Ultima Ascension - Part 3 Hints and tips by Vic Horsley Concluded from last issue Now returned to the Castle area, you need to go inside and talk with the king. At this stage you should have all the eight sigils with you but before entering remove the Heart Sigil and leave it outside (between the hedging in front of the main doors is a suitable place), after speaking with the king your journal will be updated, this is where you will lose the Heart Sigil if you have it on you. Now go to every room in the castle to find all your friends and talk with them, then off to Terfin, not forgetting to pick up the Heart Sigil on your way and save. Before you leave the ship at Terfin go and speak with Raven, this opens the entrance you need to get safely into this fortress, now you have a choice of which way to go, as you are now strong neither way is hard, To the left around the island you fight the dragons (bow and arrows), to the right a little swimming and maybe a fight with a sea serpent. At the cave, if you did not talk with Raven, all will be blocked, if you did it's open but there is still a barrier curtain to pass, if you have all the sigils, touch the small stone to the left of the curtain or pick it up, the curtain will disappear. To get through the first gate after teleporting you will need to place a weight on the trap door, which is in the first room in the far right top corner, a gem worked well enough. The movement here can be a little tricky because as you place the weight on the trap it goes into a movie sequence and half the time is lost, when it comes out of the movie you have to turn and then run for the door which closes very quickly. Save and stand as far back and to the left as you can then place the weight, as soon as the movie is done run. In the next section of passages and rooms, the enemy are not very strong but be careful as they can catch you unaware. When you get to the thief, take care of him then push the block to the right, this shows a hidden door but you won't be able to open it until you get the key. Pushing the left block teleports you to the same room as the floor teleporter does, there are some spell scrolls to be had here, killing the gargoyle will also give you a scroll or two. Having teleported back, go around the corner to where the large spider is, there is a door to the right, the key is in here, there are two rooms and you should by now know what to expect from the chests. After leaving the rooms, turn right to where the large spider is, deal with it, slash the cobweb and move around the corner to the top of the slope and stow your weapon, you should be facing east. Save the game, as you move down the slope the area will fill with water, so swim as fast as possible straight ahead towards the door at the far end. Just before this door and on the right hand wall is a small wheel that you must click on to open the door, go quickly through and dive down, it is a tank with a large wheel in the top right hand corner, click on this and immediately swim up for air. Climb out and you are now able to walk around this area. Before leaving the tank room dive down again and retrieve the key which is close to the large wheel, this is all you need from this area, though the chest around the corner holds a small buckler and a black potion. Now with two keys you can go back and proceed through the double doors and to the end of this section of rooms and passages although there are still a few puzzles to work out on the way. Before leaving this area talk with the little girl by the bed, then teleport. More passages and rooms, also Wyrmguards to take care of, first go to the right and into the room, the wall will close behind you. Light the brazier, stand in the red circle, you are teleported. Look around, kill the beast, take the power cube, teleport out and place the power cube into the slot on the small column, this will let you out again. Some power cubes are hard to see because of their opaque appearance, so look around carefully, at other locations you will see what seem to be power cubes but are not moveable. Be alert to the real thing by clicking on every thing. On leaving the first room, take a right turn, this is a small passage with two rooms and has a blocked wall at the end. This wall will be removed after you have been down the staircase to your right around the corner. Two other rooms are to your left before the staircase. Down these stairs is more or less as above, just a few passages and rooms to search, kill a few wyrmguards and talk to the crazy pirate before you're forced to kill him, then if you've clicked and moved everything possible, it's back upstairs where that wall will now have been removed. Go through to the next section, which is a lot larger but more or less as the last, it makes no difference which way you go as it's a back and fro episode, you are only able to do certain areas after completing others, so just take it in your stride, all will be revealed. The girl just wants the key, I gave it to her though I suppose you could keep it and get into the treasure room but then you wouldn't get the power cube from her, unless you decided to kill her. The whole point of this section is to open the portal to the Guardian's chamber. To do this you must have done that going back and forward bit, then if you haven't already worked it out, you must go from where the girl is standing to the pedestal. Place the correct power cube to lift the curtain and follow the passage round to the room with the table and maps, at the top of this room is a type of throne chair and on its arm is a button to push, this opens a section at the end of the passage and to your right. Pull the lever to lift the curtain in the next room, you should at this point have at least three power cubes, place them in the pedestals and a meteor will appear above the table. It cannot be picked up and placed in your possession but it can be moved a little at a time, to the tray in the centre of the mounted block, a movie sequence will now show the teleporter to the Guardian. It's back around the other side to where the room with just the two statues was. It is possible to move the yellow stone after the movie sequence but I suggest you don't, as it appears to interfere with the storyline just before the end. Now go to the teleporter, step through, pass through the large doors ahead of you and proceed as the Codex instructed you to, it's in your journal if you can't remember what to do. You've almost won. Now you're on your own. Just remember this is not a complete solution, only hints, tips and a little more. It should not spoil your game. - o -