Half Life Walkthrough - part 3 by Paul Griffiths Concluded from last issue Surface Tension 1) Don't worry about the helicopter, the marines, or the rocket launcher. Just run and dive into the water to the left of the dam. If you insist, all of them can be destroyed (including the chopper), but at a cost of much ammo. 2) Kill or evade the big fish in the water, then climb the tower and go inside it and use the switch to make it safe to swim through the gates under the dam. 3) Swim down to the bottom by the dam and find the red wheel. Hold down use to open the gates of the dam. Swim through one of them, but be careful when coming up for air on the other side -- do so quickly, the chopper is still looking for you. 4) Climb the ladder and walk through the pipes, exit and climb up the ladder on the wall of the building. 5) Ignore the tentacle monster in the next area -- you don't have to mess with him at all unless you want some of his goodies. The other crack in the rocks leads to where you need to go. 6) Walk around the mine field on the left hand perimeter, staying on rocks as much as possible. Once at the red wheel, turn it to open the storm drain and climb down the ladder (don't fall, it's too far). 7) Walk down the pipe until you see blue sky, then pull out the crossbow and snipe (alt fire) the marines in the area. They are above and below you. Use both barrels of your shotgun on the sentry gun. 8) Climb down the breaking bridge by walking on the wires, or slide down the large section carefully. There's a chopper in the area that's pretty easy to avoid, but you can destroy it with two shots from the laser- guided rocket launcher if you want to see the pretty explosion. 9) Once inside the pipes, take a left at the tee, creep up the ladder (walk, don't run) and throw a grenade at the marine's back. Retreat into the pipe and exit the other way (right at the tee from before) and jump into the water. The marines will be looking near where you tossed your 1st grenade, so you can surprise them again from this side. 10) It takes several rockets to destroy the tank so just try and run around it and do it with two detpacks (or grenades) instead. Open the gate and replenish supplies. 11) The next tank (?) is tough to kill, it's better to try and strafe back and forth to avoid his shots. 12) Stay to the left in the next minefield, or shoot the ground several feet in front of you to take out any mines in the area. Also watch out for the snipers up in the windows. A grenade from your launcher (machine gun alt fire) it the easiest way to take out snipers. There are two snipers in this map. 13) Shoot the exploding barrels to turn off the power before trying to climb up the fallen electrical tower to the roof. Watch out for the sniper behind you when crawling under the barbed wire to get to it. 14) Walk around the roof (first left) to find the hole in it, and drop in onto the larger crate there to avoid falling damage. 15) Leave the chicken scientists and be very careful around the trip mines -- they are everywhere. Push a crate up to the one on the stairs to jump over, or just jump on the railing to avoid it. 16) Jump and duck trip mines to make your way to the main room (that's just loaded with trip mines) and find the elevator platform by the wall (not the one in the center of the room -- yet). Break the box on the elevator platform by the wall so that when you raise the lift it won't activate the trip min above it. Be careful not to break or move the crate next to it that has a trip laser already hitting it on the other side. 17) Jump and duck your way into the control room and use the switch to raise the platform. Jump out onto this platform, then jump over the laser trip mines and onto the elevator platform in the middle of the floor. Use the button there to lower the elevator, taking you to safety and leaving the scientist screwed and cowering in that room :) 18) As the aliens drop in, the air raids will come and kill them. No sweat, but stay clear and don't be near the surface when the bombs drop. Then run past the tank, strafing to dodge its fire. 19) Turn right around the corner, but watch out for the sniper as you climb the stairs. Find the guard and get him to open the storage room for you (use him, and lead him to the door). 20) Jump out the window and walk along the ledge to the ladder that leads to the roof of the other building (across the alley). Kill everyone in the bombed building and then jump across the twisted girders and debris to exit on the other side. 21) Climb up to the big gun and use it to blast open the big doors. You can also use it to dispatch any marines that might be following you. Exit through the big doors. 22) Be careful exiting the next door, there are tons of those big hornet-gun-toting baddies out there, usually three at a time, but they won't spawn until you step in certain areas. Kill the first three and make a run for it. 23) Use the conveniently located mounted machine gun to take out the hordes of lightning monsters coming down the sloped tunnel. Just duck down behind it, use the gun, and hold down fire while spraying hot lead all over the place -- they keep coming in several waves to just peek up to check on them until you're sure they're all gone. 24) Use the bouncy-crater (step on it) to get atop the roof, then watch the marines fight the aliens. Clean up the survivors. Drop down and smash open the vent with your crowbar. Be careful! The vent shaft is crawling with snarks, and they are a pain. Some sort of explosives are handy for removing the