T W I L I G H T ' S R A N S O M (Paragon Software - U.S. import) John R. Barnsley - Atari ST NOTES: The game starts at 7:00pm and you have 12 hours (until sunrise) to rescue Maria Chavez. Certain key locations close at specific times (e.g. the Library closes at 9:30pm). Thus, you must plan your strategy to get there and find what is important before closing time. There are many locations in the game but only a few of them have any significance. There are also many items you will find, e.g. Maria's purse, that are "red herrings". The subway system is there merely for transporting you from point to point in Liberty City without having to move through the streets. There is nothing of significance in the subway so you really never need to use it. So, on with the step-by-step solution!! UP - W - READ THE NOTE - (the Spanish words are the days of the week, the letters next to these words will have significance shortly, as will the letters and numbers on the back of the note) - E - (Maria's phone should now be ringing) - ANSWER THE PHONE - (you are told to bring what Maria's abductors want to Eastco. Warehouse, North of Bond Street and Station Road, before sunrise) - DOWN - E - N - N - N - N - E - OPEN THE MAILBOX - TAKE THE PINK ENVELOPE - OPEN THE PINK ENVELOPE - READ THE NOTE - (it is from Maria) - READ THE DOCUMENTS - (they are receipts of over a dozen telex transactions transferring money between bank accounts in the Grand Kaymen Islands - YOU HAVE FOUND THE FIRST OF THE THREE SETS OF DOCUMENTS HIDDEN BY MARIA WHICH YOU NEED TO DELIVER TO THE EASTCO WAREHOUSE). W - S - W - S - S - LOOK UNDER THE FORD - TAKE THE BOLT CUTTERS - N - N - W - W - W - N - W - W - N - NE - (to the Alley) - DROP THE PINK ENVELOPE - PUT THE TRASH CAN UNDER THE AWNING - CLIMB ON THE TRASH CAN - PUT THE BOLT CUTTER ON THE AWNING - CLIMB ON THE AWNING - TAKE THE BOLT CUTTER - OPEN THE WINDOW - W - S - TAKE THE CHALK - (it will come in handy in the sewers!) - N - N - EXAMINE THE FILES - OPEN THE FOLDER - LOOK FOR MARIA'S LOCKER NUMBER - (this will change each time you play the game) - S. CUT THE LOCK ON (- - -) WITH THE BOLT CUTTER - ('- - -' is the number of Maria's locker that you found from the folder) - OPEN LOCKER (- - - ) - (inside it is a grammar textbook, a manilla envelope and a Panama hat) - OPEN THE TEXTBOOK - (it contains a map) - TAKE THE MAP AND THE HAT - READ THE MAP - (the letters you found on the note on Maria's bulletin board are the first letters of the colours of the circles around the locations of the map) - WEAR THE HAT - DROP THE BOLT CUTTER - OPEN THE ENVELOPE - (inside it are some sheets of paper) - READ THE SHEETS OF PAPER - (they are documents representing an inventory taken from an accounting ledger - YOU HAVE FOUND THE SECOND OF THE THREE SETS OF DOCUMENTS HIDDEN BY MARIA WHICH YOU NEED TO DELIVER TO THE EASTCO WAREHOUSE). E - DOWN - TAKE THE PINK ENVELOPE - S - S - W - W - S - S - S - LOOK FOR PS 3511 1-912 t29 - (from the letters and numbers on the back of the note that you found in Maria's kitchen on the corkboard......the book is missing from the shelf) - N - ASK THE LIBRARIAN ABOUT PS 3511 1-912 t29 - (she tells you it was checked out today) - WAIT - (repeat until the phone rings and the Librarian goes to answer it, leaving the card on the desk) - TAKE THE CARD - READ THE INDEX CARD - (It reads: June Clenondon, 178 Townshed, 12-4-87. You should find where in Liberty City this is and go there. Before that you might want to give consideration to losing the guy in the suede jacket who has been following you around. It is important to do this since he will eventually catch up with you and kill you. You will need to go into the sewer system - the entrance is down through the