SHERLOCK HOLMES: The Case Of The Rose Tattoo - part 3 Walkthrough Written by Dave Timoney c 1996 Concluded from last issue 221B TALK Wiggins 4 'information' Burlington Jewelry LOOK Ring Case EXAMINE ring case - see duplicate of one from dead woman LOOK register on case - names and sales LOOK strong room door EXAMINE strong room door TALK Clerk 1 'Handsome shop' 1 'sales records' - can't see records without bribe - Holmes won't pay 1 'crystalline gems' SHOW ring to clerk COMPARE ring case You must do this to get next dialog line TALK Clerk 2 'see more' clerk goes into back room - CLOSE the strong room door to lock him in PERUSE register - ring sold to Lord Lawton OPEN door This location is done! 221 B Virgil is here without Wiggins, and crying TALK Virgil 1 'where is Wiggins' - He left me GIVE lozenges (of peppermint) to Virgil TALK Jonas 2 'heard from Wiggins' - needs inducement to talk TALK Virgil 2 'Now, my boy' - Wiggins left me at Victoria Station GIVE lozenges (of peppermint) to Virgil TALK Virgil 2 'drove a hard bargain' - went to Croydon You - new map icon to Aerodome TALK Watson 3 'Dub me incompetent' Croydon Aerodrome Colonel is here - Watson shoots him as he tries to escape LOOK Colonel TALK Colonel 1 'Thomas Pratt' 1 'possess a copy of' BRANDISH sword - decidedly unbalanced BREAK DOWN sword - photocopy of formula EXTRACT spike from ground by Holmes TALK Colonel 1 'chancellor will be censured' - Colonel takes poison As he dies, smoke starts coming up from shed on right SEARCH Colonel and balloon basket EXAMINE shed Shed Wiggin's scarf on box nearby EXAMINE lock USE spike to open lock and rescue Wiggins This location is done! Kensington Palace TALK Kaiser 2 'I bring news' This location is done! 221B Inside After Colonel is killed, you get a knock at the door Dewer's sent a note - might have a name ANALYZE formula photo at lab table Use scissors on photo Use Ammonium Hydroxide in beaker Use photo piece on beaker Use chloroform on beaker Use glass rod on beaker - it's a bromide fixative EXIT TALK Watson 6 'entwine around photography' Dewar's Lab TALK Dewar 2 'analysis of clock' - talk to David Lloyd-Jones new map icon Lloyd-Jones Bungalow LOOK David LOOK sister - assistant housekeeper LOOK books on left - engineering and political LOOK piano - brand new LOOK pedals of piano TALK sister 1 'charming' TALK David 1 'sorry' - sister leaves 3 'when did you acquire the piano' - present for sister 3 'may I play something for you?' No! 1 'answer questions' - sister returns 2 'Dewar' TALK sister 1 'no visitors' You need to come back later, when sister isn't there NOTE: In fact, coming back is not relevant to finishing the game. Writing this walkthru I was not able to get the sister to go to work in fact. Possibly since I came here much later in the walkthru run? In any case, I finished without the 2nd meeting. But, in case you do manage to come back and she's gone, here's the scenario: WAKE David TALK 1 'explosives' 1 'cares for you' 2 'monarchy' 4 'health' PLAY pedals of piano OPEN player piano - cigar box and money LOOK bank notes - 100 pounds REMOVE cigar box EXAMINE the cigar box on the couch - something familiar about money - counterfeit CONFISCATE banknotes TALK David 3 'money' 3 'ruin you' 3 'recipe for bomb' Vincent - young, accent, sweet/sour smell, earthy 3 'Vincent' showed me formula 2 'bombing' 2 'expert' It does fill in a few gaps that would appear later on if you can do this. And, if you come back later, you'll find out that David has died. You can take the counterfeit money to Stitch Rumsey, and learn a bit of history about him. This location is done! Spitafield's (scrolls to right) ENTER phrenologist's, at corner where kids are Phrenologist's LOOK Dr. Tottman TALK Dr - 'Ratchett' TALK Watson 2 'road is filled with obstacles' a woman named Rose shows up LOOK Rose TALK Rose 1 'It's Rose Hinchem' 1 'Ratchett family' - poor don't give anything away to affluent. Try grocers EXIT Go right, to GreenGrocer's (note - you won't get anywhere without going to phrenologist's first) LOOK thug at door if you don't, you can't ask Watson to watch your back LOOK Shelves behind grocer LOOK shelves on left LOOK bread in basket by right shelves LOOK counter LOOK copybook on counter - customer ledger LOOK grocer, TALK grocer 2 'Mrs Ratchett lives hereabouts' - won't get this unless gone to phrenologist's 2 'What have the police done' - you're not one of us OPEN