Canonical List of Famous Last Words - part 6 Hundreds of brave characters lost their lives during thousands of roleplaying sessions leaving us their last words. We'll never forget them. Rest In Peace. collected by Oliver Rosenkranz or Continued from last issue 0600-"I stroll past the thieves' guild." 0601-"Hey, there's dead things under here!" 0602-"Well, he's got the arrow point cocked against my temple, so when he lets go of the drawstring, it should just stay there, right?" 0603-"I try to outrun the cops." 0604-"They can't shoot us at this speed!" {while driving away at 35 mph} 0605-"What do you mean this is a one-way street?!" 0606-An ambitious example how to carry a live electrical wire across a river: "I put the wire in my mouth and wade through the river." 0607-"How many times do I have to tell you: there's no ghosts here!" 0608-"It's just a magic mouth, right?" 0609-"What was that demon's name. I think... ah, yes... it was-" 0610-"What do you mean there are five more town guard ?" 0611-"I should survive this." 0612-{after surrender of the White dragon}"I release it from my entangle spell" 0613-"I jump after him." {On top of a tower, a evil wizard made his escape by casting Jump} 0614-"I'll stay out here in the light." 0615-"They'll never expect it." 0616-"What do you mean, 'Let's try a frontal assault on those archers'??" 0617-"What do you mean, `He panics, grabs me by the head and throws me to the other side of the room'?!? This guy is supposed to be a scared, shaken, mentally unbalanced nervous wreck!" 0618-Priest: "Are you telling me you are the chosen one?" PC :"Did I say that? No, no, you misunderstood me; I just wanted to say..." 0619-"I push him in the pit from behind..." 0620-"They're only trolls, I won't waste a fireball." 0621-"Remember my Helm of Brilliance saves at +4, so it only needs ..." {helm failed to save, exploded and killed the whole party} 0622-"You mean I *wasn't* sleeping in my armour ?" 0623-"Thank God for the Computer!" {In Paranoia, all religion has been deemed illegal - instant termination} 0624-"Who's got a tinderbox?" {nobody} 0625-"Mayhap, I should not have done that..." 0626-"Don't worry, they can't fire while cloaked." 0627-"Sensor scans show negative, captain." 0628-PC1: "Shields are down to 10%, captain." PC2: "Just one more photon torpedo, and he's history..." 0629-"Lower shields as a sign of peace !" 0630-"I'll take this hit like a man to save my action." 0631-"Cut life support to conserve energy." 0632-"Hah! That's six! You're empty, mister!" 0633-"Quick, there's an Ogre over there, hide the gold!" {shouted} 0634-"Why aren't you recording our damage ?" 0635-{in an aircraft} PC1: "Blubber-blubber-gaaaaa." {failed SAN check} PC2: "Does anyone *else* have Piloting skill?" 0636-GM: "How many hit points did you say you have ?" {shaking every dice he owns} 0637-"What do you mean the warranty ran out ?!" 0638-PL {to GM}:"I did not know you owned THAT many dice!" 0639-"What, I thought you had the toll money." 0640-"Sorry Fred, I did not see you behind me." 0641-PC1: "Quick, cast a fireball !!!" PC2: "I'm a bloody watermage..." 0642-PC1: "Only a idiot would stick his head out of that window...Hey Mark, stick your head out of that window." PC2: "Okay." 0643-{PC in Imperial uniform meets many armed pirates} NPCs: "Who the hell are you..." PC :"I'm one of you, last week." NPCs: "Then why do you wear that Imperial Officier's Uniform?" PC :"It's not a's a sweater my mother knitted for me." 0644-a)"Don't worry, I never fumble." b)"Don't worry guys, I can't possibly fumble twice in a row." 0645-"Scared? Us? There's ten of us and one of him! Chaaaaarge..." 0646-GM: "Okay, you managed to escape from the palace jail. Now you're in the palace garden. What'll you do next ?" PC: "Hiding in this bush. They won't find me there." 0647-GM: "He wants a duty for passing." PC: "I pull his beard."{ 'He' was a large troll.