Sims Superstar Various cheats During the game, hit [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display a prompt in the upper left. Now you can use one of the following codes. Note: Enter an exclamation point (!) at the prompt to repeat the last cheat. Use semi-colons (;) between codes to enter more than one at once. Most codes only work on the unpatched version of the game. Result - Code 1000 Simoleons - rosebud Add new family history stat to the current family - hist_add Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed - auto_level Check and fix required lot objects - prepare_lot Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT - flush Create moat or streams - water_tool Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files - shrink_text (font_size) (text) Create-a-character mode - edit_char Display personality and interests - interests Draw all animation frames disabled - draw_all_frames off Draw all animation frames enabled - draw_all_frames on Draw colored dots at each person's origin - draw_origins Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt - core_dump Dump selected person\'s motive contribution curve to a file - dump_mc End sim logging - sim_log end Execute \"file.cht\" file as a list of cheats- cht (filename) Floorable grid disabled - draw_floorable off Floorable grid enabled - draw_floorable on Map editor disabled - map_edit off Map editor enabled - map_edit on Move any object - move_objects on Prevent web browser crashes - browser_failsafe Preview animations disabled - preview_anims off Preview animations enabled - preview_anims on Programmer stats - tile_info Quit game - quit Say \"plugh\"- plugh Set grass growth - grow_grass (0-150) Set time of day (unpatched version) - set_hour (1-24) - o -