manhole cover on the corner of Bond Street and Kennedy Street - and lead him through the system before exiting on the corner of Bond Street and Townshed Road. Before entering there you will need a source of a light such as a flashlight). N - N - W - W - W - W - S - E - TAKE THE FLASHLIGHT - W - N - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - (at Kennedy Street and Bond Street - there is a hole in the ground with a manhole cover lying next to it) - DOWN - TURN ON THE FLASHLIGHT - (to map the sewer maze, you can mark the walls in the rooms - but not the intersections - with the chalk.....for example, a suitable command might be: write 'I' on the wall) - NE - NE - E - (you are at an intersection) - TURN OFF THE FLASHLIGHT - (because you are at an intersection where the directions are marked, you can move to another location in the dark) - N - TURN ON THE FLASHLIGHT - (you have been successful in losing the guy in the suede jacket) - W - E - UP - OPEN THE CRATE - (it is filled with AK-47 combat rifles, completely assembled except for the ammunition clip) - DOWN - N - S - N - (there is a steel ladder here by which you escape the sewer system) - UP - TURN OFF THE FLASHLIGHT - (to conserve energy!) - DROP THE FLASHLIGHT. E - NE - N - W - S - READ THE MENU - BUY THE BIG BURGER - BUY THE JUNIOR BURGER - N - W - S - W - S - (on the front porch of the Clenondon house) - UPROOT THE YUCCA CANE - (a rolled piece of cotton cloth falls at your feet) - OPEN THE CLOTH - (in it is a house key) - TAKE THE KEY - UNLOCK THE DOOR - (with the house key) - S - GIVE THE JUNIOR BURGER TO THE DOG - (it takes the burger in it's mouth and runs off into the kitchen) - S - OPEN THE LIBRARY BOOK - TAKE THE TICKET - (the dog has returned and is blocking the bedroom doorway....good thing you brought along two burgers!) - GIVE THE BIG BURGER TO THE DOG - (again, it takes the burger and runs off into the kitchen) - N - N - N - W - W - W - N - W - W - W - W - W - W - W - S - (in the Pawn Shop) - GIVE THE TICKET TO THE MAN - (he brings out a bust of Simon Bolivar - like the one you gave Maria and saw smashed in her apartment - and sets it on the display case) - TAKE THE BUST - BREAK THE BUST - (repeat until it shatters and you see a bundle of documents lying amidst the shards) - TAKE THE BUNDLE - READ THE BUNDLE - (they are balance sheets from an accounts ledger - YOU HAVE FOUND THE THIRD OF THE THREE SETS OF DOCUMENTS HIDDEN BY MARIA WHICH YOU NEED TO DELIVER TO THE EASTCO WAREHOUSE). N - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - N - N - N - N - N - E - S - E - N - N - (in the Eastco Warehouse) - SHOW THE SHEETS OF PAPER TO THE THIN MAN - SHOW THE MULTIPLE PAGE DOCUMENT TO THE THIN MAN - SHOW THE BUNDLE OF DOCUMENTS TO THE THIN MAN - (he senses your distrust and tells you that, as a gesture of good faith, he is moving Maria Chavez to the transfer location - which you must now find.......he then dials the phone and orders the transfer.....Ramon takes over and points a pistol at your chest) - HIT RAMON WITH THE CROWBAR - (his gun is knocked from his hand and lands under a pallet supporting two crates.......Ramon then recovers and comes at you) - HIT RAMON WITH THE CROWBAR - (he crumbles to the floor) - GET ON THE FORKLIFT - TURN ON THE FORKLIFT - MOVE THE PALLET WITH THE FORKLIFT - TURN OFF THE FORKLIFT - GET OFF THE FORKLIFT - TAKE ALL BUT THE CROWBAR. S - S - W - S - S - S - S - S - S - W - N - N - N - W - W - N - W - (entrance to Adonis Health Club) - TELL THE MAN ABOUT THE RIFLES - (he escorts you into the weight training room where you meet the Tan Man......he asks about your involvement with the rifles) - TELL THE TAN MAN ABOUT THE RIFLES - (he tells you that he is willing to trade for the