Deus Ex Walkthrough - Part 5 Taken from the Deus Ex FAQ v1.0 By Matt Renfrow Concluded from Issue 78 ========================================= MISSION 12: VANDENBERG AIRFORCE BASE ========================================= As soon as you land, a worker will run up to you and give you the lowdown on the situation, as well as an image of the compound and a code. Sweet. Open the nearby door and head down. Take care of two guards, raid some supply crates, and then press the button for floor two. Walk out, turn right, and take care of the guard on the right, preferably very quiet-like, because just below you are a whole bunch of troops and a MiB. Take the opportunity to snipe them or chuck a LAM down there to get rid of them. More troops should come join the party. Get rid of em. Now, remember the location of that infinitely strong lock and door with two TNT crates in front of it. We'll be coming back here later. Head downstairs, and find the big humming generator. Open the panel and plug in the code (5868). Now to find the other one. Before you go, open the grating on the bottom of the generator and get the key from inside of here. Head out and walk down the hallway, minding the camera here. It'd probably be a good idea to hack security here so you can get those turrets on your side. Head through the door and go on the doorway opposite you. Now, you can bypass the security panel to get rid of the beams, EMP them, or you can go back to the foyer, go up the stairs and to the room above, and then hop over the side. Either way, there will be 2 guards waiting for you. If you need the cloaking augmentation, you can grab it in the flooded room. Be careful of the water, because you will get fried. Before you head back, open the door that's next to where you killed the guards with your keyring. Inside you can free a scientist and get a few goodies. Now we go get some help. Head out of the building (Either by the roof or by just going out the front door) and make your way to the back of the facility. If you're facing the complex, go towards the back left corner. Here is the second panel. Open it and punch in the code (5868). Now, head towards the building in the yard that DOESN'T have the dishes on the roof. Open the door and head in. As you pass through each doorway, turn around and press the switch to open the bay doors, for both of the robots. Now we have help. Follow them outside and watch the robot carnage ensue. I strongly suggest you get your assault rifle and load some HE ammo to help them out, because they're going to need it. You can take out the smaller bots with only one shot of HE ammo. The bigger bots take a couple more. When you're done with the bots, head to the building that DOES have the dishes on the roof, which is the communications building. Head in and talk to the guy. He'll tell you to go through the maintenance tunnels. If you want an aug upgrade canister, you can find one in a locked locker in here. When you're done, open the hatch in the back and hop in. Be ready for a whole bunch of spider-bots in this area. Use some sabot rounds or some 20mm HE rounds to take care of them. Head through, taking notice of the generator to your right as you walk and the security camera, until you get to the blue beams on the floor. If you think you're good enough, try hopping over them and around them, … la Catherine Zeta-Jones in Entrapment. If you set them off, though, a couple of spider-bots will come to attack you. Fend them off, then go back to the generator, open the nearby panel, and press the top button to open the door again. Or, you can just bypass the security panel to turn off the beams. Once you're through, take care of the two spider-bots mulling around and drop down. Grab the goodies in the crates, turn left, and go up two flights of stairs. Press the 3 button the control panel, then head back down and turn right. Follow the passage, bypassing or EMPing the security fields, and then up again. Now cross the bridge to the other side. Grab the key next to the corpse and go up the ladder, and pop the hatch. Press the switch to open the door. Look familiar? Go back upstairs to the control room door I told you to remember earlier. Use your new key to open it. Head in, and, after loading, you can hack the computer here for a few interesting tidbits. Head right and down the steps, and meet up with your good buddy Carter. After catching up, go down and talk to the man on the left at the computer. That's Savage. He'll unlock the door for you and tell you how to access Milnet. Now, if you have a hazmat suit and a lot of health, head straight in, press the switch, double back to the other corner of the room where the elevator is, head up, and then run up to the computer. Or, walk into the room, turn right, grab the key, then head up two flights of stairs. Unlock it, plant a LAM on the fan or blow it up some other way, crawl through, and then drop onto the floor below where the computer is. Either way, once you're at the computer, log in with the name that Savage gave to you (GSavage/Tiffany) to upload Daedalus. After some more weird happenings, go talk to Savage and find out that his daughter got kidnapped. After more talking with Savage and Carter, head back outside and head straight out the front door, head straight and then left when you get close to the wall, and go meet Tong at the helipad down there. Talk to him, and then you'll take off for the gas station to save Tiffany. ======================================= MISSION 13: CALIFORNIA GAS