Bard's Tale 1 - Electronic Arts Sent in by MerC The Bard's Tale (aka Tales of the Unknown, Volume One) is the first of a series of role playing games in which a party of adventurers acts out its existence in and around the city of Skara Brae. At the time of writing only the first is available for the ST. In this one the task is to survive long enough to find and kill Mangar the Dark, who has, of course, tucked himself away in the most inaccessible part of the city. The experience points, spell-skills and so on which the party earns are not lost when the game is completed, since characters can be incorporated into subsequent adventures. Survival is the name of the game, and there are numerous sundry creatures specifically designed to render your party anonymous. In spite of them you must explore and map the city and the sixteen 'dungeons' above and below it. It is a long and arduous undertaking, and this solution is meant to get you through some of the tougher parts, should such assistance be required. Unfortunately, there is no Game Save feature, so you have to adopt a wrinkle or two to save having to start from scratch each time, or indeed, from having to thread your way back to the Adventurers' Guild before switching off. For this to work you need plenty of gold (to pay the priests for healing) and collecting it in the orthodox manner will extend the game-play from weeks to months. Similarly, some of the important items you have to find become exhausted or lost. If you want a shorter (but no less interesting) game, you might like to read the hints section in this issue of SynTax. It has to be said that other aspects of this game are mediaeval (in more than atmosphere) compared with later RPG releases. Objects "found" after combat may be carried and equipped, but if dropped may never be seen again. Characters are limited to eight pieces of equipment, and certain items can only be used by particular character classes. Exchange of items can occur, but as each character's picture has to appear on requesting an inventory, this can be tedious, no less so because pictures require disc access : there is no memory set aside as a picture cache. (Why can't the program be made to read chosen drives?) Nevertheless, the game gives a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction, and is well worth the money. Getting Started: You are supplied by the authors with a ready-assembled party, the most important feature of which is that one character has an item likely to be indispensable in combat. This is the FIRE HORN, which only THE BARD can use. Although this lasts for quite some time, and you may find others, you might like to adopt the strategy suggested in the hints section in this issue of SynTax. Naturally, you can create your own party members, but when you Enter the City ALWAYS LEAVE ONE OR TWO LIVE CHARACTERS ON THE DISC. As your party grows in experience, it will grow in ability to fight and to cast spells. Spell-casters are invaluable, but not invulnerable - three is a reasonable minimum. Since the Bard is also more-or-less needed, you have room for two fighters. The spell-casters can change Mage Class eventually : my suggestion is that you don't do this until they have completed a class by reaching level 7, since you cannot revert to an old class. They would therefore be permanently restricted. Decisions made at this stage can have very long-term consequences ! Before setting out, cast what spells you can. The Magic Compass is cheap and useful unless you are a genius at spatial orientation. Mystical Armour increases your defence, and a Light spell is needed in dungeons. Levitation is needed for negotiating portals and an ESP spell for spotting traps. A Summoning