What Dreams May Come (1998) Film reviewed by Sue This is going to sound an incredibly depressing storyline but bear with me. When Chris (Robin Williams) and Annie (Annabella Sciorra) Nielsen's children are tragically killed in a car crash, both of them are understandably very deeply affected. Annie, an artist, throws herself into her work, but has increasing difficulty coping. She has a nervous breakdown but with Chris's understanding is seemingly able to come through it. Chris, a doctor, still has to support her greatly, solving problems for her when they threaten to overwhelm her. But more tragedy strikes and Chris, going to help a motorist injured after an accident, is himself killed. Annie struggles alone trying to cope but is unable to and commits suicide. Okay, I know this doesn't sound at all promising. But it gets better ... well, it couldn't get any worse, could it? Well, actually, it could. Having died, Chris finds himself in his own heaven which he has created out of one of Annie's paintings. As he walks, the brightly coloured flowers smear. He swims in a lake of paint. And for all this he has a companion, Albert (Cuba Gooding Jr) who tries to explain how this world can be whatever he wants. Chris's dog also turns up - oh yes, I forgot to mention, during the first part of the story Chris and Annie had to have their dog put to sleep as well. From clues and changes in the painting, Chris realises Annie's increasing unhappiness but it is Albert who breaks the news of her death to him. He also has to explain to Chris that Annie has gone to her own personal hell, just as he, Chris, has found his own heaven. Chris decides that he can't accept this and with Albert's help enlists the assistance of The Tracker (Max von Sydow). Together the three of them travel to find Annie in the hope that Chris can rescue her and bring her back to heaven. This is a sad story, especially the first part of it where characters are dying left, right and centre, even the dog. But it is also inspiring. The scenes of heaven and hell are amazing. Chris's heaven is a truly beautiful place and the special effects are very well done. Hell is just the sort of despairing place you can imagine. The ending, which I won't divulge, is excellent and I was left with a very satisfied feeling. If you can get through the first part, not easy I'll admit, I think you'll enjoy it too. - o -