STATION ======================================= Unless you're a sadist, MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO NOISE IN THIS PLACE! As soon as you do and a guard hears you, Tiffany is toast. If you're one of those kind of people who don't care who lives or dies, march right up, chuck a LAM at the building, get the message that Tiffany is dead, and leave, you sicko. For the rest of us: Head straight (You don't need to be quiet during this part) and talk to the bums surrounding the can. They'll give you the key, and the guy will sell you some weapon mods. Head back to where you got dropped of, unlock the door, go through and up the ladder. Save your game. Crouch-walk through the hole, and take out the troop that should be around on your right. Go to the left of the building and up the ramp (QUIETLY!) Take out the guard behind the building with a tranq dart or you can sneak up on him and pepper him or prod him. Once you're done, climb onto the roof with the ladder, then hop onto the next building. Save, and then it'd be a good idea to turn on your cloak augmentation, if you have it. Drop down in, and QUICKLY eliminate the MiB and the troop. Now you can make as much noise as you want. Open the door here and talk to Tiffany. Tell her to stay put while you finish off the guards. Find the key and then unlock the door on the other side. Head out and kill all the MJ12 commandos you see, then go back and grab Tiffany and tell her to run. Escort her all the way, just in case you missed an MJ12 commando somewhere. Jock will be waiting in his helicopter (Just follow Tiffany). He will take her back to her father, and he'll drop you off at the Ocean Lab. ========================================== MISSION 14: OCEAN LAB AND MISSILE SILO ========================================== Head south, minding the gigantic robot stomping about. When you see the MJ12 troop in the distance, pick him off, and head towards his corpse. He should have a key on him that you can use to open the door on the center pillar. Open it and climb up the -long- spiral staircase. Head up and make your way through, turning left at the top, past the barracks and through several guards until you get to the room above two scientists working on computers. Hop down (Or limbo under the railing) and talk to the guard. He'll give you some info and a picture. Now go through the doorway to the south and find the vertical passageway with all the ladders. Take the ladder down. Follow it down the passage, past a guard, to a room with two turrets up top with another guard. Dispose of them and go through the door on the right. Follow the catwalk out here, take out the guard, and to the next building. Get rid of the guard in here, and go into the center pillar. Press the switch and go down. Here, you can hack a security panel on the wall on the left, and can turn the turrets on an enemy. Head down the passage until you come to a room. Be careful of the 3 guards around here. Once they're vanquished, talk to the female scientist (Or read the datacube on the cart in the back) to get the security login for the panel hanging down from the ceiling here: login "tech" and password "sharkman". Turn off the cameras and open the bay doors. Head upstairs and follow the passage until you find the minisubs. Hop into the one that isn't being worked on. - Ocean Floor - There's a security panel on the wall here and a couple of supply crates. That said, head upstairs twice and go inside. Here you'll get a cryptic message from Icarus and Bob Page. Read the datacube on the far desk, and head out and upstairs one more time. Now be careful in the room at the top; there's a turret gone gusto. Either take it out or just haul your butt to the door on the right side. Here we have another turret that's gone nuts. This one I -really- prefer taking out, so chuck an EMP grenade, or a LAW, or a LAM, or snipe it, or something. Head towards it and grab the key next to the guy on the ground. The door on the right has a few supplies. The locked door on the left has a whole bunch of goodies, like ammo, tools, lockpicks, and a biocell. Head back to the main hallway and unlock the locked door with your key. Inside are several greasels that are very annoying. I usually choose two shots with my sniper rifle. Head past and down the ladder. Now we get to fight greasels in the water! Grab something water-friendly (Like the crossbow) and start pecking away at the greasel down here. The door on the wall here has a 60% keypad. You can either use a multitool or two, or go into the next room, fight three more greasels underwater, and grab the code for it (5690). Once you're through, Savage will let you know what's ahead. Go in and read the datacube on the desk, then go through the door on the right, down more stairs, and through another door. Follow the recessed floor in the cavern and take out the greasels that will pop out, two to be precise. Now follow the hallway on the right and prepare to get jumped by one of those beasts. Empty a couple 7.62mm clips into it, or whatever your preferred method is. Once it's dead, grab the key and weapon mod from the table, and head right towards the door. Unlock it and go through. Quick note: There's NOTHING of major value in ANY of the locked doors and/or rooms in this place, so if you're running low on lockpicks or explosives, don't waste them. The only thing I would consider getting would be a recoil weapon mod and a laser weapon mod. When you're done looting rooms, climb down the ladder, loot