spell gets you an extra member to travel in front and take or make the first attacks. Certain found objects perform the same function as some of these spells, but do not consume valuable spell-points. You should also aim to equip your party in such a way as to achieve LO (-10) armour class. I never managed this for spell- casters (unless an Armour spell was used) but the following might be helpful : FIGHTER : Admt Helm, Shield and Gloves, Mthr Plate and Shield Ring. BARD : Similar, but Plate replacing Braces. (I assume these are the archery equipment, and not what hold my trousers up). MAGE : Mthr Scale & Gloves, Luckshield, Shield Ring, Elf Cloak and Sorcerer's Staff To finish quickly in a distant dungeon, and yet retain the experience etc. you must have plenty of money. Kill off your party, if necessary by Party Attack (a sort of internecine strife) and you will be taken back to the Adventurers' Guild, all dead of course. Remove one member and ADD ONE OF THE LIVE CHARACTERS YOU LEFT BEHIND. Enter the City again (which you can't do if you're all dead) and find the Thieves' Temple. Bring the other dead member later. Priests can completely restore health - at a price. Spell casters, though (even when powerful enough) can only resurrect characters and restore them - they can cure POISONING, NUTS and POSSESSION but not heal STONING or WITHERING. (In dungeons you learn to avoid combat with creatures that can STON or OLD your characters). Symbols Used: Con... = Conjurer spells Son... = Sorcerer spells Pu,d = Portals Up and Down : usually need a Levitation spell Su = Stairs Up Sd = Stairs Down TP = TelePort : you are moved from one location to another AG = Adventurers' Guild CITY 1524 (see section on Mapping for explanation of numbers) C1 = Mad God's Temple CITY 1518 RB = Review Board CITY 2023 RE = Roscoe's Emporium CITY 2112 WS = Weapon Shoppe CITY 1826 Cn... = Catacombs Hn... = Harkyn's Castle K = Kylearan's Amber Tower Sn... = Sewers Tn... = Mangar's Tower General Hints: 1. Use the T key to pause - this stops spells wearing out. 2. Use the RH mouse button and increase scroll speed to maximum, or combat becomes tedious. 3. Use TRZP (Co1) as soon as you are warned of a trap by a spell such as LOTR (So1). 4. Cast CAEY (So4) to dispel smoke in the eyes. 5. It costs nothing to bump into walls, so try walking into them - some are not what they seem. 6. Strong guardians often conceal important locations. Mapping: In the course of winkling out Mangar, you have to explore various areas of Skara Brae and be able to move to or through them; this involves mapping. Mapping is either an enjoyable part of the game, or is tedious beyond endurance. Fortunately, someone has already done the hard work. If you want ready-made maps, Journals are available for all three Bard's Tales from computer adventure specialists, but the second two are of little use to ST owners. The City is a 30 x 30 grid, and Dungeons a 22 x 22 one. Wrapping (the ability to exit in one direction and re-appear at the opposite point of the compass) may make some seem larger. Squares of the grids are identified by a four-figure number. The North direction is given first, and leading zeroes are always included. Numbering starts at 0. In Dungeons therefore the :- bottom left-hand square (extreme SW) is at 0000 top left-hand square (extreme NW) is at 2100 top right-hand square (extreme NE) is at 2121 bottom right-hand square (extreme SE) is at 0021 A City example : the Adventurers' Guild is at 1524. Doors are identified by a square, then the direction to which they lead eg 0913W. Columns and rows are referred to in the manner described, but with an additional comma. eg 09-14,20 is a column and 12,03-07 is a row. Dungeon Descriptions: