Goofs for The Matrix (1999) Crew or equipment visible: During the scene in which Neo receives the cell phone via overnight delivery you can see someone's hand to the left of Neo's desk. This hand is obviously not Neo's nor the delivery man's. (Due to cropping this error does not show up in the letterboxed version, only in the 4:3 "TV" version.) Continuity: In the first scene in which Neo appears, we see him from above, sleeping in front of his computer. The keyboard he is using is a Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro with the atypical curved key configuration. When messages begin appearing on his screen, he tries to stop them by hitting various keys, but the closeup of the keys show keys from a standard keyboard that are clearly not the keys on a Natural Keyboard Pro. Crew or equipment visible: When Neo is examining the spoon prior to bending it, a crew member dressed in black - probably the cameraman - is reflected in the spoon. Revealing mistakes: During the Agent/Trinity chase, when the last police officer fails to completely jump across, his legs cause the "brick" wall to vibrate noticeably. Boom mike visible: While showing Neo what has happened to his real world, Morpheus looks to the sky and remarks: "Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony." As he looks up, you can see the boom mike reflecting in his sunglasses. Revealing mistakes: During the beginning scene, when the officers are chasing Trinity on the rooftops, over their heads, you can see that the sky is really the ceiling of the soundstage painted black. Continuity: The establishing shot of Neo's building shows his company name as "Metacortex" while a plaque inside the building lists it as "Meta Cortechs." (Visible overhead as Neo starts to run for the office.) Arguably a glitch in the matrix, but since people come to work at this building every day, they would notice and this could reveal the unreality of the matrix to them. Errors in geography: The matrix is apparently simulating some unknown American city (the accents of the characters, references to one phone call, IRS, and Social Security number). However, the sign near the elevator button refers to a "lift," a rooftop sign says "authorised," an ATM has a sign for an Australian bank, and cars are seen driving on the left (or, when Neo drops the phone, on the right against the road markings). Arguments for these inconsistencies being part of the matrix and hence not problems don't wash, since the matrix is trying to be accurate (else why make it so much like the "real" world). Crew or equipment visible: When Neo reaches to open the door to the Oracle's apartment, the lens of a camera is visible. The camera itself seems to be covered with green cloth to match the color in the hallway, and even has a yellow tie painted on it to match the one Morpheus is wearing, since he is standing behind the camera. Revealing mistakes: Less than a second before Neo jumps off the building in "the first jump," special effect artifacts are briefly visible around him. (As he's running, side view, against the sky.) Crew or equipment visible: As Neo passes the camera while falling during the "Jump Program," his shirt is blown open by the wind and clearly shows the harness he is wearing underneath. Factual errors: There is no way for the subway trains to be powered. There is no wire on top of the tunnel, there is no third rail, and the two rails are not powered or Neo would have been electrocuted when he fell on the tracks during the fight with the agent. The two trains that pass lack any kind of separate locomotive. Factual errors: The sprinkler system manages to fill the floor nearly 3 inches full of water in only a matter of minutes. This is hugely over exaggerated as if this were the case the entire building would be nothing but water in only a couple of hours. Revealing mistakes: When Neo is running from the agents, he jumps off a fire escape, and when the camera flashes further away you can clearly see the thick gray mat used for the fall. Revealing mistakes: During the lobby gunfight, when Trinity runs on the wall, the first "stone" wall panel that she hits flexes. Revealing mistakes: A security guard calls for help on his radio at the beginning of the lobby shootout. He is wearing knee pads underneath his uniform. Revealing mistakes: During the fight scene in the subway, as the Agent is about to punch through the concrete post, the section to be punched out is clearly visible. Crew or equipment visible: When Neo is holding Morpheus outside the helicopter, a safety cable is visible as a black line along Morpheus's arm going up to Neo in the last long shot before Neo lets go. Plot holes: If the Agents can punch through concrete pillars, then why can't they knock Neo in half with one swing? Factual errors: The fire downstairs causes the sprinkler heads to activate in the entire building, but that is not how sprinkler heads work. They are activated on an individual basis (or at best by zone). If all sprinklers went off, there would not be enough pressure to supply water to all of them (particularly in such a tall building). Factual errors: When Neo is sleeping in front of his computer, the results of his search program are projected onto him. Real monitors do not project images. - o -