more rooms, and then through the door at the far end. Follow it and you'll load the next part. Here you can either bypass the security panel, use an EMP grenade, or lockpick the grate on the right side. They all take you past it into the next area. The grating is just a little hard to navigate through. Head through and into the next room. Here there is a -big- spider bot, but it's very easy to sneak by. Head past it towards the elevator. The guy floating in the water behind it has an aug upgrade canister, but the water is electrified, so be careful. Head up the elevator. Hack the panel to the right of the staircase ahead to extend the bridge (I don't know where to find the login to this), head down the stairs and across the bridge, and hack the computer in the next room (I don't know where this login is either). Now head -all- the way back to the cavern, and Simons will make an appearance. After some banter, dispose of him much like you did Gunther. He also explodes like Gunther did too, so watch out! Now do some -heavy- backtracking ALL the way back to the command module, which is where you first came into the place. That's right, use the minisub and get back to the vertical passageway with the ladder that spans three floors. Head to the top floor, then climb the next ladder, open the hatch, and you'll be on the roof. Savage will talk to you, and give you an upgrade canister if you saved his daughter. Hop on the helicopter. - West Coast Silo - Turn left and look up; you'll probably see a sniper in the tower there. Before he can see you, snipe him back, and then take care of the two guards to your left at the corner of the facility. Once they've been taken care of, head that way, around the fence, and towards that building with the windows. Inside are three guards. You can try sniping through the windows, or sneaking up to the door and tossing a gas grenade in. Either way, once they're done, grab some stuff from the table and their bodies and head upstairs. There's a keypad on the central support beam (I don't know the code, but its only 2 digits) that's 40%. Bypassing it will yield a secret stairway to the attic with quite a few goodies. Head back to the second floor and head through the door, and across the catwalk to the base. Once you're at the end of a catwalk (Not on the ramps down yet) hop onto the railing and then leap straight ahead onto the building. Some guards tend to come, so be prepared. Go inside the building to grab a few more goodies, but then go back out to where you jumped on. Head around the top floor and walk across the catwalk to the next building. Grab some more stuff, use the repair bot, and go into the grating in the grate in the corner. Follow it through. Once you're out of the grate, head down the steps and find the -big- silo doors. Use the code that Savage gave you (8456) and you'll be in. Turn left and use the code again to go through those doors. At the end are some security beams. I strongly suggest -not- running through them, because there are THREE, yes, THREE MiBs in this area. So take it out with an EMP or waste a lot of multitools on the security panel and go through. There's also an MJ12 Commando walking around here. But like I said, the MiBs are the most of your worries right now. If you're not a hacker, go into the room on the left, and lockpick the bathroom door. Inside is a guy who will tell you a few things. On the sink is a login for the computer upstairs. Sometimes the prisoner BLOCKED the stupid door on me, so I had to prod him to get him out of my way. Either way, head upstairs and take out the next MiB here, then find the console with the big "ABORT" button. This will open the security panel to the left. Get in by hacking or with your login (Elder/Armageddon) and initiate a new launch. While you're here, select security and turn off a couple of cameras. Head back to the silo doors and go through the other pair of BIG doors (They have a label next to them: MISSILE SILO) Go through and then look down the passageway. This place is a GREAT sniper's alley, so what I did was walk forward until I set off the alarm, then backed away and zoomed through. I took out two MJ12 Commandos and two MiB with four headshots. Very handy. If you're not the sniper type, you can rush forward guns blazing, or, at the very beginning of the tunnel is a grating on the floor that leads you to the bottom level (Into water). There's an elevator in the water, so push the call button. Either way, you want to end up on level four. Use the repair bot if you need to, then hop onto the railing and look down. On one side of the missile is a tech trying to destroy you work. Get him with a head shot and Page will try to sound cool. Use the elevator to go up to level 6. Take out the MiB up here, climb the ladder on one side, press the switch to open the hatch, and then take off for Area 51. ======================== MISSION 15: AREA 51 ======================== If you didn't save Jock from the crazed mechanic, he's gonna blow up real good here. Now behind the helipad is a tower with a sniper in it. He's BAD NEWS so I'd take him out the very first thing. Now follow the ramps down to the ground level and go in the building on the right side. In here you can find a key to the tower next to a guard, as well as a few goodies. If you have hacking, you can head back to the tower. If you don't, you'll need to cross the facility, past the bots, to the hangar with the collapsed door. Inside is a MJ12 Commando and two MiB to take care of, and one MiB