A N O T H E R W O R L D (Delphine/U.S. Gold) When you land in the pool of water, push up to swim to the surface and climb out. ACCESS CODE: EDJI Go left and take note of the hanging vine. Then go then run right past the water. Kill the space-slugs by kicking them, and when all have gone continue right. Watch out for more 'nasties' dropping from the roof. Once again destroy the slugs by kicking them and continue to the right. When faced with the huge black beast with gigantic fangs, do the obvious thing and run like the clappers in the opposite direction! Keep going past the pool of water and finally leap off the ledge and onto the vine. The makeshift rope will snap and you'll swing back to the previous screen. Run right and keep going. Eventually the beast will be shot by aliens and you'll attempt to communicate with the large beings, unsuccessfully. They'll shoot you with their lasers, temporarily stunning you. ACCESS CODE: HICI When you come round, you'll be caged in a cell suspended in mid-air. Swing from side to side, moving the joystick in time, left to right, to build up momentum. Keep going and the cage will eventually break free from its harness and crush the nearby guard. Your alien companion will thank you, and then tell you to follow him to the right. Do so, but pick up the gun first. Run along to the right following your fellow hostage, then shoot the guard on the next screen - use only a single blast, therefore saving vital energy. Keep heading right to the next scene. Build a shield on the right of the screen. Make sure that you protect both yourself and your pal as he attempts to short-circuit the lock on the door. You will have to occasionally replenish your shield, but try not to over-use the weapon's power. Run right to the elevator. Wait for your friend and then head up. Look out of the small cell window to the right. Jump back into the lift and zoom to the very bottom level. Run left and shoot the far wall (small flashing light). This will disable the energy supply. Back to the elevator, and up to the floor above. Walk left and destroy the thin bulkheads by using the powerful shot from the laser. This is done by holding down 'FIRE' until the end of the gun is surrounded with bright light. The wall will explode, allowing you to pass and to use the warp-lift to go down. Because you cut off the power supply, the guard cannot escape from his quarters. Run left and then go up the next warp-lift. Wait for your alien friend to appear and he will uncover a manhole - your means of escape. Drop down the chute and into the darkness. ACCESS CODE: FLLD Roll left and fall off the edge. Go left once more, then right, fall off the edge and right once more. Roll down, then left to finally exit the ventilation system. ACCESS CODE: LIBC Back on your feet, stroll into the compartment on your left. Fire your gun to restore the weapon to full power. Turn around and blow away the three walls by using the powerful laser on each. Once again, energise your laser. Run right, out of the scene and past the next. Quickly dispose of the awaiting guard by gunning him down, then carefully make you way to the right. There will be a huge gap in front of you, and you can't jump all the way aross. Instead, run and jump off the ledge and land on a small platform to the right. Blast a hole in the wall using the powerful setting on your gun. You have now entered the caves. ACCESS CODE: CCAL Drop down the first hole, then down the next hole on the right. Fall off the ledge to the right, then run and jump over the spike in the direction you were facing. The next scene is difficult, so read ahead before you attempt to complete it. Run to the centre of the screen and pause momentarily, before edging forward once more. Two rocks should fall either side of you, then quickly make your escape to the right. The following scene is simple when you know how. Wait until the two rocks closest to you are falling at the same level, then dash all the way across just after they hit the ground. You should be able to get across without being crushed. Jump across the pit-monsters without getting caught and exit to the right. Shoot the three tentacles so they retract onto the rock, then leap over the pit-creatures. In the next scene, jump over the gap, then over the monster. Run all the way right before destroying the thin wall in front of you. ACCESS CODE: EDIL Backtrack to the screen with the falling rocks. Walk up the slope, turn and shoot at the flying creature. Walk on to the next screen and watch. Take a running jump at the stalactite, climb to the top and jump to the next one. Repeat this procedure with each one - if you do it correctly, you should end up on a large rock. ACCESS CODE: FADK Walk left off the rock, turn and blast the rock, then walk up to the rock. Go right, jump over two pits, then over one pit. Walk right, blast the wall to release the water, then turn and run VERY QUICKLY, leaping over the pits like Wayne Sleep! Logic wins every time - go right, blast the wall, go past the steps and across the dried-up waterfall. ACCESS CODE: KCIJ Observe the alien trapped below, exit left over the waterfall and go through the door. Go down the steps, walk right and kill the guard. Go back up the steps and shoot at the light chain (this releases the alien above). Go back down the steps, then run right - as far as you can go. Kick the guard, then run and pick up the gun. Kill the guard and run right - don't stop (ignore the other guards). ACCESS CODE: ICAH Dive into the water, swim across, climb out and take a look around. Swim down to the hole in the wall, left along the tunnel, and go up the second shaft for air. Swim right down to the bottom of the shaft, go right, get out for air and fire at the pulsating line. Reverse manoeuvre back to the pool surface. ACCESS CODE: FIEI Go left and kill the guard. Go right and up the stairs, then kill the guard on the left at the top of the stairs. Jump across right, blast the two doors down and get your blaster ready to fire at the last door as the shield fades. Accurate timing and speed are needed to kill the guard (alternatively, you can blast the last door, shield, jump the fireballs and fire to killthe guard). Go right, blast the door, right, then jump up to charge your gun. Go right and watch the reflection of the guard on the bottom of the green sphere - fire at the sphere when the guard's reflection is directly under it. Left to the stairs, go down them, then down and right to the pool. Swim across, get out and find the guard dead. Go right. ACCESS CODE: LALD Jump down the opening, go right, blast the door, run to the end of the corridor. Turn and put up a shield, then wait until the alien puts his arm down and pulls you up. Stay on the left side of the opening until the rocks fall, then follow the alien into the tank. To escape, press the TOP-LEFT-HAND GREEN button (but first have some fun by pressing a few other buttons!). ACCESS CODE: LFEK Exit from the pod, run right onto the next screen, kill the guards and run right. Sit back and leave macj`hine in drive. Crawl across the floor to the levers on the right and wait for the guard to walk towards you. Pull the lever to kill the guard with the laser, pull the second lever, then crawl back to the light circle on the floor to escape............from ANOTHER WORLD!! - o -