bulk of them, but you'll probably have to run from a few. They are hard to shoot, and they hit pretty hard for their size. Their weakness is their short life-span. If you can evade them for about 20 seconds of so, they explode. I wasted a lot of ammo on those little chum toads (what they were called before the game was released) before I realized this. 25) Once inside the tunnel, find the vent cover and smash it open. Soon after, the marines below will hear you and start perforating the vent with bullet holes (this effect is great) -- back up and fill the room with snarks, it's a blast to watch. You have to get very close to the hole in the floor of the vent shaft to drop them, but even if you take a few hits it's worth it. 26) After killing the marines, exit by the door on the right. If you wait too long, someone will throw a grenade in from outside and seal off the door with debris. If this happens, use the switch hanging from the ceiling by the car lift and hop on, it will raise up and you can jump out through the hole in the wall. 27) Once outside, use the big mounted gun to blast through the big doors to exit the area. 28) Jump over the broken catwalk -- it's far, but possible without a super long jump. Don't jump too soon. You may find it easier to jump up on the railing first, and then jump across. 29) Use the bouncy crater to get to the roof then open up the pipe and climb through. Find the guard at the end and get him to follow you, you'll need him to open the door at the bottom, and the door after that (so don't kill him!) 30) At the next big flame-throwing monster, run away and don't look back -- he'll get it bad in a minute. Bounce on the crater over the wall and into the pool. Then climb quickly across the pipe and onto the platform with the green map and the radio. One of the controls moves the horizontal aiming, one moves the vertical, and one calls in the air strike. Examine the map (it's a map of the large area you are in now) and figure out where the large door you entered the area is on the map (lower left). 31) Line up the intersection of the two lines on the map with the area just outside of the door by which you entered this area. Turn around and wait for the flame-throwing monster -- he'll be there soon. As soon as you see him, use the button to call in the air strike and he's toast. Best boss kill ever in a fps, bar none. 32) Next take your time and call in air strikes to destroy three targets: (1) the right wall of the fortress-like area across the moat (2) the door inside the fortress walls, and (3) the large tower in front of you. Then simply walk across the tower (which falls conveniently to let you cross the moat) and through the door in the now breached fortress area. Forget About Freeman 1) Get ready for some falling ceiling action. Go to your right and wait for the third segment to fall from the roof (it's shorter than the others) and jump on top of it. Wait there until the rest of the roof falls and make your way to the exit on the left. 2) Walk to the tee and go right, then use the wheel to open the hatch cover. Avoid the red sentry gun lasers (or destroy the sentry guns). 3) Go down either of the "West" tunnels and jump over the grate to exit the area. Avoid or destroy the tank, then ride the elevator down. 4) Turn right at the tee, then use the tank to blow a hole through the door. Be ready for a slew of monsters to come through when you do. The combination of lightning-shooters and hornet-shooters is especially annoying. Trip mines and your own hornet gun work well. 5) Be careful walking through the big door -- there's a laser gun to the left and several hornet-shooting monsters on wither side. Strafe out from cover just long enough to fire a rocket at the laser gun, then strafe back to cover (turn off your laser guidance system with alt fire or you'll miss when you strafe for cover). Use your hornet-gun to kill the hornet-shooting monsters -- you can shoot them from the safety of behind the wall. Lambda Core 1) Use the switch in the control room and ride the elevator down, then watch out for the sniper babes. 2) Only after you kill everyone in the area will the scientist open the door for you. Walk to the right and get the big gun, then go back to the elevator that leads to the coolant system. 3) Go to each of the pump rooms and use the switches there to activate both pumps. Then go to the auxiliary reactor and jump down into the water. Crawl through the maintenance tunnel and use each of the two switches on either side of the core. Watch for and avoid the sparks on your way out (climb up the ladders to the top and leave). 4) Climb up the elevator shaft and jump off the ladder to get to the upper level. Here there are steam valves you can open (use) to kill the monsters in the area. It's fun to watch. The teleporter here is just to show you how they work -- green ones are entrances and orange ones are exits. 5) Find the door with the sign that says "Core Level B" , go inside and start the teleporting festival. This is perhaps the only really annoying puzzle in the entire game, but it's not too bad once you figure it out (duh). You have to jump into each teleporter on the tower, in numeric order (lowest one on each level), and time your jump so that then you appear at the orange teleport exit at the next level up, you will land on a rotating platform and not fall to the bottom. I suggest saving after each successful teleport. Neal also points out the following tips: As you jump onto each rotating platform, walk to the leading edge (in the direction you are moving). That way, when you jump into a teleport (don't delay), you will be aligned correctly to land onto the next higher platform. 