The Commute (Copyright 1998) Official "Walk Thru" There are many ways to solve The Commute. Here is one option (one that has been tested). In Kitchen 1) get toast and coffee 2) eat toast and drink coffee 3) goto Hall In Hall 1) get sunglasses and keys 2) hug daughter (will give you wallet) 3) talk to daughter 4) find toy (will give you briefcase) 5) examine wallet 6) open latch 7) open front door 8) goto Driveway On driveway 1) open van 2) get in van 3) start van 4) goto street On Street 1) go left On Road 1) wear glasses (sunglasses) 2) type "drive" repeatedly 3) when asked, say no to speeding up 4) when told, go left to gas station In Gas Station 1) get gas 2) back to road On Road Again 1) type "drive" repeatedly 2) when asked, say no to speeding up 3) when told, continue past gas station ("drive") 4) type "drive" (roughly 15 or so times) 5) when told, go "forward" into parking lot 6) open gate 7) enter parking lot We would be pleased to hear from you. Let us know if you have any problems with this "Walk Thru". We can be reached at THE_COMMUTE@HOTMAIL.COM We will respond after the IF 98 Competition is done. Thanks for playing, The Commmute - o -