E-Mail Obfuscator Reviewed by Sue A friend of mine found recently that since getting his own web site, he was receiving a lot more junk mail. I've been fortunate in that in the couple of years that the SynTax site has been up I haven't been similarly affected (I'm probably going to regret saying that!). It's one of the annoying facts of life that some spammers extract email addresses from web pages using special software. Luckily there's a way round it. E-Mail Obfuscator is a handy online tool which is compatible with all the major browsers. You can find it at www.codehouse.com/online_tools/webmaster/email_obfuscator/ All you do is type the email address you want to 'obfuscate' into the box at the bottom of the page (eg sue@syntax2000.co.uk), then the name you want to appear (Sue Medley) and press the Generate Obfuscated Email Link button. What you'll end up with is a bit of HTML like this: Sue Medley A small Link Tester window also pops up with the display name in it. Clicking on it should, all being well, open a new email addressed to the correct name. Finally pasting this code into the appropriate part of your web page's code will hide your email address from the spam-bots without making your page look any different. Very useful! - o -