TECHNOMAGE Reviewed by Stefan Herber Why did I buy this and why did I play it? I only saw one review (negative) and when it was offered on the Web at bargain price only a few months after release I should have seen the light. After all the games I have to play are really piling up... Couldn't I find something more rewarding? In truth it's not that bad - it could best be described as an RPG for children although there are some puzzles that I doubt most of them could solve. This means no character generation, no party building, plenty (and I mean plenty) of difficult arcade sequences, automatic character advancement with minimal choice as to what you can do, a Goody-Two Shoes storyline and main character and brilliantly coloured cartoon graphics. Which means an average PS RPG - which is of course what it was. The plot hankers a bit after "Arcanum" though I don't know who thought of it first. The world is now subdivided into magic users and technology users with our hero able to save the world, as he is the offspring of one of each. He later meets a similar mongrel and I don't have to elaborate any more. And there are ghosts, fairies, wizards, an assortment of baddies etc. etc. At the end of the day I found it much too twee and did get sick of numerous saves during arcade sequences. But at least I think it succeeds on its own terms, which will probably be different from those of everyone reading this. - o -