has a plasma rifle. Bad news. Once they're out of your way, head upstairs and hop through the broken window to talk to the soldier. He'll give you the security tower login. Head back to the helipad, past it, and unlock the door at the bottom. Be careful, because both ladders are trapped with LAMs. Disarm them or detonate them from a fair distance away. Downstairs has two combat supply crates, while upstairs has the sniper you should have killed before, and a security panel. Use the login from the guy in the hangar, or hack it, and open the blast doors. Head back to ground level and hoof it for the doors (To the left of the building where you got the key, between the two big mounds) Hack security or destroy the camera above, and head down. The left and the right forks are both guarded by security bots, so take care of them as necessary. Take the right fork first, find the friendly repair robot if need be, and go in the building on the left, turn right, open the panel, and turn power back on. Grab more goodies lying around here and head back to the other fork, and take the elevator down. Press the button next to the big security door and head through. - Area 51 Bunker - Take care of the turret and/or the security camera that's on the left. Head down and be careful of the exploding generator on your right. Once it's simmered down, head past it and talk to Everett. This is one of the possible endings you can have, if you follow what he says. Now turn around and head straight, following it down until you see a security robot and a keypadded door. Input the code that Everett gave you and head in. Use the medbot if you need to. Take note of the infinite strength keypad. Head outside and keep following the passage, into the next keypadded door. The code is the same the last one. Inside is a MiB and a troop, so take care of them accordingly. On a table is a datacube with the code to that infinite keypad (0169) so head back to in and open it, and grab the upgrade canister and the key. Now continue following the passage until it opens up into a big chamber. There are two MJ12 commandos and three troops to take care of (One sitting up in the crane: WHY?). Head up to the really big door lit by red lights, unlock it with your keyring, and go through. On the right, behind the wall, are two supply crates. If your brother's alive, he'll send you a message telling you to "Do what you think is right." Now, whip out a heavy weapon and press the button next to the elevator. Page will send you a message taunting you, and then a MiB and two troops will come up. As soon as the elevator doors open, throw what you got at the MiB. When he dies, the explosion will take out the two troops, assuming they haven't rushed out to get you. Get on the elevator, go down, and suffer more taunts from Page. Go ahead and turn left, and then Tong will talk to you about his "ending." He'll give you an image and will open the door for you. Head in. Now, there's a couple of ways into the stairwell that's to your right. Make a lot of noise and some troops and an MiB will open it for you (And kill you in the process, usually) or, you can lockpick that door. Or, if none of these appeal to you, head straight, and then to the right of the fenced-in area is a stairwell down. In the water at the bottom is a guy, and next to him is a key to the stairwell. Beware of the Greasels in the water, though. Once you're in the stairwell, take note of the Aquinas Hub door. Once, when I made some noise, this door was open, allowing me to bypass a -lot- of pain and misery. Keep heading upstairs and you'll find the troops (If you didn't draw them away already) and a mechanic. On the console next to the mechanic is a datacube for the security panel behind you. Not only does this panel allow you to get the upgrade canister behind you, but it unlocks a door somewhere. Do so. Now head back downstairs, and once you're back on the ground level, go right and follow the stairs down here. Below you are two spider-bots. Straight ahead and below you is that door you just unlocked. Head through it, and go up to the control room via the ladder to the right of it. Talk to the mechanic in here and he'll give you the code to the Aquinas hub. Backtrack to that, punch in the code, and head through. Here, you can hack the computer for some interesting emails. The drawer in the desk has a tool and a biocell. Now follow the passage until you get to the room with the little GRAY PEOPLE! One shot from your sniper rifle should be enough. Head through the door on the left, through the red passage, and follow it all the way, and you'll eventually come to a room with a steps to your left and right, both leading to an elevator. Go up to the third floor and listen to Helios's idea for a third ending. Head back down to the second level and to the stairs you came down earlier. Two security bots will come out to help you as you get assaulted by three MJ12 commandos. Don't expect the bots to be much help. Now, head back to the room with the gray people, and head down the stairs and through the door on the left. You'll have to follow this long vertical passage past a lot of locked doors and dead bodies, but eventually you'll reach the bottom with a big spider bot. Head past it or destroy it, and go to the sector 4 access door. You can't miss it, it's the door that's GIGANTIC. Helios will talk to you and open it. Head through, up the stairs and through the door, and someone will contact you. If you saved your brother, it'll be him. If you