Zoo Tycoon Money Cheat Press SHIFT and 4 to instantly get $10K. Change Park Shape To make the shape of your park resemble a specific land mass, name it after one of the countries below: Antarctica Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China England Greece Iceland India Italy Japan Mexico Nepal Norway Peru Russia Singapore South Africa Spain Tanzania Turkey USA Extra Animals Rename exhibits for the following animals: For A Unicorn, Rename Exhibit To Xanadu. For A Triceratops, Rename Exhibit To Cretaceous Corral. Name-Calling Cheats Name your guests with the following names to yield different effects: Mr. Orange, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Brown, Mr. Pink, or Mr. Blue : guest clothes and buildings will change to that color. Russell C : all fences break Adam Levesque : get all animal care programs Lou Catanzaro : get all animal enrichment programs John Wheeler : get all animal shelters Hank Howie : get all staff education programs Steve Serafino : get all endangered species Andrew Binder : get all animal houses Charlie Peterson : get all foliage Akiyama : all scenarios unlock Alfred H : crows and seagulls will attack your guests Zeta Psi : some of your guests shirts will turn yellow and they'll start puking - o -