What's New in Shrouded Isles? Info taken from www.darkageofcamelot.com New Continents Three new Island continents debut in Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles - one per Realm. These areas use the newest cutting edge graphical effects to display water, cliffs, canyons, and other advanced features to make the most realistic landscape possible. All the continents have loads of new monsters, areas to explore, cool treasure to find, dungeons to clear, ruined cities, and much more. The content is aimed primarily at higher-level characters, although there will be some low-and-mid level areas as well. Realm of Albion: Avalon Albion has long been plagued by the evil forces led by Morgana in her bid to achieve domination over all of Arthur's former land. Her dark magic has called back the corpses and skeletons of long-dead Roman soldiers, who serve as foot soldiers in her army. Now, she's gone one step further and forged an alliance with the Drakoran, a race of dragon-men. The Drakoran, rumored to be led by a real dragon of fearsome size and strength, have laid waste to the island of Avalon, ruining its beautiful capitol city - the center of learning for all of Albion - and forcing its population to run in fear. Arawn, lord of the underworld, has long simmered in frustration at Morgana stealing his minions by returning them as walking corpses to the surface world. This frustration has grown to concern because of the new power wielded by her in light of her recent alliance with the Drakoran. Faced with this dangerous situation, Arawn has decided to aid the forces of Albion in their joint quest to force the Drakoran from Avalon and rid the Realm of Morgana's evil presence once and for all. Arawn's help comes in the form of the Inconnu, his personal slave race, who offer their services to Albion. The Albion-Inconnu alliance is sworn to defeat the Drakoran and Morgana. Realm of Hibernia: HyBrasil In Hibernia, the island of HyBrasil was generally considered to be a long-lost myth enclosed in the depths of time. For generations, myths told around the campfires of the Realm spoke of the beautiful wooded paradise of HyBrasil, homeland to the Sylvan, the protectors of the ancient woodlands. These same legends described how the Celts and Firbolg were taught both the love of nature as well as the use of nature as the source of their druidic magic. Campfire tales such as these were thought to be legend only - until the Hibernian Council was visited one day by an emissary of the Sylvan, a creature directly from the pages of myth. The Sylvan emissary brought with him a tale of great woe - HyBrasil, their home, was being invaded by a race of creatures focuses on destroying the very land itself. These evil monsters, called Fomorians, seemed to have a purpose to their actions - they seemed to seek out the Sylvan and their most treasured natural areas, and destroy them, taking delight in the wanton destruction of both Sylvan and tree alike. The Sylvan have no recourse but to ally with the Hibernians to drive the Fomorians out of HyBrasil. Realm of Midgard: Aegir Troll and Kobold myths tell of the Troll Fathers, a race of ancient and wise creatures who were the precursors to both of these underground races. The Troll Fathers of legend lived on an island called Aegir in their formidable underground city, Trollheim. Young Trolls and Kobolds were told these stories of the Troll Fathers, especially about their legendary wisdom and power. Then one day, out of the pages of myth, a lone Troll Father came to Jordheim, bringing with him disturbing news. A race of prehistoric savages, the Morvalt, swept across Aegir, destroying all in their path. Trollheim held out for a time, and resistance still continues, but most of the island has come under the domination of these savage beasts. The Troll Fathers have been successful in taming some of the savages, though. This tamed group, known as the Valkyn, have adapted to Midgard ways, accepted their god as one of the Norse pantheon, and has joined forces with the Troll Fathers and the Norse to cleanse Aegir and Trollheim of the Morvaltar. New Races Three new races make their debut in Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles; one per Realm. Realm of Albion: Inconnu The Inconnu are small pale humanoids - white-ish skin, pale hair and extremely large dark eyes. They live underground, and exist to serve Arawn, the "old world" Lord of the Underworld. The Inconnu want to ally with the Britons to retake the lost Island of Avalon, which has been overrun by the forces of Morgana. Morgana has been stirring things in the underworld with her Necromancy, and Arawn wants to put a stop to it - so he has instructed the Inconnu to ally with the forces of Albion to put a stop to Morgana. Realm of Hibernia: Sylvan Dryad-type creatures that have a faint resemblance to the trees in which they inhabit. Sylvan are part of the natural fabric of HyBrasil in much the same way as the wolves and badgers that inhabit that wooded land of Hibernia. They have allied with the races of Hibernia to combat the threat of