SHERLOCK HOLMES: THE MYSTERY OF THE MUMMY - Part 3 Walkthrough by Witchen =O) December 2002 Concluded from last issue LEVEL 4 THE DEMOLISHED TREASURE ROOM ANTECHAMBER You might want to save your game here as you are about to embark on another timed sequence: The Scorpion Puzzle: 1. Swing around and pick up both buckets over near the half cask of water. 2. Look down to see a busy scorpion. 3. Quickly take a bucket from your inventory and cover the scorpion. 4. Move to the door. 5. Turn around and click behind the Chess puzzle (what's left of it). 6. Look down when you arrive there and put the second bucket on the new scorpion. 7. Pick up the WOODEN PLANK. 8. Look down and pick up Parkey's BAG with the fifth Anubis statue safely tucked inside. Go back through the door to the destroyed rotating room. You probably observed Parkey's dismembered body on the floor near the door, but don't take the time away from solving the puzzle and getting out of there. Note: If you have trouble solving the scorpion puzzle, try reversing the order of the buckets you use. Use the big one on the first scorpion and the little one on the second, or vice versa. Look out as you enter the rotating room here. You just might take a nasty fall. Turn right and look down. Use the wooden plank to create a thin bridge to the corner statue. Go to the statue and pick up the MIDDLE GEAR WHEEL at the statue's feet. Turn left and take the CHAIN. Go back to your starting position in front of the door you came in through, and walk out to the center of the axle of the wheel mechanism that turned the rotating room. Remember that interesting ring in the ceiling? Use the chain on it now. Pan down and left to see a niche in the wall beside the exit door. Click on it to see a cutscene where Sherlock swings his merry way through the niche and into the now destroyed wine cellar. Sterling move, Sherlock! THE DESTROYED WINE CELLAR Go forward once. Turn around and look for the grasping hand on one of the wine casks. Click on it. GUN POWDER, rather than the anticipated wine, flows from the cask. Uh oh! More explosions just might be possible, so be careful. Use Parkey's bag (and find a note) to pick up some of the gun powder. It may come in handy later. Turn around and go left forward to the huge mound of broken wine bottles. Pick up a BROKEN BOTTLE. Sherlock may need to clobber someone, or something similar with it. Turn right. Go forward and take the unlit LANTERN from the table. Turn right and see that you now get a pointing finger at the stoned up doorway. Look down right and pick up a PAINT BRUSH from the cask on the right. Place the brush in inventory. Click on the doorway. Use the paint brush on the top center stone to reveal the number "3." Now you must click on every third stone to open the door. Ah, but where to start counting? There is the rub...believe me! This is one of the two hardest puzzles in the game. But, there's always a solution coming right up, if you wish to read on: The Stone Door Puzzle Solution: 1. Press the first stone on the bottom on the right side. 2. Starting with the next stone up, count 1, 2, 3 and click on the third stone. 3. Traveling up; count 1, 2, 3 and click on the stone just under the right corner stone. 4. Count 1, 2, across the top from right to left, press the third stone just right of the "3" stone. 5. Count 1 on the "3" stone, 2, 3 and press the stone to the right of the left corner stone. 6. Count 1 on the cornerstone, then 2, 3 going down the left side and press the third stone down from the corner. 7. Count 1, 2, 3 continuing down the left side, and press the second stone from the bottom. Hallelujah!!!! It seems you now "can go through the door." THE DEVASTATED RECEPTION HALL Wow! Was that an explosion or what? The sad results of the blast seem to be evident everywhere! Its even still smokin' here in the reception hall. You can take your time if you enjoy picking through debris, but I'd suggest making a bee-line for the area beside the (left side) staircase, straight ahead. You'll find a note in the lounge area there that encourages you to go upstairs. That is, if you aren't afraid of the lurking mummy. On the coffee table, you'll discover someone ( the mummy of Montcalfe?) was writing a note and its been partially burned. To the left of the lounge area in the corner, there's a mirrored cabinet. If you click on the mirror, Sherlock will remark that there's something behind it. Also, you need "something thin." Store that in your memory banks for a moment and move on to the other side of the hall. use your lantern on the remaining lighted candle on the chandelier and place the LIGHTED LANTERN in your inventory. Look down just in front of the stairs to see more sand and some gray hair. More mummy discards, no doubt. Go up