Heroes Chronicles: Clash of the Dragons Press [TAB] while playing, then type: Code Result nwcagents Fill empty slots w/10 black knights nwclotsofguns Gain all war machines nwcneo Gain a level nwctrinity Fill empty slots w/5 archangels nwcfollowthewhiterabbit Maximise Luck nwcnebuchadnezzar Unlimited movement nwcmorpheus Maximise Morale nwcoracle Reveal puzzle map nwcwhatisthematrix Reveal world map nwcignoranceisbliss Hides world map nwctheconstruct Gain 100,000 gold and 100 of each resource nwcbluepill Lose game nwcredpill Win game nwcthereisnospoon Gain 999 Mana and all spells nwczion Gain all buildings nwcphisherprice Change games colours to a weird colour scheme - o -