What XYZZY Does An article by Eileen Mullen, found on the internet Experienced IF game players know that successful strategies or solutions for puzzles in one game are often worth trying again in other games. Experienced game developers learn the value of coding special responses in anticipation of players trying out these strategies that worked for them before! My favorite example, obviously, is the magic word XYZZY from the game Adventure. Even if you don't want the command to work as your players hope it will in your game, it's much better to code a special response than have your parser kick in with a default like "I don't know the word 'xyzzy'." Below, in alphabetical order, is a round-up of popular text adventures that do make use of special responses to the command XYZZY. How many of these have you seen? game title What "XYZZY" does ------------------------------------------------------------------ Curses For a moment you can almost hear a hoarse voice say something to you. But it passes. Enhanced Suddenly you find yourself in exactly the same room you were in before! It's magic! Horror of Rylvania You speak an ancient word of power. A hollow voice says, "No chance, chucko. This is a serious adventure. Shape up and fly right!" MacWesleyan A hollow voice says, "To order XYZZYnews, the interactive fiction newsletter, send e-mail to xyzzynews@aol.com." Unnkulian Unventure II You invoke an ancient word of power. So ancient, in fact, that it no longer works. Nothing happens. Waystation Actually having you magically teleport upon the utterance of that word would violate what little continuity exists in this game. Sorry about that. This compels you to do more coding, I know, but the payoff is really high in terms of delighting your players with an inside reference to other text adventure games. Let's hope we see more of these in the future! :) - o -