Oklib's Revenge Solution by the author, Sue Medley I, exam boots, exam leggings, N, N, NW, exam giant, get rope, N (+2,2), exam armour (+2,4), get umbrella, exam it, E, exam bed, get blanket, W, N, exam carpet, exam tapestry, U, W, N, exam books (+2,6), S, E, S, throw blanket over dog (+2,8), open wardrobe, get cloak and book (+2 total,10), exam book, exam cloak, exam pocket, get biscuits, give biscuits to dog, wear cloak, N, E, exam table, open drawer, look, get key, W, D, E, get torch, W, S, S, S, S, E, E, exam sign, read it, get hammer, exam lake, exam stones (see symbols on them, clue), W, W, S, exam tree, exam branch, tie rope to branch, climb rope (+2,12), untie rope, E, N, tie rope to stalagmite, S, W, W, exam boulders, get rock, E, get branch, E, N, climb rope (+2,14). N, N, S, W, S, exam wall, hit wall with hammer (+2,16), drop hammer, W, wait (dragon speaks, +3,19), give branch to dragon (+2,21), drop branch, get brown marble, E, N, E, E, exam cave, U, N, W, exam boat, enter it, raise sail, N, W, W, lower sail, W, dig gravel (+2,23), get green marble, E, raise sail, E, E, E, N, N, lower sail, N, U, exam carving (+2, 25), exam carving, D, S, raise sail, S, E, E, open umbrella, again (+2,27), drop umbrella, exam door, unlock it, drop key, W, exam sack, pull it (+2,29), get ring, exam it, wear it, U (+2,31). S, S, wait (dog joins), N, W, W, wait, exam flag, S, wait (box arrives, +3,34), remove boots, drop them, drop torch (it goes out), swim, exam dog, exam grille, exam room, exam shield, get it (can't), get box, out, get boots, wear them, get torch, exam box, exam depression, put ring in depression (+1,35), S, E, E, N, N, NW, N, E, E, exam wall, scrape mortar (+2,37), get small box, exam it, open it, get purple marble, get paper, exam it, read it (advert, +1,38), drop small box, W, W, N, wear hood, W, wait (five times, giant leaves, +3,41), light torch (from embers), E, U, N, exam giant, get axe, exam it, S, D, S, W, N, exam door, exam panel, put red marble in hole, put blue marble in hole, put black marble in hole, put brown marble in hole, put purple marble in hole, put green marble in hole, drop box, E, exam armour, get it, W, S, E, N, E, N, get hourglass, exam it, S, W, W, exam cupboard, open it (can't), exam desk, exam inkwell, get pen, exam it, put pen in inkwell, W (+2,43), D, E, get bottle, W, W, W, chop brambles with axe (+2,45), S (+5,50). S, S, get plank, N, W, W, wait, wear armour, wait (drawbridge drops, +2,52), NW, yes, E, E, E, exam bust, push it (click), W, W (door has opened in the south alcove), S, exam harpsichord, open it (can't, there's something on it), get cymbals, drop them, get trumpet, drop it, open harpsichord, get ornate key, get harp, N (door shuts), W, W, exam pictures, W, S, S (you'd get your feet wet), put plank over water, S (over your 'bridge'), get gloves, N, get plank. N, E, E, remove armour, drop it (or you'll have problems later), N, exam books (find a scroll, +1,53), get scroll, read it ('cast flesh at ...'), U, put plank over gap, N (plank falls, +2,55), D, N (wouldn't be able to move if you'd had the armour), wait (vision), exam crystal, play harp (crystal breaks, see whistle, +2,57), drop harp, get whistle, S, read sign (warning), S (Wolf Compound), blow whistle (now you're safe, +2,59), E (Statue Room), exam statue, cast flesh at statue (it's Reya, she gives you a net, +4,63), exam woman, W, S, S, wait (man and woman are reunited), get armour, NW (Fireplace), U (Top of Steps), W (Oval Room, weapons fly about, you see a glass key), turn hourglass (you move faster), get glass key (+2,65), wait (time returns to normal), E, D, SE (wander in and out of this location until the man gives you a red vial, +2,67). W, push sideboard (see passage south), S (Passage, by red light), exam red light (hot), examine blue bottle (potion feels cold), drink potion (you feel cold), S (safely, +1,68, now in a Passage by a blue haze), exam haze (cold), examine red vial (liquid feels hot), drink liquid (you feel hot), S (safely, +1,69), S (Small Room, see shield and grille), get shield, open grille, S (through moat to Rear of Castle, +2,71). S, E, E, E, E (Lake Shore), wait (stones rise from water, +4,75), E (over the stones), unlock door (uses ornate key, door flies open), drop ornate key, N, N (south door slams shut), N, D, try to move in any direction (dog lies and refuses to move, +2,77), exam statue (Oklib! Carrying the King's staff), pull staff (passage opens north), E (Balcony with a hive, there's a scroll in it), wear gloves, wear net, get scroll (safely, +2,79), exam scroll, read it ('cast nimbus'), W, W, N, exam picture (Oklib again), get spike, S, E, N, N (Small Room, the south door is ajar), wedge door (with spike, +2,81), N (hear hissing from room behind you; into Study), drop axe, drop rock, get plaque, exam it (tarnished, can't read the writing on it), S (saved from gas by wedging the door), S, S, W, exam table (see trapdoor under it, which you open). D (On a Cylinder, it's sinking into acid), jump (over acid; to By Well. The well is dry but you can see something at the bottom), cast nimbus (it rains, the well fills, a horn floats to the top and you take it, +2,83), W, dip plaque (to clean it in the acid, +2,85), U, wait (hear cylinder drop), exam plaque, read it (hint to say 'his' name by the statue), E, say Oklib (you grab the dog's collar and you are both transported; a grille with a hand through it blocks your way), give ring to hand (it is replaced by a wall of glass, +2,87), blow horn (wall shatters, tiger appears, +2,89), wait (until dog defeats tiger, +2,91), N (Throne Room, Oklib is here), wait (until Oklib fires a bolt of lightning at you from the staff), reflect bolt (with shield, Oklib is defeated and weeps; he wants a friend, +2,93), give whistle to Oklib (the dog joins him, +2,95), get staff, unlock door, E (Mirror Room), wait (Oklib and 'the dog' leave), touch mirror with staff (to get home, +5,100). - o -