The Test - 16 bit version Author Ken Bond, programmer Bob Adams Solution by Sue Roseblade UNDO PARACHUTE, INVENTORY, READ LETTER. Note the number at the top of the letter - 2194. NORTH, NORTH, EAST to outside a building. X DOOR, X BOX, PRESS 2, PRESS 1, PRESS 9, PRESS 4, EAST. Inside Stone Building: X ROPE, X BOX, NORTH, UP, X CANE, GET CANE, DOWN, SOUTH, X HEATER, X SWITCH, PUSH SWITCH, X CANE, PUT LETTER IN SLIT, IGNITE LETTER, BURN ROPE, NORTH, WAIT, SOUTH (if you don't get out of the room you will be killed when the box falls). X BOX to get the GUN, X GUN, GET BOX, WEST, WEST, NORTH, NORTH. Minefield: READ NOTICE, FIRE GUN AT HUMP, NORTH, NORTH, EAST. Quarry: UP onto chute, DROP BOX, X CHUTE, X BAR, GET IN BOX, PUSH BAR. You slide down the chute. EAST, X CUPBOARD, SMASH PADLOCK WITH GUN, OPEN CUPBOARD to get a REMOTE CONTROL DETONATOR. X DETONATOR. WEST, NORTH, X BULLDOZER, X DOORS. (If you enter the bulldozer and turn the key, it will blow up, so start again!) FEEL UNDER BULLDOZER to get an EXPLOSIVE DEVICE. X DEVICE, DROP DEVICE, ENTER BULLDOZER, PRESS PLUNGER. The doors will blow away. DOWN. Village: NORTH, WEST, SOUTH into the cottage. X SHELF, GET SHELF, X SHELF, NORTH, NORTH, EAST, UP, X BEAM, GET MATCH, DOWN, WEST, SMASH DOOR, NORTH, X POST, GET POST, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST. Churchyard: X TOMB, READ INSCRIPTION. Make a note of the inscription, especially 'Wheelwright - 65. Emma left - 82. WEST, GET AXE, EAST, LIFT LID of tomb, DOWN, WEST, WEST, UP. Orchard: X TREE, X TRUNK, X FENCE, TIE AXE TO POST, PUT SHELF ON TRUNK, STAND ON SHELF, DROP everything except the match and the axe. CHOP TREE. You will be catapulted over the fence. NORTH, WEST, WEST to a barn. X DOOR, OPEN DOOR (or SLIDE DOOR), OPEN DOOR (again), WEST. Barn: X TRACTOR, ENTER TRACTOR, X SEAT to get a NEWSPAPER. READ NEWSPAPER, DOWN, LOOK UNDER TRACTOR, GET BASIN, MOVE BALES, X OIL DRUM, FILL BASIN. EAST, EAST, EAST, EAST. Bull: READ BOARD, CLIMB GATE, NORTH, NORTH, THROW OIL at the bull. He will slip and become incapacitated. NORTH, EAST, CLIMB STILE, WEST, WEST. Bog: To cross the bog, just follow the dance steps like this: NORTH, NORTH, WEST, NORTH, WEST, WEST, SOUTH, WEST, WEST, NORTH, EAST, NORTH, NORTH. House and Garden: NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, UP, X DOOR, UNTIE AXE, PUT POST ON KNOBS to open the doors. NORTH, CLOSE DOORS which opens the internal doors. NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, UP, NORTH, EAST, OPEN CUPBOARD to find a GEIGER COUNTER. X GEIGER. WEST, NORTH, EAST, GET KITE, UNTIE TWINE, DROP KITE, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, DOWN, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, OPEN DOORS, SOUTH, DOWN, EAST, EAST into a hut. GET SPADE, WEST, NORTH, NORTH. Maze: Search the maze using the geiger counter to find out where to dig. TURN SWITCH on geiger counter. X DIAL. Quickest route from the maze entrance is as follows: