Gilbert Goodmate and The Mushroom of Phungoria. Played by Peter Clark Many years ago, an evil wizard lived in his castle near the town of Phungoria. His name was Karn and he was definitely not nice. Many people, over the years, had tried to rid the land of Karn and failed until a young lad called Marvin decided, with his arm twisted behind his back, to make another attempt to get rid of him. Somehow he managed to do this with the aid of a large mushroom. From that day on, the mushroom was given a place of honour in the town and each year one man was given the job of looking after it. A mushroom festival was held each year when the mushroom guardian was changed. This story is about a chap called Gilbert Goodmate and his grandfather Abraham whose task has been to guard the mushroom during the last year. There is only one week left before the annual mushroom festival when the mushroom is stolen. Abraham is thrown into prison and sentenced to be executed during the mushroom festival. Gilbert must find the mushroom thief and return the sacred mushroom to the town before the end of the week or granddad meets his fate. This game is of the cartoon genre similar to the original Monkey Island games. Control is through the mouse and the normal Save and Load facilities are available. The game played easily and well on a Pentium 3 - 700Mhz using the full screen and with a full installation. Gilbert is on good terms with Princess Michelle, the daughter of the King. She is strong-willed while he father, the King, is a bit lily livered. Gilbert's first task is to impersonate the King and gain extra time to complete his task. Of course there are the usual objects to be found before the disguise can be used and Gilbert finds himself running about all over Phungoria before the necessary objects are obtained and the impersonation carried out. Initially he will need to talk to Saul, the shoemaker and the old sailor on the docks. A secret agent watches your moves here and some dialogue is necessary with him to gain vital clues and objects. In the town, you will also need to talk to Arver who is the local hypochondriac. Conversations are vital with both the Blacksmith and Madame Zyz, the town fortune- teller. A visit to Elton's house who is an inventor is a must as is talking to the lady on the balcony to acquire her smalls from the washing line. Finally a very long chat with the farmer should get you the final part of the disguise and extra time can be gained to clear your grandfather. You should now have enough evidence as to the identity of the mushroom thief and find it necessary to travel to a distant island. A visit to the Inn and a chat with the local boat owner will uncover just what you need to pay for a boat. To get this object another string of visits to the town and surrounding area are necessary. Larry has a shop in the caves but needs a lot of cash for his wares. The Vikings have a Treasure Tower so a visit there might prove useful if you can get past the guard. A good turn has to be done for the travelling quack doctor and assistance given to the gentleman who lives under a bridge and drinks tea before Elton's Time Machine and Barry's Generosity Potion can be used to get the object that the boat owner wants before he will let you have the means to go to the island. On the island you meet Elton again who seems to have had an accident with his Time Machine and has got stuck on the island. You will have to help him escape and go with him. Firstly you must sort out the pirates who are busily treasure hunting. Both the Pirate Captain and his cook need to be interacted with before you can get into the caves. Here you have the only two real "puzzles" in the game. The first is of the slider variety and you have to complete a picture of, guess what?" a mushroom before your way is clear into the next cave. A swing bridge has to put into position and filling and emptying buckets is the way to do it. On the far side you run into the mushroom thief and, I won't tell you what happens, but, if you have found what Elton needs for the raft, you finish up on the raft with him. Unfortunately, all is not well with the raft and after having to swim for it, you are captured by Vikings and sent to the local Slave Market. Escape from here is a little complicated and will involve, among other things, removing hair from the legs of a rather effeminate Viking. An Indian Chief makes an appearance and Arver, the hypochondriac, re-appears. You will have to find a way of making sure that you are not sold as a slave and then avoid execution before returning to Phungoria, rescuing Princess Michelle and freeing your grandfather. All told this is a very light-hearted game based on the "find something and use it with something or swap it for something else" sort of game. The puzzles are not very difficult in themselves but some need a little lateral thinking. The only two real puzzles as such are the two in the caves on the island but even these are not terribly mind-boggling. I have really only two criticisms of the game. There are several parts where failing to complete a quite small action will prevent something important happening later. Some of these "triggers" are contained in conversations and this is my second gripe. Many conversations seem to go on forever and you can be tempted to skip them thus, in some cases, failing to trip one of the "triggers." I spent a long time trying to find a napkin in the Inn that hadn't appeared as I had missed such an action. There is a lot of humour contained in the responses of the characters but I did feel that this was often overdone and could have been cut short. However, that said, I would recommend this game for those of you who like light-hearted games that are not too taxing or may be as a break from games containing "Myst" type puzzles. - o -