There are sixteen dungeons to explore and map. In order of solving, these are: 1. Sewers (including the Wine Cellar) - 4 (S0 - S3) 2. Catacombs (including Mad God's Temple) - 3 (C1 - C3) 3. Harkyn's Castle - 3 (H1 - H3) 4. Kylearan's Amber Tower - 1 (K) 5. Mangar's Tower - 5 (T1 - T5) Visiting Every Dungeon: You will need : 1. To ORDER WINE at CITY 0528 2. The NAME of the MAD GOD 3. The EYE from the WITCH KING 4. The ONYX KEY 5. THREE SILVER SHAPES 6. You will also need to open various (hidden) doors or TP by a combination of some or all of : answering questions, performing correct actions, collecting items, visiting certain locations. THE WINE CELLAR (S0) LOCATION : CITY 0528 ENTRY : ASK FOR WINE EXIT(S) : Su at 0000. Sd AT 1807 STRATEGY : Find the Sd. SEWERS LEVEL ONE (S1) LOCATION : UNDER WINE CELLAR ENTRY : Su at 1807 EXIT(S) : Sd at 1417 ITEMS : - PUZZLES : - STRATEGY : Find the informative message AT 0717, the warning at 2109 and then the stairs. GENERAL : Miss Muffet had the right idea. SEWERS LEVEL TWO (S2) LOCATION : Below previous level ENTRY : Su at 1417 EXIT(S) : 2105 & 1121 are Pd's so LEVITATION NEEDED ITEMS : - PUZZLES : - STRATEGY : FIND THE NAME OF THE MAD GOD AT 0403 GENERAL : Answers or hints for later puzzles : At 0112, at 1210 and an instruction to ignore S2 1019. AVOID 00,12-21 ( unless you want COMBAT ) and 0500 if LIGHT BEAM is mentioned. SEWERS LEVEL THREE (S3) LOCATION : Below previous level ENTRY : Pu AT 2105 AND 1221 EXIT(S) : AT 1617 TO MANGAR'S COURTYARD ITEMS : - PUZZLES : A couple of more-or-less irrelevant inscriptions might keep the party thinking. STRATEGY : This level is the way of first getting to Mangar's Courtyard but you need the ONYX KEY to get into the Tower. GENERAL : You may, of course, leave the Courtyard, but without the MASTER KEY you can't get back through the Iron Gates. CATACOMBS ONE OR MAD GOD'S TEMPLE (C1) LOCATION : CITY 1518 ENTRY : PASSWORD IS TARJAN EXIT(S) : Sd AT 1516 ITEMS : - PUZZLES : - STRATEGY : Find the exit stairs as quickly as possible. GENERAL : 1621 has a snippet of info. Avoid 09,18-21 and 10-12,21 unless you like zombies. CATACOMBS LEVEL TWO (C2) LOCATION : UNDER THE MAD GOD'S TEMPLE ENTRY : AT 1516 EXIT(S) : 0811 ITEMS : - PUZZLES : - STRATEGY : Bypass in future GENERAL : Nothing of much interest except the informative message at 1111. CATACOMBS THREE (C3) LOCATION : Below level 2. ENTRY : IN AT 0811 EXIT(S) : As ENTRY ITEMS : WITCH KING'S EYE USED IN H3 TO WAKEN STATUE PUZZLES : GETTING TO NEXT SECTION STRATEGY : TP from 2115 TO 1318, KILL WITCH KING, GET EYE. TP back to stairs. GENERAL : Apport & Door spells ineffective. Avoid 0805, unless you like SKELETONS. Avoid the TP at 1806 (to 0506 which is not helpful) by taking S,E route from 1805. Clue for next task AT 2016. To avoid having again to get the object (which is lost each time it is used) it could be duplicated CASTLE LEVEL ONE (H1) LOCATION : CITY 2404 ENTRY : Kill guardians EXIT(S) : Su at 1900 ITEMS : CRYSTAL SWORD AT 0019 PUZZLES : GET BARD TO SIT ON THRONE AT 1409 STRATEGY : Kill door guardians & guards. Keep (and equip) ROBES. GENERAL : AVOID 00,11-18 AND 01,18-20 CASTLE LEVEL TWO (H2) LOCATION : ABOVE LEVEL ONE ENTRY : 2000 EXIT(S) : 1919 ITEMS : SILVER SQUARE AT BOTTOM LEFT CORNER PUZZLES : ANSWER "VAMPIRE" at 0106 and "SHIELDS" at 0019. STRATEGY : TP from 1712 to 0306 then from 0910 to 0001. WRAP TO EAST, answer riddle. TP from 0518 to 1604 and find exit. GENERAL : Can be bypassed subsequently. Avoid 16-20,06. CASTLE LEVEL THREE (H3) LOCATION : Above level 2. ENTRY : 1919 EXIT(S) : GIVE EYE TO MAD GOD AT 0020 FOR TP TO AMBER TOWER ITEMS : - PUZZLES : AT 0503 THE ANSWER IS : SKULL STRATEGY : Area in SE does not seem to be directly