Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast Double-bladed lightsaber While playing a game in multi-player mode, press [Shift] + ~ to display the console window. Type "devmap [mapname]" to enable cheat mode. When the map loads, select your lightsaber, then holster it and type "/thedestroyer" in the console window. Cheat Codes While playing a game, press [Shift] + ~ to display the console window. Type "helpusobi 1" or "devmapall" to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: If the console window does not appear, edit the "jk2config.cfg" file in the "\gamedata\base\" folder and add the line: bind ~ "toggleconsole". RESULT - CHEAT CODE God mode - god All weapons and maximum health and armor - give all All weapons - give weapons Full ammunition - give ammo Full health - give health Full armor - give armor Full force bar - give force Full inventory - give inventory Full battery bar - give batteries 999 health - undying No clipping mode - noclip Disable enemy AI - notarget Spawn indicated weapon - give weaponnum [weapon number] Spawn indicated item - spawn [item name] (See later) Level select - map [level name] (See later) Drive AT-ST in third person - view drive_atst Destroy all AT-STs1 - use atst_death Crash game - fly_xwing Screenshot, without console window - levelshot Screenshot, including console window - screenshot Wireframe display - r_showtris ! Place camera at indicated coordinates - setviewpos [x] [y] [z] [yaw] Use Force Heal ability - force_heal Set Force Jump level - setforcejump [1-3] Set Force Heal level - setforceheal [1-3] Set Force Push level - setforcepush [1-3] Set Force Pull level - setforcepull [1-3] Set Force Speed level - setforcespeed [1-3] Set Force Grip level - setforcegrip [1-3] Set Force Lightning level - setforcelightning [1-3] Set Force level for all abilities - setforceall [1-3] Set lightsaber throw level - setsaberthrow [1-3] Set lightsaber offensive level - setsaberoffense [1-3] Set lightsaber defensive level - setsaberdefense [1-3] Set lightsaber color - sabercolor [red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple] Disable lightsaber dismemberment - g_dismemberProbabilities 0 Enable lightsaber dismemberment, only if "ui_iscensored = 0" in configuration - g_dismemberment 1 Max Payne-style bullettime - thereisnospoon Kill all NPCs - npc kill all Kyle taunts- 2 taunt Kyle does victory pose- 2 victory Reveal where indicated entity is located - where [classname] No noticeable effect - give eweaps Control any ally that is following you - control [NPC name] Suicide - kill Unknown - com_speeds ! Unknown - r_speeds ! Unknown - nav Unknown - exitview Unknown - setobjective [objective number] [display status] [status] Unknown - viewobjective [objective number] moves the camera up and down behind your player - Cg_thirdpersonvertoffset 0 (zoom in and out) (default is 88) - Cg_thirdpersonrange # (camera lock) (default is 0.3) - Cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 0 Item names Use one of the following values with the "spawn [item name]" code: item_bactamisc_atst_drivable Level names Use one of the following values with the "map [level name]" code: kejim_post kejim_base artus_mine artus_detention artus_topside valley yavin_temple yavin_trial ns_streets ns_hideout ns_starpad bespin_undercity bespin_streets bespin_platform cairn_bay cairn_assembly cairn_reactor cairn_dock1 doom_comm doom_detention doom_shields yavin_swamp yavin_canyon yavin_courtyard yavin_final pit ctf_bespin ctf_imperial ctf_ns_streets ctf_yavin duel_bay duel_jedi duel_pit duel_carbon ffa_bespin ffa_deathstar ffa_imperial ffa_ns_hideout ffa_ns_streets ffa_raven ffa_yavin - o -