the stairs to the first landing. Look on the next up riser and find a HAIR PIN. Sherlock will comment something to the effect that " this woman's trinket" wasn't there the first time he went up the stairs. Elisabeth's trinket perhaps? Something more to mull over concerning the probability of an unseen populous roaming about the mansion. Why would Elisabeth be in the mansion without announcing herself? Ahem, oh well.........time to press on, Sherlock. Turn around and go back down to the mirrored cabinet in the corner. Use the hair pin. you'll find an "absolutely dreadful document" ..... DIRTY PAPER. Go back over to the chandelier and hold the dirty paper up in front of the burning candle to see a map or chart. After you've examined it, it will be held in your letters folder, so no need to copy it. Return to the stairs, then on to the first landing. Look at the painting on the wall directly ahead of you. Click on the broken lamp bracket to the right of the painting. The painting will move aside revealing three levers: The Levers Puzzle Solution: Each lever has three positions: down, middle, and up. There's a dark red light above each lever's slot. When you solve this puzzle, the lights will be dimly green. (Hard to see, so watch for the change.) Don't back out of the close up while you are working on the puzzle as it will reset. 1st pass = all three levers to the down position 2nd pass = middle lever up two, to the top position 3rd pass = first and third lever up one to the middle position Exit the closeup and go up the stairs to the second floor. Turn left and continue around to the only set of doors on that side on the mezzanine. Click to enter the hallway behind a brick wall. You are back behind the library, Montcalfe's private quarters, under entirely different circumstances. THE HOLOCAUST HALLWAY Some of the rooms are now a blazing inferno. So use caution here, Sherlock! You could be toast! Turn around to the right of the door where the fire is burning. Click on the painting that's been knocked to the floor by the earlier explosion. Read the encrypted message: XLDU OLIC UFFU WIYT INO There are two rows of ankh symbols underneath, with a set of three and two sets of four in the first row. There is one set of two and two sets of three in the second row. Once you've viewed the message, consider that the placement and grouping of the letters may be more significant than the letters themselves. The "HOOKS" you hear Sherlock mention, will go into your inventory. Okay, let's go on. Turn back to the left going down along the hallway and immediately click on the painting leaning against the wall on the left; a dark landscape. Click for a message "EGYPT WILL HELP YOU." Proceed down the hall and look down right to click on the fallen wall panel to learn all this damage may not have been caused by the explosion that killed Jonathan Parkey. Another puzzlement. Find a glass on the carpet that has been smashed by something "very a woman's shoe." Further indication that perhaps Elisabeth is meandering about the mansion in all this devastation. Sherlock is one impressive detective isn't he? How could he possibly know what smashed that glass? ESP? Go one more step to the end of the hall and turn around to click on the fallen painting of a mounted horseman. Click again to view a more complex encrypted message: UTLNLH NHITAI DEGHCN ERIEEE REOPSS Under it, three rows of ankh symbols: 5 in the first row 3 and 8 in the second row 3, 5 and 6 in the third row (numbers of letters per word, per line?) What do all these hidden messages mean? In any case, once you've viewed this one it will also pop into your letter folder with the others. Save your game here! Swing to your left and enter the smoky parlor. You might have to go out and take a deep breath here a few times. In fact, I'd highly recommend it. Go to the right side curtains by the single door to the bedroom. Use your broken bottle to cut a piece of curtain to mask your breathing somewhat against the smoke. Now who'd have thought that's what you'd be using that broken bottle for! Leave the room and get some air. Go back in and go to the shield on the wall above the sofa. Click to swing it open it and reveal a word puzzle. Use the messages from the hallway to solve it on your own if you like. The Shield Word Puzzle Solution: First Line: YOU WILL FIND Second Line: IF YOU CUT Third Line: (skip this line) Fourth Line: UNDER Fifth Line: THE RELIGION Sixth Line: THE PLACE SHINES Click out of the closeup and click back on the now open window in the wall. See that "X" next to the tilted family tree picture behind you? Pick up a SPEAR HEAD on the floor near the lion's head on your way over to X marks the spot. Use the spear head there. From the alcove, pick up THREE WEIGHTS, a SMALL KEY and