location of the rifles, that is if you can find them........what he means is that he wants you to locate them but not from within the sewers - from outside.......thus, you must go back into the sewers and somehow mark the small warehouse so that it can be identified from the outside.....perhaps you can float a balloon or two in the skylight of the small warehouse) - E - E - DROP ALL - (you will be robbed in the park so it is better to leave everything here for the time being) - N - N - NW - UNTIE THE BALLOON - (you automatically take it) - SE - S - S - TAKE ALL - S - E - E - S - W - UNTIE THE RED BALLOON - (you automatically take it). E - S - S - E - E - E - E - DROP ALL BUT THE BLUE BALLOON AND THE RED BALLOON - TAKE THE FLASHLIGHT - DOWN - TURN ON THE FLASHLIGHT - SE - W - E - UP - TAKE THE RIFLE - TIE THE RED BALLOON TO THE BLUE BALLOON - TIE THE BLUE BALLOON TO THE RIFLE - PUT THE RIFLE UNDER THE SKYLIGHT - (the red balloon passes through the open skylight and hovers a few feet above the building) - DOWN - N - S - N - UP - TURN OFF THE FLASHLIGHT - DROP THE FLASHLIGHT - TAKE ALL BUT THE FLASHLIGHT - W - W - W - W - N - W - W - W - W - W - N - (in front of an old run down building - a red balloon is blowing a few feet above the building in the wind.........you have found the location of the rifles........now go back and give this information to the Tan Man) - READ THE SIGN - (this building is "Spiney's Garage") - S - E - E - E - N - N - W - W - (the Tan Man is sitting on the floor here) - TELL THE TAN MAN THAT THE RIFLES ARE IN SPINEY'S GARAGE - (Sal and Freddy check out your information and find it to be valid....the Tan Man now agrees to fill his end of the deal......he tells you that you should go to the El Diable Night Club to get information about the whereabouts of Maria.......the bulky man shows you out of the Health Club). E - S - E - E - S - S - S - E - E - E - E - E - NE - N - E - S - GIVE 5 DOLLARS TO THE BOUNCER - S - SE - E - E - STAND ON THE TOILET - REMOVE THE CEILING TILE - W - CLOSE THE STALL DOOR - (so that the removed ceiling tile will not be noticed by anyone visiting the restroom) - W - NW - (the thin man makes his way through the crowd into the open area and enters the brown door) - WAIT - (repeat until the thin man leaves the room he was in and enters the restroom.......continue to WAIT until he leaves the restroom and returns to the room behind the brown panel door) - SE - E - (you hear voices through the hole in the ceiling telling you that Maria has been moved to the South Tempest Street boat house.......continue with WAIT until you hear that the meeting is adjourned.......then get out of there in a hurry). W - NW - N - N - W - S - SW - W - S - W - W - S - (a Honda is parked at the top of the hill) - OPEN THE DOOR - RELEASE THE BRAKE - W - SW - N - (inside the boat house, you see Maria tied up and gagged) - SHOOT THE BALD MAN WITH THE GUN - UNTIE MARIA - S - UNTIE THE YELLOW BOAT - START THE YELLOW BOAT - (it heads off across the Tempest river, this prevents anyone from jumping in this boat and heading off after you) - GET IN THE MAROON BOAT - (a black man runs onto the pier and aims his rifle at you, when he is suddenly knocked out by the Tan Man) - UNTIE THE MAROON BOAT - START THE MAROON BOAT - (the black man comes to and tries to shoot you again but by now you are too far away from the pier.............Maria and you deliver the documents to the FBI resulting in the arrest of Melendez and his cronies, and the eventual grand jury indictments of a number of public officials on bribery charges......the remainder of the story unfolds before your eyes........now enjoy the nice graphic ending!). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *