Streets of SimCity All items code Press Alt, Ctrl, and X at the same time then type in "Beefcake Beefcake" to gain all items and weapons. Cruise control code Press Alt, Ctrl, and X at the same time then type in "Cruise control" to lock your speed in place. Earth Gravity While driving in ''Player's Choice'' mode, hold down ''ALT, ''CTRL'' and ''X'' and a text box will appear. Type in ''earth'' and press ''Enter''. This code can be helpful if you need to change the gravity from moon or Jupiter back to Earth gravity. Float code Press Alt, Ctrl, and X at the same time then type in "Moon" to float after falling or using The Hopper. Invincibility code Press Alt, Ctrl, and X at the same time then type in "mr fabulous" to become invincible. Jupiter's Gravity While driving in ''Player's Choice'' mode, hold down ''ALT, ''CTRL'' and ''X'' and a text box will appear. Type in ''jupiter'' and press ''Enter''. Gravity will now be changed to Jupiter's gravity. Money code Press Alt, Ctrl, and X at the same time then type in "Sampo" to float gain a lot of money. Refill ammo code Press Alt, Ctrl, and X at the same time then type in "Lock and load" to restore all weapons. Repair Vehicle While driving in ''Player's Choice'' mode, hold down ''ALT, ''CTRL'' and ''X'' and a text box will appear. Type in ''im back'' and press ''Enter''. Your vehicle will now be repaired. Use a cheat in Career mode Start a game in ''Player's Choice'' mode and enter a code while playing (ex. ''mr fabulous''). Quit the race and go to Career mode and start a mission. The code that you have used in the ''Player's Choice'' mode will still be active in your Career mission. Note: Not all codes may work for this secret (ex. ''lock and load'' may not work). View Cow kills code Press Alt, Ctrl, and X at the same time then type in "Cow frags" to view the number of cows you killed. - o -