Editorial I'm still playing Syberia - what a beautiful game. That's on loan from Alex. Carolyn has also loaned me Emperor but I'm going to finish Syberia first before getting stuck into that. I'd been in touch with a few more people on the Internet to see if I could reuse their solutions in SynTax. Generally they've been very happy for me to do so. So this issue I've got Abutaib Shahriyar Syed's solution to Syberia. I was planning to see if I could do the same with reviews - their shortage is bane of my SynTax life! And then I thought - maybe I'm being unrealistic trying to keep SynTax going artificially? Maybe it's come to the end of its life and I'm just being stubborn plugging away each issue, trying to get to Issue 100 and beyond? Was I keeping going because I felt it would be a failure to stop? It takes a lot of time and I've only got about 40 readers now, only a few of whom contribute. Most of you have Internet access and it's because of the Net that I've lost most of the readers because the Net is such a comprehensive source of information about the sorts of things I cover in SynTax. Maybe I should bow down and let the Net take over? So, I made a decision. Most of the subs run out by Issue 90 so that will be the last issue of SynTax. I'll have to refund about œ36. The mag will have done 15 full years - the timing will be just right for a final award (though no free issues) and hopefully will still go out on a high. I'll keep the web site going, in a slightly different format, with all the old issues up on it. So from now on, sub forms will only go up to Issue 90. I hope you'll all continue to support SynTax until then. I'm very sad to have to stop SynTax. I started it in July 1989 - when I was 37. It seems like a life time ago and with everything that's happened to me recently, in many way it *is*. Well, that's it for now. All the best, Sue - o -