Heaven and Hell - Live and Let Die Demo from www.heavengame.com Reviewed by Sue From the title, it's pretty obvious that Heaven and Hell is a 'god' game. The demo contains a brief tutorial showing you how to use the controls, and a single mission. The game takes as its basis the age-old fight between good and evil. You can play on either side. I was good, of course! The aim is to be the deity with the most worshippers after 30 minutes play. There are easy and hard difficulty levels. Guess which one I picked? On my side of the map were four towns, the same on evil's side. All the towns on my side were basically good, though some had a few neutral houses. Evil's worked in the same way. Between the two opposing lands was a mountain range with a valley running through it. There was a further neutral town in here. Basically towns have a good / evil setting according to how many people in the town are on each side. The belief of the people also affects their house. So if someone is converted to your side, their house also goes from neutral to good. A good house can be put to use by turning it into a mana producer or a house that enforces the loyalty of the people. Each of these has three upgrade levels. If you select the main building in the town, it will show you how many people live in it and the numerical balance between good and evil. As the game progresses, hopefully the balance will move towards your side. The 'currency' in the game is mana. Everything you do uses up mana. How do you get more? From mana-producing houses. So the first thing you need to do when starting the game is turn a few good houses into mana producers. And how do you use the mana? Well, working for your cause are certain special people. At the start of the game you have a Baptisbon and a Beat-up O'Bon. The Baptisbon goes round performing miracles - creating a rainbow or an angel if you're a goody - and preaching. As people's faith increases through his words, they will go from neutral to good. Another soul saved! The Beat-up O'Bon (how do they think up these names?) is the warrior class. There are other 'Bons'. These are a Camelbon, a Construct O'Bon, Antibon, Clandibon and Boss O'Bon. You can convert suitable inhabitants into one of these special people, but only at the expense of mana. A Camelbon can build paths from one town to another and increases the belief in the cities by sending a caravan from a good city to one with a lower belief value. If some of your people hear too many sermons, they become fanatics and go round beating up any non-believers. But if one of your prophets loses his faith he swaps his robes for a barrel and becomes a hermit! Like all these sorts of games, once you get on a roll, you can easily sweep across the board. But if you get behind your opponent, it's hard to get back believers and buildings because your mana starts to drop. I did try evil briefly but I preferred the good side. I prefer patting people on the head to slapping them and creating rainbows rather than fiery demons. The demo is fun but tricky. But I enjoyed it enough that I brought a copy of the full game through eBay. The full game has 20 missions. - o -