STILL LAUGHING AT MY CARDIGAN Hints by Bev Truter The aim of the game is to find another cardigan to wear, as aliens from outer space have vaporized the brand new cardigan your mum knitted for your birthday. Type HELP or HINT for clues during play, and remember that the policeman can be asked about various topics; eg: ask policeman about cardigan. It is necessary to TALK to everyone you meet, and to GIVE certain items to people you meet. You will also need to BUY things from some shops in the game. Talk to your grandma several times to find out what you have to do; also talk to your grandad and examine him. Start at edge of village. X view for a clue, and look under the bushes here. Go to grandparents cottage and talk to granny several times, and grandpa. Open the fridge and cupboards in gran's kitchen - someone might like a cold drink. In the spare bedroom you'll need a key to unlock the wardrobe; also X bed, move it, and look under it. Hiker: She's forgotten some camping equipment, perhaps you could help her. The dog belongs to her, and will leave with her. X flowers, search flowers, pick some for your gran. You will have to help the hiker out a second time, but in a different location. Chessplayer: X his chess board, you may be able to help. When he moves off you can sit on the bench. Remember the view at the start location? Shops: You will only be able to buy the wool when you have sufficient money; but a teabag at the general store will be much cheaper...The owner of the Antique shop won't let you pass - X the shop to see where his interests lie. Once past the owner, X the floor-covering in the alley, and after moving north you should find 2 more objects that will prove useful. Grandparents - ask policeman about them for clues about their talents and hobbies. Your grandpa requires 3 items; and grandma needs 6 before you'll get a replacement cardigan. Blue wool: Can be bought with the money/tenner - you'll get some change as well. By now the bakery should be open, so go and talk to Neville and find out what he'd like. Once past the cashier, X the 2 men in the alley - one of them is interested in music... If you've got the necessary item, you can make your gran a cup of tea - but only if you've first discovered where she keeps her crockery. When gran has all 6 items, she will advise you to settle down for the night. Take her advice and go to bed! Next morning: Find a note that's been left behind, then visit the policeman. X bakery, and ask policeman about the bakery. When you have all the items you think necessary for a trip to the aliens, you can use the strange device - but it will only work in an appropriate place. On board the spacecraft: Find the Forgotten Storage and search the shelves there (twice) for some useful goodies. You'll only be able to read all the alien signs if you are carrying the tatty book (dictionary). You'll need some form of I.D. to get into Holodeck #2, and 2 items to get past the security camera outside Maintenance. Castle: Talk to the cook and princess and work out what they need. There's a key in the scriptorium (hidden); and after you've given her 3 things, the cook will reward you with something edible. The guard is interested in something to drink, which can be found in a secret room off the Banquet Hall. You'll have to open the drink with something from Holodeck #2. (Talk to the barman). After finding Gabby and doing an errand for her, return to the quiet glade in the forest. Talk to her for a reward, and remember to return the barman's utensil. You'll need something to lever the boulder with. The princess wants 3 things to help her get to sleep, and she will reward you with a weapon. After you have disposed of the guard you'll need an item of clothing from him to get into the chilly room; and once there you'll need to break the ice. X the clothing you got from the guard. In dark hole: X the craft, door and pad. Traveller: He'd like some I.D. too; but first visit Maintenance and perform some repairs with something you found in the guard's clothing. When you find your way into the mini-pod in the exploratory craft, you must manipulate the switch to operate the pod. Pod will only work successfully if you have done some repairs and activated a guidance system on the mothership. Back in the village: You're now ready to return home to your parents - just head west along the road home! - o -