RIVEN WALKTHROUGH - Part 2 Welcome to the Riven walkthrough Solution by Tom Hildesheim, taken from the Internet See also the maps and screenshots in this issue Continued from last issue CRATER ISLAND You have now arrived on the third Riven island. In front of you is a large lake with a number of pipes and a walkway leading to structure in the centre. To your right is a large round building and on the crater rim are a number of pipes, platforms and buildings. Take a good look around. The bits you need to find are the lever in the middle of the lake, the controls for the round building and a ladder that leads to a locked hatch. Since the hatch at the top of the ladder is locked, you need to find some other route to the rest of the island. Go out to the island in the middle of the lake and set the lever to the centre position - this puts power to the round building. Now go to the round building. There are some burners underneath, the door is locked and the indicator shows red. Go round to the side of the building and experiment with the controls. You need to shut off the burner, empty the water and raise the floor. Stuck? Here is sequence: Ensure the left-hand lever is to the left. Turn the wheel so that the hose disconnects - the water disappears. The right-hand lever turns off the burners. Now move the left hand lever to the right and then pull the handle on the wall to raise the floor. If all has gone well, the door should open and you can climb down the ladder. Crawl along the tunnel (dark in here isn't it?) until you reach the end. Jump down and enjoy the view. There is only one way to go so follow the path until you reach the platform. Aha, now you can open the hatch. Go through the doors and down the tunnel. At the end is some sort of a trap and a fan up above. Click on the trap to open the cover. On the right is a food pot. Take one of the pellets and place it in the trap. Pull the lever. Nothing happens - you need to power the mechanism. Remember how you got power to the round building? With power applied pull the lever and off goes the trap. Now it is time to look around. Go back up the tunnel and outside. If you look right you can see a walkway. To get to the walkway go back through the doors, turn round and close the door. There is a tunnel leading left and right. Go down the left-hand tunnel first. At the bottom is another rotating dome. If you go round the dome you can see a lens in the wall. How did you find the last tunnel? Close the door and go down the tunnel. If you look through the viewer you can see the dome. Click on the button until the dome stops, take note of the symbol. I wonder if there is anything in the trap? I caught a tree frog which sounds suspiciously like the noise made when I rotated the number 3 ball on the Village Island. Where next? Head down the long walkway to the right of the exit doors. Towards the end is a door on the right. Locked (what a surprise!). Back the way you came, but look out for the lever on the left. If you operate this lever something stops. Go back to the trap and look up. The fan has stopped giving you a route into the laboratory. Have a really good look around. Play with the toys and note the number on the ball. Read the journal. In it are some clues and most importantly the number sequence needed to unlock the rotating domes (this sequence changes every time you install the game). If you move the sliders on the dome panel and press the button, you can access the Linking Book. Unfortunately there is no power to the dome so the book is not activated yet. Go back out the way you came in, turn right and head for the tunnel and walk along the long walkway to the bridge. If you closed the steam valve (outside the golden dome), the lever on the right will lower it. Inside the dome once again you will find yourself on a new platform. Go to the other exit. Press the button on the outside wall and if you closed the steam valve (again) the bridge should rise. Follow the path round to the back door of the rotating room. Do not go inside just yet, return to the dome and follow the platform until you come to a large wheel on the left. Turning the wheel extends the platform. Head on around the dome, down the stairs and outside, all the way to the rock tunnel. Remember what you saw on the right? The cover is gone and up you go. Do I really need to tell you what to do next? This is not much more to do here so return to the laboratory. Press the blue button just inside and go out the other exit which will take you to another transporter and the forth Riven island. MAP ISLAND This island is so full of clues that it will take you some time to find then all. First off though, you need to go up. Leave the transporter, go through the doorway and up the stairs. At the top is a strange broken landscape. Follow the pathway between the rocks. Look down occasionally and note the tunnel below. Keep on going to the elevator, press the button and go up. In front of you is a platform with a panel at the end. Recognise the shapes? They are the similar to those you saw on the plaque in the golden dome and represent the 5 Riven islands. Look down and you will see the shapes repeated. Press one of the shapes - and watch. Turn round now and head back, through the elevator and into a new lake. There is a path going left and right and a building in front. Explore the paths and it is obvious what to do. Note the dome symbol. Back to the building, go inside and examine the machine. This is the key to the positions of the rotating domes. You will need to play with controls a bit but should be able to find the positions of each dome - remember though, one of the domes is underground so you are looking for a hole. Note the grid reference of each dome, without these you cannot rescue Catherine. With the shape of each island and position of the domes noted, head back down to the transporter station. Turn the transporter round and go out the other door. At the end of