HINTS AND TIPS FOR MIGHT & MAGIC 8 From Julian Gregory 1. Save and save often. 2. The spell Town Portal is one of the most useful in the game. 3. Try to have a varied party. I finished with 2 Dark elves, a lich, a dragon and a priest of light. 4. Ask every available NCP to join you. If your party is full they will go to the Adventurer's Inn. This makes it easier to recruit them if necessary later, without having to go back and find them. 5. Having the NCPs in one place also means that you can use them as a way of storing extra items. At the Adventurer's Inn you can have access to the items in their inventory at any time. 6. Give a bow to your party as soon as possible. Even if they are not expert the ranged weapon gives a big advantage in combat. 7. I found the best tactics in combat were to engage at a distance and retreat at the end of every round. You should then be able to succeed in most battles. 8. If you have a dragon, build him up so that he has access to Flight. You can then fly over most of the enemies you will encounter. They will be easily picked off if they cannot fly. 9. A good tip in combat is to cast Reanimate onto enemies you have already killed. They will then attack their former colleagues. 10. Early on in the game, when you have collected some money take the coach to a higher level town. You should then be able to buy better weapons and armour than you can at the original town. This will make combat much easier on returning. 11. If you cast Water Walk, you can approach an enemy group from across water, then retreat during combat and they will be unable to follow, making them easier to finish off. 12. A Merchant Grandmaster skill will enable you to buy and sell at cost. The difference to your gold will make trading very much easier. 13. Before entering combat I always press the Return key to enter 'turn-based combat'. I found that this makes combat much easier. 14. Don't forget to examine the bodies after combat for gold and items of interest. A party member with a high level Identify Objects will save a lot of money by avoiding having to ask shop keepers before deciding whether or not to sell an item or use it yourself. 15. If you decide to destroy the skeletal transformer, I waited until I could cast Town Portal. Otherwise you will be confronted by vampires and skeletons and will be unable to reach the exit and attempt to rest. - o -