Air Bucks Author unknown The stock price is determined by the Checking Account balance. The Savings Account balance doesn't enter into it. The smallest amount of money that may be transferred is $100,000 so the stock manipulation must be done first because that is all you have. Make all players human so they cannot interfere. Sell 99 shares [always 1 less than what you own so that you retain over 50%]. Go to Balances [under Bank] and transfer the limit to savings. This brings the price down. Buy all the stock back. Transfer all the money back to Checking. This brings the price back up. Continue this until you have 6-10 million dollars. Be aware that after a large number of these transactions your stock will become too diluted to generate the money you want. I will go into the remedy for this along with taking over bankrupt Airlines. Now set three players back to computer control. Buy landing rights for New York. Go to Planes - set Maintenance to 95% - Set all 8 Comforts to yes. Go to Finance - make Pay 50 - Advertising $100,000 or more. Save all this. Click on Research - cost $20,000. Research should read - Superb service, very few delays. Passenger Comfort - Great, treated like royalty. In flight-good, smiling and attentive crew. Brand Recognition-Your Airline is well known. If the Brand Recognition does not read this way let it run a short time and check Research again. If still not right continue adjusting upward until it does then reload to save the research fees, and use whatever sum works. It is possible later in the game to have the Advertising budget set too high. Save all this. If you have not already done so go to options and set Difficulty, etc. Let the game run for the first month. At the beginning of the second month you will receive landing rights for New York. Route your aeroplane to New York and return to Miami. Set your fares at .08 cent per mile and adjust for best results. You have 2 equal distances. Change one at a time by checking Plane Income [H in the fares window]. The best you can get is cost plus 44% which is determined by dividing Plane income by cost. A calculator would read 1.44. You also check Demand by clicking on List [under Planes] and then clicking on plane number [A0]. Try to make demand as close to 76% as possible. If demand is greater than than 76% your price is probably too low. If demand is less than 76% your price is probably too high. At this stage you cant get the optimum. Settle for the most income. Save all this. Let the game run. Pay attention to the small clock icon on the lower right side it moves in 1/8th month increments. When it has one more increment to go before closing the money total will change one more time. Check Register to see if the last entry is dated 28th-29th or is Feb 25th. When it shows one of these go to Finance and change Pay to 1 and Advertising to $12,000. Save. Let month end and if no undesired events occur [Fuel price change-?] save again. Change Pay back to 50 and Advertising to previous sum. Save. Check research . If ok reload and continue play. This allows all the benefits of high wages and advertising cost without paying them. The DC6 becomes available Jan 1947. Replace any airplanes you have with it. The fare prices are different for each type airplane. Keep a list of fares for each type airplane [DC6-707-747 they will mostly work out to be the same regardless of the destination. You can measure distance from one point to another by clicking on Planes - clicking on Buy and following the directions there [you must be on global zoom} The computer controlled airlines will start to go bankrupt. Before they do make them human controlled, buy some landing rights from them for the largest price the game will allow. You are going to need that money to pay off their debts and have a large amount of money left to fund your stock manipulations. The stock manipulation is done the same way you did with yours. Get 3 or 4 hundred million dollars in their accounts and then buy their stock at a low price. If you bankrupt them a message will ask if you wish to continue - say yes. You can then generate any amount of money by transferring the funds in their accounts and selling and buying the stock you own. You should also have them buy landing rights and sell them to you. When you are transferring large amounts of money the i key will allow increments of $100,000 - $1,000,000 - $10,000,000. You can only transfer a total of $50,000,000 in one transaction. You must make multiple transfers to move more. The only way to be sure of how much money is in either account is to check Balance. The game has trouble with the balance around any billion dollar figure. Just keep playing, they will sort themselves out. - o -