the Fomorians, who are ever-encroaching on HyBrasil. Sylvans are humanoid, with bark-like skin and long, slender appendages. They have leaf-like hair that is colored in appropriately leafy colors: red, green, yellow, and orange. Realm of Midgard: Valkyn A pre-historic race of humanoids, the Valkyn are a domesticated splinter group of the Morvalt, the race that has taken over Aegir, the mythological land of the Troll Fathers. The Valkyn have allied with Midgard and the Troll Fathers to liberate Aegir from the Morvalt. Valkyn are hunched, lithe, muscular creatures that are tribal in nature. They follow their own set of gods, who have been accepted by the Norse pantheon, so long as the Valkyn continue to aid them in their quest to eradicate the Morvalt from Aegir. New Classes With Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles comes six new character classes, 2 per Realm. In general, they provide a "different" play and roleplay style than the game's original character classes. Realm of Albion Necromancer The Necromancer is a new type of class in Dark Age of Camelot - a pet caster who does all of his actions through his pet. Unlike other traditional pet casters such as Enchanters and Cabalists, who wield a mix of magic with pet assistance, the Necromancer is powerless without his pet. Necromancers are a cloth robe wearing/staff wielding spellcasting class that are the priest class of Arawn, lord of the underworld, and can summon dead bodies and command them to do their bidding. Given their power by Arawn, Necromancers are not necessarily the most popular people in the realm, but their spellcasting and pet prowess are definitely welcomed by the rest of Albion. The first thing a Necromancer must do when they plan on adventuring is to summon a pet. All their spells are cast through their pet, once one is summoned. They may heal the pet, command it to cast spells on enemies, command it to attack enemies, etc. When controlling a pet, Necromancers enter "shade mode" and are referred to as "shades". A shade cannot be targeted or damaged by melee or spells. In order to kill a Necromancer, you must first kill his pet, which forces the Necromancer to become visible, where he can then be targeted and killed. While a shade, the Necro is displayed as a translucent shadowy floating ghost. When the pet is killed or released, the Necromancer has his health reduced to a percentage of the pet's health. So, if the pet is at full health and is released, the Necro comes back from shade mode at full health. If the pet is damaged and released, or killed, the Necro comes back from shade mode at a percentage of the pet's health when it was released (obviously zero if killed). This cannot kill the caster, but reduces him to a minimum of 1 hp. The intent of this is to make it so as long as the pet is alive, the Necro is at full health, but when his pet dies, the Necro is extremely damaged, weak and vulnerable. Via their pets, Necromancers have damage spells, pet healing/buffing spells, powertaps and power transfers (NOTE: these are new to the game for this class). Necromancers have the ability to do damage, and the pain it inflicts brings them a surge of power. They don't drain power directly from their target, but they receive a portion of damage back into their power pools. Disciples become Necromancers by joining a new guild, the Temple of Arawn. Britons, Inconnu, and Saracens can become Disciples. Reaver Reavers are hybrid Necromancer/Fighters with chain armor and a variety of Albion weapon skills. They are the fighting class that protects Arawn, lord of the underworld. Reavers are hybrid caster/tanks, related in spirit more to the Thane and Champion than the Paladin - they have some debuffs, like the Champion, and some direct damage/lifetap, like the Thane. They also can specialize in a variety of melee skills including all the 1 handed weapon specs, shields, and parry. Their spells are a variety of debuffs and lifedrains which are intended to augment their damage in combat. Reavers can specialize in one new weapon type: Flexible Weapons, which includes whips, flails, morningstars, chains, and the like. The Flexible Weapons have different damage types for the different types of FWs - Chains are be crushing, whips slashing, etc. A new spell function has been added to the Reaver: the "proccing" life drain duration buff - which, when active, gives a chance to heal the Reaver while he damages his enemies. Fighters become Reavers by joining the Temple of Arawn. Britons, Saracens, and Inconnu can become Reavers. Realm of Hibernia Animist Animists are a Hibernian primary spellcasting class that has an affinity with plants. They are able to animate plant life and other natural phenomena (phosphorescence, etc.) and use it to craft spells that damage their opponents. Animists are a pure spellcasting pet class that has pets that perform specific tasks in different ways. For example, they have "bomber" pets that are generated, run quickly to their target, and then explode. They also have "turrets", which are stationary pets that cast different damaging