6) Once you get to the top platform (a new area) don't jump back into the teleporter! Look behind you for a door, open it and go inside. Climb the ladder and wait for the scientist to open the door. 7) Once inside, stock up on weapons (health and HEV power are in the next room, so don't worry). Make sure you take the jump pack with you (right by the door) or the next part is much harder. Save before proceeding in any case. 8) Kill the flying monsters to keep both you and the scientist alive until he tells you it's ok to jump into the teleporter. When he says go, do it -- you don't have long. Xen 1) If you didn't take the Hazard Course, now is the time when you'll wish you had (so save and go do it!). Use the super long jump to jump from platform to platform, making your way to the large center area. Save often. 2) On the center planet thing there is a little pool of water that will restore your health while you stand in it (these are all over Xen, so look for them). Near this pool is the entrance to the center of the planet thing you're on. 3) Walk to each of the three mushroom things and use them, they will open up as you do each one. Break open all of the web stuff with your crowbar and release the yellow butterfly things that will float into each of the mushrooms and activate a teleporter in the center. Go into the teleporter. Gonarch's Lair 1) Shoot the spider repeatedly in the belly-sac thing hanging underneath it. Keep doing this until the spider runs away, then follow it, and shoot its sac some more. 2) There's a webbed area in the center in the second area that you can jump into (if you're careful and don't miss the ledges beneath it). You'll find a health pool (and some headcrabs) down there. Use the bouncy crater to get back up for more sac-shooting fun. 3) Keep shooting sac and chasing spider until you drop down below a web on the third area. Unleash all your ammo on his sac while you're underneath it -- soon it'll drop down with you. Kill the spider (remember, only sac-hits do damage), and then hide behind the whapping trees to let them finish off the headcrabs and baby headcrabs. Comment: Psyci suggests not dropping down below on the third area. Rather, let the spider drop, then dump every snark you have into the pit with it. Seems they know to go for the sac too :) Interloper 1) Look for healing pools in the caves if the spider got a piece of you -- you'll need decent health to finish this level. Watch out for the pits that open and close -- you'll die if you fall inside one. 2) Find the small yellow area in the cave to the left and go inside. Use your crowbar to smash the webbing around the base of the white column. Climb on the tower and ride it up to the top. 3) Like you did at the beginning of Xen, jump from rock to rock to make your way to the low area near the teleporter. Watch out for the lightning-shooting aliens (duck). Finally, jump on the back of one of the bird things and ride into the teleporter. 4) Walk (don't run) past the tentacle or climb over the rocks (watch out for another flame-throwing monster) to get to yet another teleporter. 5) Once inside the place where the lightning-shooting aliens are slaving away at some space-beer-brewing factory, take the elevator things up to the conveyor belts. Don't shoot the slaves in this area -- they'll leave you alone unless you attack. 6) One of the conveyor belts enters a hole that does not have a blue force-field on it. Enter this hole. Keep going up and right until your way is blocked by big beer kegs. These kegs each contain an ugly monster that hates you, so avoid breaking them like the plague. 7) If you back up and super long jump, you can clear the kegs blocking the path (it's low gravity -- try it). If you can't get that to work, drop a detpack by the kegs but don't detonate it. Switch to the shotgun and blast open the keg, then switch back to the detpack and detonate the monster than comes out. 8) Look for a red vent-shaft type thing with weird globs of light inside. Go in there (seriously). Keep going until you enter a huge, tall room. Whip out the crossbow and snipe everything in sight with alt fire. Keep working your way upward and sniping the aliens. You'll have to ride up a few odd spinning cog platforms and kill loads of flying things, but it's not too bad. At the top is an (obvious) teleporter; jump inside. Nihilanth 1) Shoot the triangles until each explodes and avoid the green teleporter balls by ducking behind rocks -- getting teleported into those other rooms really sucks. 2) Shoot the big baby until his heads opens up on the top (the head just opens up on the top a little, you may miss this lovely event if you're not bouncing up high) on the bouncy craters on the floor. 3) Bounce up high over and over until you can get a good shot at his brain inside the opening in his head (one or two detpacks dropped in his gaping cranium should do the trick). Neal says: Here's how I killed the final boss: Using the bouncer on the floor I got to the upper ledge bouncer. From there I jumped onto his head. He can't attack you while you're standing there! I then smashed his brain with the crowbar. That's right! I killed him with the "weakest" weapon of the game. 4) Save the game here, because there are two endings, slightly different depending on your decision (you'll see), and you'll probably want to see both without fighting the big baby again. - o -