the path is a lever, which you need to pull to go further. Out of the depths comes a lift, get inside and press the button. Follow the path and - somebody takes fright and runs away. You can try to follow them but it is too late, they have taken the other transporter. Back to the path, up the stairs and through the doorway. Climb the stairs, sit down and press the button. Now facing the window grab the left hand handle. A viewer appears with two buttons. Pressing the left-hand button shows you Catherine. The right-hand button shows you something, but what? Click on the protrusions round the viewer. Eventually all will become clear and a symbol appears. Remember what you read in Gehn's book? To discover the identity of the last creature and more clues pull down the other viewer. You should be able to recognise some of the symbols on the buttons: they relate to the rotating domes. Press each in turn and note what you see. One of the buttons attracts a Wahrk which growls at you. Aha, now you have the missing animal. Call it back a few times and it gets annoyed and head butts the window! You need to relate symbols to colours to islands to the position of the domes. This takes a lot of patience, but remember what Gehn wrote in his journal. There will still be some gaps in the solution but you should have most of the answers. You are just about done here so press the button and head back to the Transporter near where you saw the stranger. Leave the Map Island. VILLAGE ISLAND You arrive at the tree elevator. Grab the handle and pull it to the centre position. Up goes the lift. Pull the lever on the left and leave through the Wahrk. You now need to go back to the Stone Room. I will wait here until you get there. You need to press the stones in the correct sequence (1 to 5) using the clues you have discovered. See Screenshot 3 - stone room Fish, Beetle, Tree Frog, Amphibian, Wahrk Now enter the linking book in front of you. REBEL BASE - MOIETY AGE In front of you is the Rebel Base, if only there was a way to get there. Turn round and look around but there is nowhere to go. Maybe there is clue in the Linking Book? Watch out, D'ni! When you finally awake you are in jail again. There is nothing to do except check the door. Through the opening you can see and hear the rebels. Go back into the jail and you will soon receive a visitor. She leaves you Catherine's journal which you should read. Is the door open now? Nope, back into the room again. Your visitor returns, this time leaving you a Linking Book. It is time to return to Riven. Note: I found this the most frustrating of all the Riven locations, so much to explore and no way to get there. Leave the Stone Room and head back to the jail. The final prize is within reach. You need to return once more to the Main Dome Island. MAIN DOME ISLAND Go to the main entrance of the rotating room and make sure the exit to the golden dome is open. Enter the golden dome and turn round. On the left is a lever which raises the walkway. Now return to the rotating room through the back door and realign the room so you can get to the raised walkway. Up the walkway and into the upper dome level. In front of you is some sort of a press and on the right is a control unit. The handle needs to be in the up position. Go to the press and look down. You should by now be able to recognise the Riven map. On the right are a set of coloured marbles which need to be set in place. Remember the map room with the dome locations? Remember the symbols and colours for each of the islands? If not you need to explore the islands again. Even with all the information in place, you can only be certain of 5 locations and 3 colours (orange, green and red). The marbles for crater and smallest island are a matter of trial and error. If you are really stuck here is the solution: See Screenshot 4 - marbles Now close the press by pulling the handle down and press the white button. If you have solved the puzzle you should hear the system powering up the Linking Books and see the marbles ending back on the right. If not the marbles stay where they are and you need to try again. It is now time to leave the Riven Islands. Go to any of the rotating domes, enter the code to reveal the Linking Book and dive inside. THE FIFTH AGE What a surprise. Another cage. Turn round and press the button on the bars. Gehn will turn up and bore you with a long explanation. Eventually he will offer you the linking book as the only way to escape - remember what Atrus wrote about a Prison Book? You can leave, come back, even find Catherine but eventually you will have to enter the book. Gehn tries to follow you but becomes trapped himself. Have a good look around. Pull the handle by the window and cage opens. At the bottom of the ladder is Gehn's bedroom. On the bedside cabinet is a watch. Click on it and memorise the sounds it makes (click, tings and buzzes). Note: the sounds change every time to install the game. Back up the ladder and into the centre of the room. There are 5 Linking Books - one for each island of Riven. There is only one island you have not yet visited. Go there now (Hint: the smallest island). If there is no power to the books operate the lever on the the spherical thing - a red light should come on (I thought this was a furnace first time round). CATHERINE Leave the dome and enter the building. In front of you is a set of controls. Press the little buttons to hear the sounds. Reset the machine using the lever and duplicate the sequence you heard in Gehn's bedroom. Get it right and the cage rotates taking you to Catherine. Escape together and follow her back to the Main Dome island. Go to the telescope. Enter the number sequence from Catherine's journal to open the hatch. Now look closely at the left hand support: knock the stop out of the way. Press the button on the right of the telescope to make the telescope go down as far as possible and..... Well I will not spoil the surprise. THE END - o -