Diablo Inventory Doubling ( Duping ) This cheat will duplicate whatever single item you choose in your inventory. It may take a bit of time to perfect, but keep trying. Remember, practice makes perfect. Start in a dungeon or labyrinth, or any place other than town, when attempting to duplicate an item from your inventory. Word to the wise: Make sure you kill all the creatures in the immediate area, so your untimely demise doesn't come unexpectedly at the hands of the horde that has gathered in your cheating absence. The first step is to open up your inventory screen. This can be done by either striking the "I" key on the keyboard or using the mouse and clicking on "Inventory." Select the item you wouldn't mind having two of. In a single-player game, money is always the best thing to have a whole bunch of. In a multiplayer game, you definitely want to duplicate some of the better armor and weapons 'cause you never know when I might be coming in looking for ears! Next, drop the item on the ground in front of you and back off a little bit. Oh yeah, did I mention that you need either the book of Town Portal or a Scroll of Town Portal? Well, you do. So go get one. Now that you have one, open it up in front of the item you placed on the floor. NOT ON TOP OF THE ITEM! IN FRONT OF THE ITEM! This is key to the success of the process. All right, since you've gotten this far, the rest will be easy. The Town Portal is open, the item is behind and you are ready to move. Highlight the item with the mouse. Click on the item to pick it up and let your character walk into the portal. After the relatively long journey through the portal, you will wind up in town with the item placed in your inventory. When you go back through the Town Portal, you will find that the item is still on the ground where you dropped before you went into the portal. Remember: Practice makes perfect. For those of you lucky enough to get it on the first try, have fun with it. Don't forget that in multiplayer action, this is a great bargaining tool. - o -