The Second Pit Author Sue Medley. Author's solution. Start: in your bedroom E, listen (to find out that your stepmother wants you gone, (+1, 1), you return to bed and sleep), get up, x Eleanor, x drawing, x chest, open it, get pipes, x them (a blind serpent design is on them), get necklace, x it (white shells on a frayed string), break string (to get a handful of shells), drop string. E, D (Kitchen), wait (until your stepmother leaves; she mustn't see you explore or take things. This solution assumes she isn't in the room so time your moves accordingly), x table (+1, 2), get milk, small, get milk, large, get lamp, x mantelpiece, x clock (at an angle), look behind it (you find and take a tinderbox), x tinderbox, open it, x herbs, get them (too high), stand on table, x orange herb, get it (you take a bunch, +1, 3), D. X dresser (see doors, drawer and white plates, plus a strange plate), open drawer, get fishing line, get strange plate (+1, 4), x it (heavy), W (cellar door is locked), U (landing), x door (stepmother's door has a large keyhole), wait (until she enters her room), look through keyhole (until she goes behind the screen), N (into her room), get hairpin (from dressing table, +1, 5), S, D, E (garden). X tools, get ladder, x it (luckily you notice it has a broken rung +1, 6), lean ladder against tree, x grass (find an owlet, +1, 7), get owlet, U (in apple tree, see hole in trunk), x hole (hear birds inside), put owlet in hole (+1, 8), D, x apples (find a red one, +1, 9), drop pipes, drop line, drop herb, get ladder, S (well), x well (see stumps inside), hang ladder on stumps, D (into well, you see one brick protrudes slightly from the wall), get brick (see cavity), x cavity, get parchment, x it, replace brick, U. N, get spade, light lamp, W, pick lock (with hairpin, +1, 10), open door, W (cellar), x floor (see one raised flagstone), lever flagstone (with spade), x cavity, get hook, replace flagstone (+1, 11), U, close door (essential), wait (father and Eleanor appear, he's taking you to the village and for a walk in the forest. You all travel to the garden, +1, 12), drink large glass (+1, 13), drop empty glass, give milk to Eleanor (she drinks it, +1, 14), drop glass, drop lamp, tie hook (to line, +1, 15), eat apple (+1, 16), put grub in tinderbox (+1, 17), close tinderbox, drop apple, drop hairpin, get herb, E, open gate, E (path, after a while, father strides off into the forest). Follow father (+1, 18), drop shell (+1, 19), follow father (+1, 20), drop shell (+1, 21), follow father (+1, 22), drop shell (+1, 23), follow father (+1, 24), drop shell (+1, 25), follow father (to clearing but he has gone, +1, 26) X bushes (find cave, +1, 27), U (outcrop), wait (rain forces you back down), enter cave (+1, 28), x straw (find bone, +1, 29), get bone, wait (until hear cry of beast), wait (until beast gets closer), out (Eleanor shouts that we must get away), N (or any direction), N (ditto; Eleanor says we must go faster), run (+1, 30), N (or any direction again, to the Bank of a Stream by a ring of toadstools, +1, 31). S, E (to a pit, a place of dread), W, N (back to toadstools), enter ring, wait (until owl appears and starts to sink back into the forest, +1, 32), follow owl (+1, 33), wait, follow owl (+1, 34), wait, follow owl (+1, 35 - ignore the disc), follow owl (see lights to west, +1, 36), follow owl (or west, near a tower, +1, 37), wait (owl goes), W, S (Forest Pool, a gnome blocks the way south), x gnome, S (he won't let you past and he asks a riddle. A ghostly woman appears by the pool and whispers that the wizard knows the answer. Eleanor says that she is tired), N, E, N (entrance), x door, open it (can't), x head (on door, see indent in centre), put plate in indent (door opens, +1, 38). N, U, U (Study), x rug (in its design a witch is afraid of water, also see words on it), read rug (see word Thalaxius, +1 39), U (Chamber), x paintings, x vellum (like the parchment you found, see tower and three pools, two of which have skull shapes), U (Top of tower; old man here says he hopes you brought him a present), x man (Eleanor thinks he is a wizard), give herb to man (he is pleased and uses it as tobacco, he says he will answer your questions, +1, 40), ask wizard about gnome (he says the answer is Chimera, +1, 41), give parchment to wizard (he tells a tale of warning, tells you to return to the well, then sleeps, +1, 42). D, D, D, D, S (door shuts behind you), S, W, S (by