NORTH, NORTH, WEST, NORTH, EAST, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, EAST. Then DOG to find a MAGNET. Reverse the directions to get out again. Return to the house. House: UP, NORTH, CLOSE DOORS, NORTH, WEST, GET CANDLE, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, EAST, EAST, GET BUCKET, EAST, X WELL, POUR WATER IN WELL, TIE TWINE TO MAGNET, PUT MAGNET DOWN WELL to get the STEEL KEY. WEST, WEST, NORTH, WEST, STRIKE MATCH, LIGHT CANDLE, DOWN, SOUTH, GET BOTTLE, NORTH, UP, EAST, CLEAN BOTTLE to find that it is a SMOKE BOMB. SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, OPEN DOORS, SOUTH, DOWN, SOUTH, WEST into lodge. Lodge: SEARCH RUBBLE to see some steps. DOWN, GET BLOCK, UP EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, READ NOTICE, X GATE, EAST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH into engine shed. Engine shed: SOUTH, X ENGINE, EAST, FILL BUCKET, WEST, UP, X INDICATOR, UP, X PIPE, POUR WATER IN PIPE/BOILER. DOWN, X FIREBOX, PUT PAPER IN FIREBOX, CHOP BLOCK, PUT FIREWOOD IN FIREBOX, PUT COAL IN FIREBOX, DOWN, EAST, FILL BUCKET, WEST, X TOOLS to get a TAPER and DRILL. LIGHT TAPER, UP, LIGHT PAPER, X GAUGE, TURN HANDWHEEL, PUSH LEVER. Wait until the engine stops. DOWN, WEST, NORTH. Ski lift: X LEVER, PULL LEVER, DRILL HOLE IN BUCKET, PUT BUCKET ON LEVER, ENTER CABIN, WAIT, LEAVE CABIN, WEST to a steel building. Steel building: UNLOCK DOOR with the steel key. WEST, X BUTTONS. One way (the quickest?) through this puzzle is as follows: PRESS BUTTON 1, NORTHWEST, WEST, GET IRON KEY, EAST, SOUTH, PRESS BUTTON 1, PRESS BUTTON 1, PRESS BUTTON 1, PRESS BUTTON 2, NORTHWEST, EAST, NORTH, GET BRONZE KEY, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, PRESS BUTTON 2, PRESS BUTTON 2, NORTHEAST, EAST, GET SILVER KEY, WEST, SOUTH, PRESS BUTTON 2, PRESS BUTTON 1, PRESS BUTTON 1, PRESS BUTTON 1, PRESS BUTTON 3, PRESS BUTTON 3, NORTHEAST, WEST, NORTH, WEST, GET GOLD KEY, EAST, SOUTH, EAST, SOUTH, PRESS BUTTON 3, PRESS BUTTON 3, PRESS BUTTON 3, NORTHEAST, WEST, NORTH, EAST to steel (gold) door, X DOOR, UNLOCK DOOR, EAST, PULL LEVER, WEST, WEST, NORTH, GET BRASS KEY, SOUTH, EAST, EAST, UNLOCK DOOR, EAST, UNLOCK DOOR, EAST, UNLOCK DOOR, EAST, UNLOCK DOOR, EAST, NORTH to a forest clearing. EAST, X BOMB, X PLUNGER, PUSH PLUNGER, THROW BOMB INTO JEEP, WEST, WEST, NORTH into the porch. E.F.F. Headquarters: UNLOCK DOOR with brass key, NORTH, READ NOTICE, WEST, NORTH, GET CAP, SOUTH, THROW CAP AT CAMERA, GET CAP ... repeat this three times until it works. WEST, WEST, X SAFE. Using the code from the tombstone, TURN DIAL RIGHT TO 6, TURN DIAL RIGHT TO 5, TURN DIAL LEFT TO 8, TURN DIAL LEFT TO 2, OPEN SAFE, X SAFE to get a YALE KEY and a WAD OF BANKNOTES. DROP BANKNOTES. EAST, EAST, NORTH, READ NOTICE, UNLOCK DOOR, NORTH, EAST, GET PENCIL, WEST, NORTH, X DOOR. PUT PENCIL IN KEYHOLE, PUT MAGNET UNDER GAP to get the KEY. (You can also PUSH KEY WITH PENCIL and just USE MAGNET). UNLOCK DOOR, NORTH. - o -