Letters Any letters or e-mails received on an adventuring-related topic may be reprinted in here unless marked 'not for publication'. ------------------------------------------------------------------ @~Can you help with this? I'd uploaded a number of AGT games @~onto the SynTax site for Paul who is connected with the IF @~Archive. I asked if he reviewed games and this is what he said. From: J. Paul Sanders, by email Sorry, no - I don't review games at all. What I mainly try and do is track down older IF games and then add them (and their source code if possible) to the IF-Archive. Have had some notable successes in the past - managed to nail down "Volentine Gambit", "WraithBlaster" (with source), "Advanced Xoru" (the complete game), "Starship Columbus", "Oklib's Revenge" (!), and am currently about to get the complete "Legacy of the Necromancer" trilogy (already have the registered version myself, and the author is leaning towards releasing it into the public domain). There are two games I've been trying to track down for years with less luck - "Pilot: Flight Into Fantasy" (the complete game, not the crippled version generally available), and "Moonstone" (sequel to "Nirvana" - both by Bill White) - if you ever happen to come across either of them, please keep me in mind. :) @~So, can anyone help with any of these games? If so, please let @~me know ... Sue ----------------------------------------------------------------- @~Only one more letter this issue from: Vic Horsley, Haverfordwest @~which accompanied a disk with an almost-complete Battlespire @~solution I'm sorry about this but I have had to give up with "Battlespire". The damage to me through conflicts and crashes has been catastrophic, I have lost several programmes, including one of my genealogy programs which I can never truly replace. I have probably caused some of the trouble myself, due to running three separate programs of the game side-by-side but as said before it is a game prone to crashes all the time and I just came up against too many graphics on level six. There is only one level left so hopefully someone can finish that, though I don't envy them, what's left of level six is straight forward and I would normally carry on with one game just to finish the last level but with problems caused to my internet set-up, I just do not want to know. if no one has done it say in six months maybe I'll try again, we'll see. I have explained all on level six. @~That's one of the problems of trying to play an old game on a @~modern machine though I've never heard of one causing that much @~damage before. - o -