Congratulations! Now might be a good time to save your game. Head back over across the pit the way you came and back into the stone tablet room. Now that we have all four keys, it's through the middle (West) gate in the West room. Traverse across the two pits and start inserting the keys into their corresponding niches. Hitting the action button at each niche will automatically insert the correct key. Save your game (we're not quite done yet) and head through the now opened gate. Around the corner, the floor has given way, creating a chasm. Jump up and grab the ceiling, then grapple across to the other side. Stop before heading through the next gate. This room has four holy scriptures that are resting inside alcoves against the West and East walls, as well as rotating, razor sharp spikes that come jutting out of the ceiling once you enter inside. Here's what we need to do: Make a dash for the first holy scripture in the left alcove. As soon as you've picked it up, execute a hop backwards then do a standing jump to the right. This will position Lara directly in front of the next scripture. Grab it, do a quick roll turn, then repeat the process with the other two. When you've gotten all four, head out the newly opened North gate. We're not quite out of the woods yet. This small, unassuming room is hiding a bunch of buried blade traps. They won't hurt if you walk slowly through them, so hold down the R1 button and walk straight across to the exit. One more chasm to grapple across and a few bats to shoot and it's upwards and onwards to the next level. LEVEL 36 THE PYRAMID OF MENKAURE It looks like we're still underground. Head up the slope and to the left (East) and start climbing up the small platforms. At the top, you'll spy a small trapdoor in the ceiling with a jutting handle. Turn around so your facing North and jump up and grab the handle, opening the door. Climb on up. Don't hesitate when you climb out of the hole, there's a giant scorpion heading your way. Use that grenade gun or your revolver pronto! If he bites and poisons you, take a small Medi-pack to administer the cure. More than likely, when you kill it, its brother will be waiting somewhere right behind it (it might be around the corner attacking a guard). Make sure you keep your weapon equipped. There's a large Medi-pack in the cul-de-sac straight ahead (West) and some revolver ammo the poor sap left behind in the cul-de-sac to the left (South). We need to head top the right (North) at the intersection and jump across the ravine at the end. To do this, walk forward to the lip on the left side. Aim Lara diagonally toward the left edge of the ravine and execute a running jump across to the other side. Follow the path around (watching out for stray scorpions) and do a running jump across the first ravine you come to on your left (North) Check out the huge pyramid, Cool! Don't Cool too long, there's another scorpion hot on your heels. Heading left (West) will do us no good, so go right (East) and take care of the huge desert bug that comes flying at you. Save before attempting to jump over this ravine-it can be a bit tricky. First face Lara South and execute a running jump and grab onto this platform that is sloped downward on the other side. Next, pull Lara up and, as she starts sliding down the slope, hit the jump button so she leaps to the safe sand across the way. Now, just jump over to the left (East) and we're on secure ground. Save your game, deal with the flying bug and equip one of your stronger weapons (the revolver will do nicely). We're going inside the building. Inside, you'll find a giant scorpion attacking a guard. One of two things can happen: 1)If you're not fast enough, or are a sloppy shot, the guard will die, leaving you to deal with the scorpion. In death, he leaves behind the guard keys. Pick 'em up. Or 2)You can run in and get close to the scorpion. Make sure you are aiming at it and not the guard and let loose with a flurry of bullets. If you're quick enough, the scorpion dies but the guard survives. Watch the nice cut-scene where the guard gives you the guard keys and then check your inventory. You should also have the Armoury key - bonus! Search the four corners of the room for a couple of small Medi- packs and some shotgun ammo then, with new-found keys in hand, head back outside. Outside, the ravine to the right (East) is much too large to get across. So, we're going to have to take our chances with finding another route back where we came from. To get back across the ravine to the left (West), jump and grab hold of this uneven ledge to the right (North) of the ravine. Have Lara shimmy hand-over-hand to the left (West) and then around the corner and across the ravine. Don't drop down until she can't go any further. We are now back on the other side of the ravine and at the base of the pyramid. From where you dropped off the ravine ledge, there should be a small block jutting from the sand. You can walk onto this and then diagonally (Northwest) up onto the next. Climb up the one to the right (North), then diagonally hop (Northwest) up to the next. You should be on a walkable part of the pyramid that lasts six blocks or so to the left (West). Walk West to the end of these blocks, take a hop backwards and then execute a running jump to the next. Don't fret, you will slide down the pyramid, but will come to rest on a platform above the sand. Make sure you kill the