Moon Tycoon Tips and strategies from the official site When a new structure is built, resources are redistributed. This can cause a "Colony Blackout" when utilities lose their needed resources. To prevent this, keep a few basic utilities near your more advanced utility and personnel structures, to ensure that they are always working. To fix a "Colony Blackout" that has occurred; build a few basic utilities and connect them to your existing utility and personnel structures. Press the ROTATE key to change the alignment of Connection Tubes or to select a 4-way cross-junction Tube (check Help / Options). To adjust how fast the camera moves, use the CAMERA FASTER / SLOWER Keyboard Shortcut buttons (check Help / Options). Be careful when demolishing buildings or Connection Tubes. You don't want to cut off the resource flow to large parts of the colony! You can customize your visual / audio settings in the Options Menu so Moon Tycoon plays the way you want it to. Use the Help Menu if you don't know how to build a certain building. Each Maintenance Center will add extra years to the Life of buildings. When buildings have less than 2 years of Life left, they become red. Plan ahead and build your colony in small portions! Otherwise, you may have many buildings running out of Service Life at the same time. Mining and Factory Production - both can quickly provide large amounts of money for the colony, but will greatly lower Morale and Attraction. Warehouses are required to store produced goods, and a Radio Tower is needed to receive current market prices. Research - different buildings will provide Research Points for the colony. You can distribute these points towards advancements in either Electronic or Medical Factory production, increasing their potential selling price. Tourism - the key to building a successful Tourism colony is knowing the effect that each building has on the colony's Attraction and Tourist count. Some Tourism structures will also increase colony Morale, which benefits Space Agency support! Monthly Expenses - you can view and adjust the amount of funds given to colony programs in the Expenses Menu. Increasing certain expenses will benefit Research, Morale, or Attraction. Morale and Attraction - the Status Menu shows the current Morale and Attraction level, and which buildings are causing the effects. Morale is the happiness of your colonists. The better the Morale, the higher the Agency Support you will receive. The positive or negative outcome of Special Requests is directly affected by colony Morale. Attraction shows how desirable your colony is to visit. The higher the Attraction, the more money each Tourist will spend at your colony. - o -