Sales, Wants and Swaps Matthew Redston contacted me over the Internet. He's looking for a copy of the Bloodwych Data Disk for the Atari ST. Can you help? If so, please contact me as I have his phone number. ================================================================= Games for Sale -------------- Dink Smallwood œ1 Dragon Lore II œ2 Hopkins FBI œ2 In Cold Blood œ2 Lands of Lore III œ2 Leisure Suit Larry 6 œ2 Outcast œ2 Simon the Sorcerer 3D œ10 PLUS Voodoo 3 card œ5 Buyer pays postage Contact Jan Charnley - 01925 212259 - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for an elusive piece of software, or got something to sell or swap? Why not send in an advert for next issue ... it's free! ------------------------------------------------------------------ - o -