Black and White Edit Names of Your Villagers If you search for the file names.txt in your Black directory, you will be able to edit this list of names that are allocated to your villagers. Make sure that you type how many names are in the list on the first line of the text file, so if you had 50 names in your list, the first line would read 50. Add the names of your friends, or the names of your enemies, it will add a new level of villager interaction. Go into scripts directory in the game folder. There you can change lands' names to different numbers (up to five), eg: if you want land 3 to come after land 1 change its name to land 2 and land 2 to land 3... Sweet Prayer Power For all the benevolent Gods, you can sacrifice without having it recorded on your statistics. It's quite simple. When you see that someone has died just pick up their skeleton and put it in the dish at the worship site. Your prayer power will go up and for some reason the skeleton screams as though it wasn't dead, but it works nonetheless. - o -