didn't, it'll be Savage. They say to "Make your own course" but it sounds like a sales pitch for the Helios AI Ending. Hmm. Head past. This is a place with lots of.. large scale test tube babies, for lack of a better description. The two you first see are clones of Page and Simons. On the other side, the empty one is where -you- were born. The other one is going to create "Alex Denton." A brother! Woohoo! Notice how it doesn't say where your base genetic sample is from. Head into the hallway between the two Denton incubators, and find the security panel near the window. Hack it to turn off the environmental generators and open the door on the other side (Anyone know another way in?). Kill the greys who try to stop you, and head through. Now you'll get a few lectures. Alex will tell you that if you want to turn off the fusion reactors, the code is 724*, and you'll have to find out that fourth digit yourself. Both times when I tried this ending the code was 7243. I'm not sure if it changes for other people. Head into Page's chambers and dispose of those annoying turrets. Now it's decision time. - Rebirth of the Illuminati, Everett's Ending - First, head through the south door, up the ladder, and turn right, following the hallway down, down the stairs and straight ahead to the first reactor. Punch in the code, and turn around and be prepared to take care of two security bots. One down. Head back to where you climbed up the ladder, and then look east and down from the grating. See that dead body? Jump off the ladder and head towards that platform, then look north. Snipe a couple of grays that are milling about then hop down, and turn around. In this room it'd help to have a hazmat suit. In the left corner is the second reactor to take care of. Two down. Go back out, and go on the catwalk to the left. In the middle, right beneath Page, is the third reactor. Punch in the code. Three down. Now look east and straight down. See those two yellow pipes? Right beneath you and between them is the fourth reactor. However, the area below you is crawling with baddies. I strongly suggest taking them out from here, or just putting your cloak, before heading down. Hit the fourth reactor, four down. Turn left and head to the tall building with a door on the front. On the left side of that building is a switch. Press it to summon an elevator. Go up and climb the ladder down to get back to Page. Head north past him, turn right once you're through the doorway, and follow the hall, and take a right when you're in front of the Aquinas Router. In here is the control panel. Press the button. Congratulations! - New Dark Age, Tong's Ending - Head south, climb the ladder, then open the grate on your right and climb down. There's a dead mechanic in here and a few goodies. Open the door (Use a light), then look down, and open the grate. Crawl in and head straight. At the very end of this passage is a switch. Press it, and jump down into the water. Follow the water passage (A good swimming skill and aqualung helps) and eventually you'll hit a ladder. Now, there are a couple MJ12 commandos and several troops milling about. Watch yourself. Climb the ladder and hop over the fence. At the back of this room is the control panel marked "Flush Systems". Press it. Now head straight, past more troops, to the door. Press the button to open it. Now get ready to face a lot of monsters. Putting on your cloak helps, as does speed running. Dash back to where you went in the grate, through the door where the dead mechanic is, and up the ladder. Once you're up again, go back down the ladder that leads to Page. More heavy backtracking. Head all the way back to where either Savage or your brother contacted you, and keep going. Follow the passage all the way back, climbing all the stairs with the keypadded doors that contained nothing, and to the contaminated room where the grey men were, climb the ladder, through the office, and down the stairwell to the bottom. Head right, down the stairs, down more stairs, to the reactor lab. There are two grays at the bottom, so take care of them before you hop down. At the base of each reactor is a switch you must press. Wear a hazmat suit, too. Once you're pressed them both, head back up the stairs. Page will start pleading and reasoning with you. Head up to the control room, where the mechanic gave you the code to the Aquinas Hub. Press the switch marked 1. When it stops shaking, press the second, shaking, then press the third. Now press the ENGAGE button on the control panel. Congratulations. - Merging with the Helios AI, Helios's Ending - Turn right and head through the south passage. Head up the ladder, turn right, and open the grating. Head all the way down the ladder. Read the datacube next to the dead mechanic. Head back up the ladder. Go to where Page is. Head north past him, turn right, and follow the hallway to the Aquinas Router. Do as Helios instructs, turning on the switches on either side of the room. Now Helios will give you the login to the computer. Get in and activate the special option. Now we have more backtracking to do. Remember where Helios talked to you way back in the Aquinas Hub? That's where we're going. Head all the way back there, through the test tube baby lab, back through the Sector 4 access door, up all the stairs, going through the right door in the contaminated grey-alien room, down stairs, down more stairs, and straight ahead, taking the elevator to the third floor. Now go straight and talk to Helios. Congratulations! - o -