} 0648-"Okay, Mr. Hal !" {to Emperor Hal I., the almighty ruler of the large empire, defender of humanity, ...etc} 0649-GM: "The doors are locked and the corridor is filling with water from pipes high on the walls." PC: "I'll cut a hole in the ceiling with my monomolecular sword." GM:"Okay. The fire-sprinkler pipes which run through the ceiling start spraying water all over the place. There is also a high-voltage electrical cable conduit in the ceiling..."{grin} 0650-"I drop the thermal detonator and duck around the corner." 0651-"We don't negotiate with monsters, we kill them!" 0652-"Maybe I should make up a spare character, just in case." 0653-"I rolled so well on my force field, nothing can touch me." 0654-"Gee, if I had known what a failed bind spell would do I never would have cast it on that Dark Young." 0655-"If you meant the giant elephant statue, why didn't you say so?" 0656-"It always works in the movies." 0657-"You know, I'm actually starting to like this character." 0658-Priest(PC):"Hey, what's the name of this module ?" GM:"Death Of A Priest" 0659-"No problem at all. He is 6th level Elven Bladesinger and we're only 5th level, but we're PCs." 0660-"A Sphinx Of Enigma ? Don't worry, she always asks for the solution of the same riddle which I know." 0661-"The spell 'Know Alignment' says she's a Neutral Good Drow." 0662-PC1:"Go talk to it. You're the one with the 18 Charisma." PC2:"Okay...Pardon me...Do you have any 'Grey Poupon'?" 0663-"A little Japanese kid ? He's called AKIRA ? I don't care..." 0664-"Power ! More Power!" 0665-GM:"The orc peels back the blanket, looks at you, and says 'Din-ner'." 0666-"What the hell is a 'Horror Check'? This ain't Cthulu..." 0667-"What do you bloody well mean it was a 'luck blade'?! Do YOU KNOW what I just wished for ?!" 0668-{PC (bard) to troll} "I can sing for you...please don't eat me." 0669-"Look out! I'm coming to save you!" 0670-PC{bard}:"You're not going to believe this, but I sang this song about the King of Cormyr and his mistress, and he was a bit mad..." 0671-"Have you noticed that she gets this huge glow in her eyes right before she's going to kill you?" {about GM} 0672-{Party meets a group of NPCs} PC1:"We come in peace." PC2:"...and leave in pieces." 0673-"Nah. She's done this to us before. It's just a blue dragon with an illusion of four other heads." 0674-"I wonder what number comes before zero..." {about his life points/wounds} 0675-PC:"It looks like a big worm ? How big ?" GM: smiling 0676-Bard-PC:"I'll make a nasty song up about this uncivilised bastard." 0677-Bard-PC:" ? BANZAIIII !!!!" 0678-"It was only a dumb unicorn. Why's the ranger so upset ?" 0679-"The laws of probability say that I should be able to climb this wall like that {snaps fingers}." 0680-PC:"Kill the troll." Troll:"I would prefer it if you would cease the hostilities..." {player died of shock} 0681-GM:"So you're trying to ride your pony on a swaying rope bridge over a lava pit without the riding proficiency ?!" 0682-{female PC detects someone who behaves suspicious (he is a killer sent to terminate her party!) in a bar. She doesn't know whether he observes her or just find her attractive. She walks up to him.} "Do you like a drink ?" 0683-"We surround them, fellows... hey...?" 0684-"I don't know if I'll make it through this round. Maybe I should have fled." 0685-"Does the spell really require ox blood? Can I substitute some other kind of blood ?" 0686-"We can stop and heal when we get there." 0687-"I'm still pretty sharp. I only had a few beers." 0688-"It's GUARANTEED against breakage!" 0689-"I have to. He insulted me. It's a matter of personal honor." 0690-"This one is hard to hit. No parry this round." 0691-"This is so stupid. I can't believe I'm going to die at the hands of this little gnome." 0692-"I'll try again." 0693-"Am I still bleeding ?" 0694-"Good thing the GM forgot about my curse." 0695-{to GM}"You're shooting a ballista at 1st level PCs?!?" 0696-"Uh oh. How fast can I hack through this wooden ceiling with my sword ?" {Wasn't _nearly_ fast enough, but nice idea.} 0697-"Don't worry. The Healers' Guild are all sworn pacifists." 0698-"No trouble, the mothership would have us teleported out of this Section BEFORE the Genestealers will reach us." 0699-"I've just killed six Genestealers in Overwatch, I'll manage it again." To be continued - o -