a LETTER from Montcalfe to Elisabeth stating his sorrow at having failed to save the world from the curse of the mummy he's loosed upon humanity. Sounds like the laudanum is talking here. Now that you are back out in the hallway (I hope you are) catching your breath, proceed down the hall to the middle door on the right side. THE SMOLDERING STUDY Save your game! Click on the clock device on the right side of the door and attach the three hooks at the extreme bottom of each weight. Then, place the middle gear wheel behind the center bracket of the clock. Place the three weights on the bottom hooks left to right, as follows: Gold, then Blue, then Silver. The clock face will open. Click the gold key in the face of the clock to wind it. "THERE'S A BOMB IN THE BUILDING!" and you are just about to detonate the darn thing............... Cross the room to the little door that leads back to the library. Put the bag of gun powder on the door handle and then place the lantern beneath it. Sherlock will ignite the powder in a cutscene. The door will blow open loudly and you'll be up on the gallery, an action which culminates in the long anticipated meeting with Lord Montcalfe. After a short and panicky scene where Montacalfe warns about the pending bomb explosion, which will undoubtedly destroy the mansion, and everyone in it, you are ready to begin the last level of the game. ----------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 5 THE ELECTRIFIED LIBRARY Save your game! Do not touch the gallery railings! Walk around to the opposite end of the gallery and turn around to see a large blue book on the shelf. Click on it. In a cutscene the shelving will move aside to reveal an antiquated Faraday machine which is producing the electricity for the railings. Pick up the SHOVEL from the left, beside the open doors of the machine. Use the shovel to scoop the hot coals out of the fire box. Then pull the lever on the right side of the round boiler mechanism above. The machine has been deactivated, so the hand railings are now safe to the touch. Go back around to the full door that leads back to the hallway. Look down and pick up the old rifle. Examine it to find the mummy who's trying to blow up the museum, along with your very own self, Montcalfe and whomever else might be lurking about, apparently has "skin on his fingers." Aha, just as you thought. This mummy isn't quite dead after all. Go down the spiral stairs and left to pick up the ladder standing nearby. Take it to the shelf with red books in the opposite corner of the library. Set it against the shelves and climb it to find a receipt for explosive materials and a dynamite user's guide. And, to the right a DROPLET PIPETTE. Leave the room by the double doors and return to the bottom floor study. Take the CANDLE from the candlestick on the desk to the right. THE DILEMMA IN THE STUDY You can walk around the toppled furniture to find another puzzle on the same wall (to the left) where you came in. You will have to leave this room and examine the adjacent rooms, picking up several more items and the additional tiles or squares you need to solve the puzzle. Leave the room and enter the first exhibit room. Go across the room and look down in front of the shattered mummy case to find a trap door with some kind of mechanical device. Remember where it is. Go across the room to the tall display cabinet. Pick up that familiar sacrificial KNIFE from the bottom shelf. Go forward, turn left and move the blue urn. Get the BATCHER hidden inside. Turn around and enter the next exhibit room through the double doors on the end wall. Find the broken case in the middle of the room with drawers. Use the knife to open a drawer and get the BLACK SQUARES and the WHITE SQUARES. Note that the mummy has disappeared from the case in the center of the room. Just past it, on the floor, pick up an AXE. Go into the next room (pale blue walls) and go along the left side to pick up (using your knife) two small CONTAINERS and a gray CUP which looks like a salad bowl. Proceed to the end of the room where the god and goddess statues were kept in the glass case. Some of them have fallen to the floor. Find an odd LAMP in front of the cabinet. Go to the room where the mummy was (center room) and find a small OIL FLASK to the right of the side door to the reception hall, where the chandelier is blocking it. Go back (left from front hall door) out to the next room and down the right wall to the orange cabinet in the far right corner. Use your knife to open it and find MORE SQUARES. That should do up the preparations to take on that daunting looking puzzle in the ground floor study. Turn around. Go down to the other end and out the left side door back to the study. Approach the Japanese tile (Gridder/Conceptis/Nonogram) puzzle