spells on any enemy that comes into range. Animists can have several turrets simultaneously, depending on their level. To become an Animist, Sylvan, Firbolg, and Celt characters must first choose a new "Way" - the Way of the Grove" - and become a Forester. Then, Foresters join a new path, that of Affinity. Affinity classes strive to become one with nature. This differs from other Hibernian nature classes (Bard, Warden, Druid), in that those classes feel they need to protect nature, while those on the Path of Affinity try to BECOME nature. Valewalker Valewalkers are cloth-wearing Hibernian mages who are given the ability to wield a large Scythe as a weapon. They are the strong arm of the Sylvan community - they are the primary fighters of this natural magic-using people. Valewalkers wear i mage-like cloth robes, which they can augment by casting armor- absorption and armor factor self-buffing spells. They also can evade and parry attacks. Valewalker combat styles center around their magical nature, and augment their scythe's damage with magical effects. To become a Valewalker, Sylvan, Firbolg, and Celt characters must first choose a new "Way" - the Way of the Grove" - and become a Forester. Then, Foresters join a new path, that of Affinity. Both Valewalkers and Animists share the path of Affinity. Realm of Midgard Bonedancer The Bonedancer is a Midgard pet caster who follows the Valkyn ancient pre-Norse god Bogdar. Bogdar has been accepted by the Norse gods when the Valkyn race became civilized and integrated with the Trolls, Kobolds, Dwarves, and human Norse. Bogdar is the Valkyn god of the dead - because Valkyn are staunch believers in reincarnation, Bogdar's job is to evaluate each dead soul and determine its next life. As the soul is reincarnated, its old body is discarded and eventually is returned to the Earth Mother through decomposition. Bogdar grants Bonedancers the power to re-animate the skeletal remains of discarded bodies as creatures that will obey commands. The heart of this new class is that they are a pet caster who can summon more than one pet at a time, at higher levels. However, they control only one pet directly, the commander - all the other minions are controlled by the commander. If a commander is killed, all the minions are immediately released, hence it is imperative that the Bonedancer keep his commander alive. By extremely high levels, the Bonedancer can have up to three different minions under his commander's control (four pets total). At low levels, they can summon only an undead commander, and act much like a normal pet class up until about level 15. From then on, they can mix and match several combinations of minions: archers, buffers, debuffers, nukers, and melee tanks in addition to their commander. Please note that we are still testing the Bonedancer, and some of this information will probably change. Also please note that originally he was to control animal skeletons, however, since many of his pets can use weapons, we changed the class to use human skeletons. Bonedancers start out as Mystics, and share the Mystic Darkness and Suppression base lines. Mystics become Bonedancers by joining the House of Bogdar. Kobolds, Trolls, and Valkyn can become Bonedancers. And yes, this means that Trolls can become Mystics, but their only choice at 5th level is to join the House of Bogdar. Savage The Savage is a studded-armor wearing fighter who disdains normal weapons in favor of hand-to-hand combat. Savages aren't interested in mastering the art of complicated weapons - instead they affix simple sharp or blunt weapons to their hands and swing away. Savages follow the Valkyn god of war, Kelgor, who represents bloodlust and the battlefield. Kelgor has been adopted by the Norse gods, especially Modi and Odin, as a brother-in-arms so long as the Valkyn continue assisting the Norse in their fight against the Morvaltar. The Savage receives a new weapon skill called "Hand to Hand". In general, the Savage's hand to hand weapons attach to his hands and can deal out slashing or thrusting damage. H2H is a dual-weapon skill, in that it allows the Savage to wield two weapons at the same time. However, it is set up differently from the dual wield/left axe skills that are currently in the game. H2H will always attack with the right hand by default. When the skill "fires", then the Savage will hit with both hands in that round. Please note that at higher levels, Savages have the chance of hitting more than twice per round. The Savage learns special H2H combat styles as he specs up in the H2H spec - some of these combat styles allow the Savage to attack more than one enemy in the same round. The Savage also can specialize in a set of combat abilities called "Savagery", which allow the Savage to modify his combat chances, such as chance to evade, parry, buff attack speed or DPS, and also convert hit points to endurance. All Savagery abilities take a percentage of your base hitpoints when they wear off or are refreshed. Valkyn, Norse, Troll, Dwarf, and Kobold Vikings become Savages by joining the House of Kelgor. - o -