bug flying your way. Now head left (West) until the end of these blocks and turn to face the pyramid (North). Start climbing. You should be able to climb two blocks upward, move one block to the right (East) and then climb up another three. Just to the right (East) of Lara is the entrance into the pyramid. Walk as far as you can to the right, hop backwards and do a running jump into the opening. It looks like the guards keys will come in handy. Use them on the lock and head inside. LEVEL 37 INSIDE MENKAURE PYRAMID Head along the pathway and past the ponderous pendulums into the next room, which has a set of steps leading down to the depths of the pyramid. Look up and shoot the star with your revolver before heading down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs are a couple of mummies, a large container and a bat. Ignore the mummies and jump into the container on the left-hand side. Inside, you'll find a hole leading deeper into the pyramid. Drop down. This next room contains a large pit with a rope hanging over the middle of it. If you look closely, you will be able to see the spike holes in the pit. Use the rope and swing across to the other side. Ahead is a fork in the path and a few unfriendly undead. Ignore the lumbering baddies and head to the right room first. Another spike-filled pit and two ropes to swing from this time. Head up the slope on the other side and throw the switch at the top. This opens up a trapdoor elsewhere in the pyramid. Swing back over the pit and head around to the left path. Swing across the two ropes to the safety of the other side. At the top of the next path, you'll find the opened trapdoor. Climb through it. When you climb up, an Ancient Egyptian guard will attack you. Shoot whilst jumping from side-to-side. Avoid his fire and take him out. Head forward to the large star carving in the wall and use the crowbar to pry the Western shaft key from the middle. A passage is revealed when it falls from the wall. You have to make your way back to the room with the stairs at the beginning of the level. Here, you'll find the revealed passageway. Head in and slide on down. Light a flare before you go any further and then start walking through the next passage. As soon as you hear the clanking sound of blades, hit the L2 button to duck. Two razor-sharp, decapitating blades are coming your way. It's safe to stand up as soon as they pass and continue on and up the corridor. Jump up and grab the handle on the trapdoor when you get to the top. Climb out and you are now back out-side. Take out the two giant scorpions coming your way then head South down the path. Ahead, you'll see that you are now on the other side of the ravine by the building where the guard so generously gave us his keys. Shout hello and then head to the left. On the left side of the path, set in a small alcove on the side of this pyramid, is a small button. Push it and you will cause a roof to cave in on one of the pyramids. Head back and over to the large ravine and walk up onto the left side of the pyramid. From here, you should be able to climb up the next block and then from there, do a diagonally standing jump up to the right. Now, just zigzag up the climbable blocks to the top of the pyramid. When you get to the top, turn around, hop backwards and grab the ledge. There's a climbable ladder on the West wall leading all the way to the bottom of the pyramid. Follow the passage inside until you come to the pit in the floor. This one simply requires a running jump to get across. The next pit around the corner requires you to jump and grab the ceiling, then grapple across to the other side. The next pit has a swinging pendulum across the middle. Hug the left wall and time a running jump and a grab across so the pendulum is swinging the opposite way. Two more of these pendulums await around the corner. Don't worry about the passage to the left in between them. You'll be back here in a moment. Head around the corridor and you'll come to a dead end with a rope hanging from the ceiling. Pull it with all your might and a gate will open somewhere else in the pyramid. Head back over the pit and the pendulum and then turn to face the passageway to the right. Use the ceiling to grapple across and you'll find the gate you opened in this new room. Why not save your game. Head through the gate and Lara will start sliding down the slope. Up ahead is a darkened spike pit. Wait until the last possible second and jump over the pit. Lara will land on the other side and continue sliding. You can either try and jump and grab onto the ledge of the hole ahead before falling in, or you can just fall through and take a little damage. This is where you entered from the hole you dug earlier. Our two bull buddies should still be resting nicely in their cages below. There's no need to go down there again, so let's head up and out of the area. LEVEL 38 RETURN TO THE SPHINX COMPLEX Pull yourself out of the hole you dug earlier and head down the path and to the right. Do a standing jump down onto the platform on the right and then do a running jump straight across the ravine onto the ledge on the other side. From here, face South and do a standing jump onto the small ledge and then hop onto solid ground. There should be a steel door straight ahead. Use the guards keys on the lock to open the door. Head on through and you're on your way to Mastabas. To be concluded in issue 77 - o -