copybook - grocer stops you TALK Watson 3 'the proprietor knows her' 4 'occupy the proprietor's attention' He's only interested in commercial endeavors TALK grocer 4 'some marmalade from the top shelf' READ copybook while grocer's back is turned - oddly, Agnes is deeply indebted to grocer You get a jar of marmalade - it's not useful TALK grocer 5 'I know Mrs Ratchett' TALK Watson 4 'resourceful chameleon' - Wiggins is always eager for work 221B TALK to Wiggins 3 'find a Mrs Ratchett' Go out and come back and Wiggins is back TALK to Wiggins 3 'What news of Mrs. Ratchett' - she lives over grocer's shop. Be incognito Holmes' Bedroom OPEN Wardrobe CHANGE laborer's costume GreenGrocer's TALK grocer 1 'Hello, comrade' ENTER doorway on right Ratchett Abode LOOK Agnes Ratchet LOOK Mr Ratchett LOOK Painting on right wall LOOK bust - Karl Marx LOOK pictures - two boys, one that looks like grocer TALK Agnes 1 'My brother has been incapacitated' SHOW snuffbox to Agnes - maybe that's proof you are who you say you are TALK Agnes 1 'When did you last clean REVEAL Mycroft's ring to Agnes - OK, you are who you say you are TALK Agnes 1 'send out Mr Ratchett' - needs stimulant LOOK at coffee pot TALK Agnes 2 'coffee or strong tea' Grocer's TALK grocer 4 'saw some ersatz coffee' Ratchett Abode LOOK kindling sticking out by corner of bed TALK Agnes 1 'In lieu of conversation' You must do this before you can make coffee USE kindling FILL coffee pot with coffee EXAMINE workbox on table DUMP workbox - part of a wax seal drops out LOOK wax seal on table COMPARE sealing wax in inventory with wax seal on desk - Match. You get wax seal USE coffee pot TALK Agnes 1 'difficult to find' 2 'this wax is part of the seal' - found formula behind clerk's desk and returned it 2 'Tell me what you know' 5 'How did you return' - resealed it and left it amidst clerk's desk odd brown stain on document 4 'Whitney' 2 'Pratt spend his leisure' 1 'Share any suspicions' Exit This location is done! 221B Inside TALK Watson 6 'Whitney has not revealed all' - formula is back at Ministry Baths TALK Whitney 1 'completely forthcoming' 1 'what is the connection' - he'll head back to the Ministry now This location is done! Ministry (room scrolls to left) Whitney is now at desk LOOK document on desk EXAMINE document on desk - labeled with V (roman 5) and stained If you don't Examine it, the dialog numbers change TALK Whitney 1 'condition of Dewar document' 2 'last see Thomas Pratt' - saw him in company of young man 2 'Pratt's circle of friends' Lawton and Ratchett 1 'examine Dewar's formula' Walk to left and Whitney stops you TALK Watson 2 'lesson in humility' SHOW summons (from Mycroft) to Whitney TALK Whitney 2 'see a connection' 1 'May I examine the premises' Walk to far left TIDY waste paper around dustbin IGNITE dustbin Now that Whitney's not at desk, Holmes takes the document This location is done! 221B Inside EXAMINE formula at lab table TASTE document - alkaline salt SMELL document - photographer fixative ANALYZE Use sulphate solution Use scissors with formula to make piece Use ferric sulphate with beaker Use distilled water with beaker Use piece with beaker - solution turns yellow Possibly potassium cyanide Use iron nitrate - turns blue Well, we knew it had been photocopied (this isn't done in the 'proper' order) Lord Lawton Antechamber Lawton playing piano TALK Lawton 1 'Where is the ring' 2 'engagement portrait' 3 'picture missing' 2 'Let me help' - He's protecting an innocent's reputation He's been threatened with something Farthington's LOOK Lawyer TALK Lawyer 1 'clerk' 2 'Bledsoe' 2 'tell me about him' He's a milquetoast 3 'rummage through the bowels' 2 'more than casual acquaintance TALK Watson 3 'description of Bledsoe' 3 'waste precious time' - confide in Farthington TALK Lawyer 2 'settle for the reason' PERUSE calendar on desk - meeting with P.B you must do this to get next line TALK Lawyer 2 'beg you to arrange' 221B Inside knock at door - Bledsoe will meet at Farthington's Farthington's LOOK Bledsoe TALK Bledsoe 1 'Thank you' 1 'last saw' 1 'Pratt was found murdered' 2 'my brother has been hospitalized' 2 'why did you vote' Bledsoe's a schmoe. ]Termination idea either Lawton's or Silverbridge's 1 'It's awkward to find you' This location is done! The Weary Punt LOOK curtain - burning opium behind there LOOK barman LOOK bar - books of matches TALK barman 1 'purchase a book of matches' - only