accessible. The party can TP from 2010, but as this point is also enclosed you will need at least the Door spell to reach it. GENERAL : Unless you like COMBAT (and a long wait) refuse to fight the opponents at 0512, although if you kill them all you get a large number of experience points. Message at 0203. For future visits, the MAD GOD can be accessed direct from the entry stairs, provided you can Apport. To bypass this dungeon you need the MASTER KEY in order to get into K. KYLEARAN'S AMBER TOWER (K) LOCATION : CITY 2727 ENTRY : SUPPLY EYE TO MAD GOD AT H3 0020 EXIT(S) : 1417 ITEMS : SILVER TRIANGLE AND ONYX KEY PUZZLES : AT 1013 THE ANSWER IS : STONE GOLEM AT 0212 THE ANSWER IS : SINISTER First answer allows TP to 0808, giving access to MOUTH AT 0212. Second answer opens a previously invisible impassable door at 0601S. STRATEGY : Take WEST DOOR at top of stairs, then NORTH. Then go W,S,E,S,W for TP to 1211. Answer the question at 1013, which results in TP. Access 0212 and reply. Get the TRIANGLE from 2002. Kill opponent at 0104 and get to 1814 (Note : THE GRID WRAPS ) for TP to 0114. From here KYLEARAN and the exit are accessible. GENERAL : Mostly dark. SECRET DOOR AT 1406W. Do NOT visit 0121 - the trap appears to be inescapable. There is a warning of it at 0405. Note the spin traps at 1916 and 1616, which can be negotiated by sticking close to the walls. The object given you allows access to MANGAR'S TOWER from the PORTAL IN THE COURTYARD. TOWER LEVEL ONE (T1) LOCATION : CITY 0202 ENTRY : Initially S3 1617 gets you into the Courtyard, but ONYX KEY REQUIRED TO GET INSIDE TOWER. EXIT(S) : PORTAL AT 1720 PUZZLES : Mainly ACCESSING VARIOUS AREAS. TP from isolated SW quadrant from 0607 to 2007 in NW (also isolated) then from 1800 to 1100. 1320 can now be reached. THE MOUTH automatically takes you to LEVEL TWO AND OPENS PORTAL AT 1720, which appears in the FLOOR. GENERAL : Not much here to keep the party. Note that the NORTH WEST AREA is the same as that on the next level, except in where it leads to. TOWER LEVEL TWO (T2) LOCATION : Above previous level, although you may not realise it! ENTRY : MOUTH AT 1320 EXIT(S) : Pd AT 1720 OR Su AT 0211 ITEMS : SILVER CIRCLE PUZZLES : ANSWER "CIRCLE" AT 1504 TO GET IT STRATEGY : Once you have what you are looking for, go to next level. GENERAL : Do not go beyond 0908S (one-way door) until ready to leave. TOWER LEVEL THREE (T3) LOCATION : ABOVE LEVEL TWO ENTRY : 0211 EXIT(S) : 0903 WHEN OPENED ITEMS : MASTER KEY AT 1219 PUZZLES : SEVEN WORDS NEEDED AT 0410 LIE WITH PASSION AND BE FOREVER DAMNED STRATEGY : GET THE SPIN TRAP AT 1010 TO POINT YOU SOUTH TO THE MOUTH AT 0410 GENERAL : Mostly dark. Apport and Door spells ineffective. Do not fight persons who have objects. Inscriptions scattered at various locations, all significant. TOWER LEVEL FOUR (T4) LOCATION : Above level three. ENTRY : 0903 EXIT(S) : Portal at 0000, initially inaccessible ITEMS : THOR FIGURINE AT 0920 PUZZLES : See ITEMS. ANSWER "THOR" TO GET IT. STRATEGY : Get to 1017 AND TP to 0315. Kill DRAGONS at 0821 and answer question at 0920 to get the object. TP 1021 to 1820 and 1611 to 2002. Go E and the DOORS AND WALLS EXCHANGE PLACES. TP 2001 to 1412 and access 0000 via DOOR at 0403W. GENERAL : You are neither necrophiliac nor undertaker. TOWER LEVEL FIVE (T5) LOCATION : TOP OF MANGAR'S TOWER ENTRY : PORTAL AT 0000 EXIT(S) : By TP back to AG : end of game. ITEMS : TRUTH DRUM AT 1700 PUZZLES : ACCESSING PLACES AND THE FINAL BATTLE AT 2010 STRATEGY : TP 0002 to 0010; 0221 to 1600. AT 1021 "DIVE IN" TO TP TO 0610. THREE SHAPES NEEDED AT 1510. GENERAL : Use objects : THOR FIGURINE AND TRUTH DRUM Dispossess spell useful at 0120 Avoid combat with the powerful creatures of this level.