in the wall niche. If you have everything you need, Sherlock will say, "Let's do it!" The squares will magically appear under the puzzle in two "containers." Each contains colored squares for completing the puzzle. The Japanese Tile Puzzle: Instruction: This type of puzzle is called among other thing, Conceptis, Gridder, and Nonogram. It's made to look more difficult because you have two colors to work with here. The object is to fill in the appropriate squares to form a picture. The picture is comprised of ight gray and dark gray tiles, which are appropriately placed to create the picture. The numbers at the top and side of the grid represent the consecutive darker gray square placement. Light gray is the background color. An example would be and would involve 1 dark gray tile followed by 9, then 1, then 2. The question is where would these tiles or strings of tiles be placed along that particular line. Using the horizontal and vertical numbers, you can logically derive the arrangement of the darker tiles (and the background tiles, secondarily). You might want to copy your particular grid (yes, I'm sorry, but the picture changes from game to game) to paper and work it out off line, without running out of time. (Oh yes, I'm sorry two times, the puzzle is also timed!) ----------------------------------------------------- Note: If you are totally exhausted just thinking about all this and are now in the last throes of anguish before you start forcibly removing your hair, or worst yet, you are beginning to show signs of criminal behavior.....THERE IS A BYPASS FOR THIS PUZZLE. I won't include it here in the content of the walkthrough as it is too easy to read accidentally. But, I'll be happy to provide the bypass if you email me at the address shown at the end of the walkthrough. ----------------------------------------------------- After the puzzle is solved (by some combination of genius and magic) you will be able to pick up a large LEVER from the puzzle alcove. Take the lever back to the first exhibit room just outside the study door. Use the lever on the mechanism in the floor that you found there, under the carpet runner (in front of the mummy case in the middle of the left wall). Use the lever on the mechanism to move aside (in a cutscene) a sarcophagus in the farthest (third) room from the study. When you click on the machinery under the sarcophagus, Sherlock will let you know you need more light. Turn around around and go back to the first exhibit room off the study. Go to the glass encased sarcophagus on the right wall. In inventory combine the oil flask with the ancient lamp. Then use the lamp on the wall mounted gas lamp above the sarcophagus. Go back through the other two rooms and click the now light lamp on the open sarcophagus. You'll find yourself back in the storage room. With the ladder you just descended at your back, go to the far left corner fo the room and pick up a ROPE dangling from the shelf in the left corner of the storage room. It doesn't look much like it did on your prior visit, but you'll remember its where you dropped several items in the standing urns. THE TREACHEROUS LABORATORY Go to the far end of the long table against the wall and pick up a wooden BOX. Take it across the room and into the alcove that the explosion has exposed behind the fallen display case. Yikes, its THE bomb! Save your game! The Bomb Puzzle: 1. Put the box you just found on top of the big box you see in the corner. 2. Put the batcher/scale on the small box. 3. Put the cup (gray bowl) on the left side of the batcher (hard to see here.) 4. Place the pipette above the bowl. 5. Put the candle on the right side of the batcher. 6. Combine the axe with the rope in inventory. 7. Put this combined apparatus on the hook on the wall up to your right. 8. Light the candle with your lamp from inventory, and step out of the room for safety. You will see the candle burn the rope in two, the axe drop and sever the steam pipe, and the dynamite bomb will be forever silenced. HOORAY! You've won and have saved your own hide as well as to have captured the culprits. The ending movie reveals the appearance of the vacationing Watson, along with sufficient numbers of local law enforcement. In the company of the guilty, Sherlock unwinds, in a lengthy narrative, the mystery of the mummy. Congratulations, Sherlock! THE END ----------------------------------------------------- This walkthrough may not be copied or posted to another website without the express written permission of the author, Witchen, at or Questions or comments regarding the content of the walkthrough may be sent to content may not be altered in any way and all reference/links must be provided to this site: GameBoomers. Copyright * 12/2002 GameBoomers - o -