for customers in back. Only seamen 1 'Thomas Pratt' LOOK parrot TALK WATSON 4 'The macaw' Lord Lawton Antechamber TALK Jenkins 4 'Where is the engagement' - stolen (by piano tuner, most likely) 1 'run off' This location is done! Hargrove Studios Holmes gets business card LOOK business card - phone number listed LOOK portraits LOOK camera LOOK Hargrove SHOW photograph from Pratt's room to Hargrove - Lt Basingstoke, died in Suez made 10 copies TALK Hargrove 1 'my name is Holmes' 2 'did Basinstoke reveal' 2 'I saw the portrait' - he uses bromides 4 'Most studios now use ' - cyanide can be used as a fixative 2 'duplicate negatives' 3 'I believe I've happened upon' - let's go in back DRAW curtain Hargrove's Back Room LOOK chemicals TALK Hargrove 1 'distinct fixing' - may have been compelled 1 Who hired you' - a lout named Scarrett, fond of opium 1 'Of all the photographers' 1 'I wonder ' - what about duplicate negatives? MOVE camera EXAMINE rug MOVE rug LOOK cabinet - wall safe OPEN safe - locked TALK Hargrove 2 'contents of this cabinet' - so rattled, he can't remember TALK Watson 2 'It's likely he recorded the combination' USE bus. Card on cabinet (phone number is combination) PERUSE cabinet - picture of ? 'informally' posed, and Lord Lawton with same woman - composite LOOK folder COFISCATE folder TALK Hargrove 1 'Whose telephone number' USE folder with telephone You get new icon for Mystery Imports CALL telephone - there's someone at Mystery Imports now EXIT portal This location is done! Mystery Import/Export RIP calendar on post LOOK left door LISTEN at door - hear snoring OPEN door - locked, you must do this to get lock identified EXAMINE lock - key is on other side SLIDE calendar under door USE needle with lock RETRIEVE calendar and you get brass key UNLOCK lock with brass key Import Back Room Curiously, in my initial run of the game, the Major (excuse me - Managing Director - actually dropped the trident in. In later runthroughs, he didn't - perhaps the game keeps track of how much help you need and does extra 'looky here!' animations) This is Major Misteray - despite his protestations LOOK Major, TALK Major 1 'I am' claims to be Mr Story 1 'Your insidious scheme' OPEN center 'secure' desk drawer - keyhole has 3 equidistant tiny holes in it LOOK aquarium - indication of something taken out - trident in there LOOK trident LOOK portrait TALK Major 4 'What are those fish' piranha 2 'Where is the key' 5 'How long has the aquarium been here' 4 'not slovenly' 3 'Hargrove' LOOK books - mathematics SHOW formula to Major SHOW mug shot to Major TALK Major 3 'died in his uniform' 2 'simply a matter of money' 4 'no knowledge' TALK Major BREAK aquarium You must to this to get next option SHOOT pistol at aquarium PICK UP whitish trident on floor UNLOCK secure drawer with trident - negative of formula, German marks, English five pound notes PICK UP German currency PICK UP negative LOOK new fivers - all printed 1874...look familiar..Stitch Rumsey's work TALK Major 2 'Where is composite' Vincent's at 'Weary Punt' indulges in nasty habit TALK Watson 2 'opium eaters' 2 'You stay here' You now have only a few options on the map. However, recall that the Weary Punt is for sailors, so Holmes' day-laborour costume won't work there. You need another costume - and if you didn't find David Lloyd-Jones' stash, then you have two reasons to go to This location is done! Rumsey's Haberdashery TALK Stitch - 2 'need nautical' if this isn't available, look at the blue jacket in the mannequin. 2 'any advice' EXIT and you go right to .. Weary Punt SHOW matches to barman 'you're moving in the right direction' TALK barman 1 'gimmie a place in the back' No credit GIVE money to barman 'you're part way there' TALK barman 1 'lucre' 'tell me what I want to hear' 3 'I think I remember the words' Now, enter the password mentioned for this place in the little grey book that comes with the game (subnote 33) ENTER beaded curtain Punt Back Room LOOK Scarrett and the ending begins The only thing I never figured out was how Holmes knew there was a composite involving one of the royal family - or, more to the point a female member. I suspected a compromising picture was missing from Lawton's album, but had assumed it was something that would make Lady Cordelia break off the engagement. Yet, when Holmes confronts Major Mysteray he refers to the picture explicitly. Overall, though - what fun! - o -