Emily Short's Walkthrough Comp At http://emshort.home.mindspring.com/walkthrough2.htm Article by Sue Emily Short's name often comes up IF sites. She's written (or co-authored) numerous games, many of which have great titles like Banana Apocalypse and the Rocket Pants of Destiny, A Day for Fresh Sushi and ... wait for it ... Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning against the Parrot Creatures of Venus. Her name cropped up as the originator of a mini-comp called the Walkthrough Comp back in 2001. The idea behind this was as follows. She provided the walkthrough for a game and people had to create a game, or a game transcript, to match. She received six games and nine walkthroughs, all of which can be downloaded as a zipped package from http://www.plover.net/~emily/walkthrough/walkthrough.zip She graded the games herself and made awards. The winning game was Constraints by Stephen Granade and the winning transcript Time Bastard by Matt Fendahleen with an honourable mention for Persistence de la Vision as she found it very hard to decide between the two. There was also a "Special Award for Causing me the most Grief" for Andrew Plotkin's Lighan ses Lion! Two transcripts were received after the closing date. I thought this was a brilliant idea. The walkthrough given in the first place didn't have any punctuation so even deciding how to break up the text was quite a challenge to those who entered the competition. I found the transcripts really entertaining to read. Check it out for an entertaining ... well, as long as you like really. A few minutes to skim through some of the transcripts and get the gist of them, or several hours playing the games. - o -