gnome), chimera (the gnome leaves in a sulk, +1, 43), S, W (Hovel), sleep (you awaken to see Eleanor being dragged into the jaws of a pond worm!, +1, 44), play pipes (remembering the design on it, the worm slides back into the lake. You return to the hovel and sleep again, +1, 45), drop pipes. E, S (Lake; the third pool from the tower), open tinderbox, bait hook (with the grub, +1, 46), fish (to catch a small silver fish, +1, 47), get fish, drop tinderbox, drop line, S, E, E (Cottage), x cottage (made of confectionery ...), knock door (a dear old lady appears), x lady (she looks alright but you sense evil. She feeds Eleanor some candy and holds out an almond to you, telling you to eat it), pretend (or hide almond; you pretend to eat it. She beckons you both inside. Eleanor follows, and so do you, +1, 48). Inside you see two alcoves, two doors and two recesses. X woman (she's really an old crone. You notice she wears a ring. Don't do anything to make her realise you're aware of your surroundings. Every so often she will leave the room), wait (until she leaves), x deep alcove (Eleanor is in a prison, seemingly in a trance), x shallow alcove (see oven with door), x large recess (see cooking pot), x pot (on legs with a disgusting brew in it), look under pot (find tortoiseshell cat), x cat (has a key tied round its neck). When the old woman gives you instructions, follow them. About now she will ask you to hold out Eleanor's hand. Hold out hand (she looks at it through her spectacles, +1,49), wait (until she leaves), give fish to cat (+1, 50), get key (+1, 51), x small recess (see shelves), x shelves (see spectacles, beaks, bottles and a mortar and pestle), wait (until old lady comes back, presses something against the bars of Eleanor's prison to open them and gives you some food to give to her), give food to Eleanor (+1, 52), wait (until she leaves), get spectacles, put them in pot (they sink, +1, 53). Wait (until woman returns), wait (until she asks you to sweep the floor), sweep floor (+1, 54), wait (until she goes), x beaks, get red beak, x bottles (you find and take a stub of candle, +1, 55), get mortar, wait (until she comes back), wait (until she asks you to dance), dance (+1, 56), wait (until she goes), wait (until she returns), wait (until she asks you to sleep), sleep (+1, 57), wait (until she goes), wait (until she returns), wait (until she gives you more food to give to Eleanor), give food to Eleanor (+1, 58), wait (until she goes again), wait (until she comes back), wait (until she asks you to hold out Eleanor's hand), hold out bone (without her specs she is fooled into thinking Eleanor is too thin, +1, 59), drop bone, wait (until she leaves), wait (until she comes back), wait (until she gives you a spill and asks you to light the oven), turn handle, open oven, light it (+1, 60), push woman (into the oven, +1, 61), close oven (+1, 62), turn handle (+1, 63), turn handle, open oven, S (oven, no sign of the witch!), x bones, get bones (you sense that they are all that remains of her), x ash (you find her ring, +1, 64), get ring, x twigs (+1, 65), get twig, light candle (+1, 66), drop twig. N, x bars, x skull, x sockets, x right socket (or left; see metal node in it), put ring in left socket, again, again (it sinks away), put ring in right socket, again, again, again (the node sinks, the bars open and Eleanor drifts out, +1, 67), unlock southwest door, Thalaxius (the door flies open, +1, 68), SW, x alcove (you find and remove a plant), x alcove (you see the word Namaraac, +1, 69), U, unlock northwest door, Namaraac (the door flies open, +1, 70), NW, x alcove (find and remove a plant, +1, 71), get plant, x it, put it in mortar, grind it (+1, 72), give powder to Eleanor (she revives, +1, 73), D, D (into boat), x rope, cut rope (with beak. +1, 74. Eleanor throws the witch's bones into the water and you arrive safely back at the pool where you met the gnome, +1, 75). N, E, NW, NE, E, SE, S (you spot one of the holes burned by the shells. Eleanor spies another one east), E, E, E, NE (+1, 76). W, W (garden), look under planks (find father's bag), open bag, get rope, S (by well), tie rope (to branch), D (into well, +1, 77), get brick, feel cavity (find something in it, +1, 78), I (it was a brass key), U, N, W (into scullery), x chair (something falls from above), look (see book of fairy tales), get book, x it (closed and locked), unlock it (+1,79), open it (+1, 80)... The End - o -