Ultima VIII A few questions and answers taken from a newsgroup How do I find the Fire portion of the game? Go back to Stone Cove and head past Carthax to get to Daemon's Crag. This is the start of the fire plot. I know of a place with two double doors where one goes up when the other goes down, but when I got there and pulled the lever once, the lever broke... There is a switch, on a post to the left of that broken switch. It's really hard to see, but once you know where to look you'll find it. Throw the switch and use the Scion key on the door. The Sorcerer's Enclave awaits.. Could you please tell me where you got the Heart of Earth? Sure... you have to go to the place where you opened the double doors to talk to the Lithos... there's a door to the east of it blocking a cave (it looks like it goes nowhere).. use the key of scion on it and go in there... you have to look around and get the key from the pit of death and enter the place where there are big double doors locked... there's a grave and lots of skeletons... cast open earth near the grave and the heart of earth is sitting in the hole! - o -